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Act 1 Boss Guide

Early Access

Last Updated:January 5, 2025|Changelog

The difficulty of campaign bosses in Path of Exile 2 is a massive step up from the bosses in the first game's campaign. Our Path of Exile 2 Act 1 Boss Guide walks you through the difficult bosses you encounter in the first act; including The King in the Mists and Count Geonor. We have guides for Act 2 and Act 3 plus, a full campaign walkthrough if you need more help.


There are Storyline Spoilers ahead! Proceed at your own risk!

Early Access

Path of Exile 2 is currently in early access, which means updates occur frequently, and details are subject to rapid change. Pin the post to be notified of future updates.

Act 1 boss guide - count geonor the final boss of act 1

Biera of the Rotten Pack

Zone: Clearfell

Damage Types: Physical, Cold

Default Attacks:
  • Fires a flurry of frost shards, tracking the player.
  • Fires frost spikes in a semi-circle in front of her.
Special Abilities:
  • Spawns multiple frost runes that erupt in ice spikes.

At roughly 80% her phase 2 starts, she gains new abilities along with her previous ones:

  1. Feeding Frenzy
    • Resurrects multiple undead wolves from around the arena.
  2. Rotting Chill
    • Covers the arena with small frost runes that summon a frost spike after a few seconds. 
  3. Frost Swell
    • Summons a broken circle of ice around her before shooting out spikes in multiple directions. Look closely at the ring around her, you'll notice shards appearing before they expand outward, indicating where the damage occurs.

The Devourer

Zone: The Mud Burrow

Damage Types: Physical, Chaos

Default Attack:
  • Fires small blood projectiles at the player.
Special Abilities:
  1. Submerge
    • The Devourer submerges multiple times in quick succession.
  2. Eruption
    • Occasionally the devourer submerges only to burst from the ground in a toxic eruption, spawning additional insects.
  3. Summon Tail
    • At roughly 75% the tail joins the fight, if the player gets too close it sweeps at them.
  4. Tail Slam
    • The tail also slams the ground to summon additional insects.
  5. Toxic Slam
    • When in melee range the boss may begin to regurgitate poison, before slamming the ground in front. When the boss starts to turn green move away from the head. 
  6. Poison Barrage
    • The boss flashes red before spraying the arena with poison from side to side, this should be dodge rolled to avoid damage with invulnerability frames.

The Brambleghast

Zone: The Grelwood

Damage Types: Physical, Cold

Default Attack:
  • His default attacks are 2 sweeps as well as a lunging bite. 
Special Abilities:
  1. Volatile Orb
    • Brambleghast reaches down its throat and throws a rotating orb that fires projectiles.
  2. Vine Sunder
    • Ruptures the ground and causes vines to burst forth, before ripping off and growing his arm back.
  3. Vine Screech
    • Roars, spanning vines from the ground that slam the player, these should be killed.
  4. Volatile Vines
    • Puts both arms into the ground and spawns multiple vines that create slow moving explosive balls.
  5. Volatile Slam
    • Slams both arms into the ground before creating large purple growths that slam the ground before dissipating. This is a very hard hitting ability and can potentially one shot the player if they lack maximum health on their gear.

The Rust King

Zone: The Red Vale

Damage Types: Physical

Default Attacks:
  • His default attack is a swipe at the player with his left hand.
  • Commands the shards in his right hand to track the player briefly before impaling the ground in a horizontal line.
Special Abilities:
  1. Sword Scatter
    • Summons swords in a circle around him before firing them outwards.
  2. Shard Whip
    1. Transforms the shards into a whip to slash at the player.
  3. Rust Volley
    • Transforms the shards into a whip to slash twice before creating a large volley of projectiles to rend the ground in front of him.
  4. Eternal Army
    • Summons a swarm of Ancient Ezomyte warriors.

The Rotten Druid

Zone: The Grim Tangle

Damage Types: Physical, Chaos

Default Attacks:
  • At range he fires 3 projectiles at the players feet, which erupt on hit.
  • In melee range he swipes at the player with his left arm.
Special Abilities:
  1. Teleport
    • Summons rotten vines around him to teleport around the arena.
  2. Barrage
    • Points his staff at the player before releasing a barrage of his default attack.
  3. Fungal Slam
    • Raises his staff in the air, channeling a short time before dealing AoE damage around him.
  4. Rock Smash
    • Dodge sound queue is played as the druid raises a large boulder from the center of the arena before tossing it at the player. Watch his arm closely, once he starts throwing his arm down you dodge roll to avoid damage.
  5. Summon Vines
    • Slams his staff on the ground to begin channeling and summons vines from the ground that lunge toward the player. Deal damage to the boss to interrupt the channel. 

Asinia, The Praetor’s Consort

Zone: Tomb of the Consort

Damage Types: Physical

Default Attacks:
  • Asinia slashes the player in melee range with her sickle.
  • When the player is at ranged, causes the ground to upheave dealing damage in a cone.
Special Abilities:
  1. Flurry
    • Performs a flurry of melee attacks at the player.
  2. Death Runes
    • Channels to spawn four circular runes under the players feet, the first three spawning quickly while the last is staggered but larger.
  3. Flicker Strike
    • Teleports behind the player, hindering them by 30% for 5 seconds, before slashing with her sickle. 
  4. Bone Storm
    • Summons a wall of bones around the player, before showering the area with spears. Quickly burst the bone wall down to escape. 
  5. Death Mortar
    • Fires a barrage of mortars at the player.
  6. Praetor’s Love
    • Summons a clone of Draven to perform his multi-projectile slash.

At roughly 75% Asinia begins to call spirits into the arena. Walking over a spirit causes them to dissipate. If the player walks over a spirit as it is standing on one of the four graves located around Asinia’s spawn location it summons an Eternal Knight. These knights reflect damage back when blocking with their shields. When slain, they are reanimated if a player walks over a spirit while it is near their corpse. Asinia’s head begins to burn with ghost flame if a spirit reaches her, however, it does not appear to cause any additional effects. 

AD 4 N Xdh TH Kk A 6 J K Hh V 2 MW Bu PS Gn 1 KE 7 K Byyf He P Dbz P Edx R 7 F Bdn N 8 Cmj KD Tz 5 U 2 Sx LE 2 Ob I O Bfo 0 AFY Hqo Q Enz Hd Iq 7 Vn J Skcucbe RU Wl 3 Np Mhvoba OQDK Trn L Dll 7 P UBV 9 Ua 7 A G Key 94 ZIJM 5 G L Jws Te KE Ojo 6 Z
If a spirit is on top of a crumbling grave marker while the player walks over them they spawn an Eternal Knight.

Draven, the Eternal Praetor

Zone: The Mausoleum of the Praetor

Damage Types: Physical, Fire

Default Attack:
  • Slashes quickly at the player.
Special Attacks:
  1. Flurry
    • Performs a flurry of attacks at the player.
  2. Soul-rending Slash
    • Charges up and sweeps his sword at the player, firing multiple projectiles. He occasionally slashes twice, sending out an additional volley of projectiles. 
  3. Perishing Sunder
    • Avoid sound queue is played before he stomps the ground in front of him dealing damage in line that expands outwards to the sides.
  4. Consort’s Love
    • Summons a clone of Asinia to perform her Death Rune ability. 

Similar to Asinia, at roughly 75% Draven starts dragging spirits to him. Walking over a spirit causes them to dissipate. If the player walks over a spirit as it is standing on one of the four graves located around Asinia’s spawn location it summons an Eternal Knight. These knights reflect damage back when blocking with their shield. When slain, they are reanimated if a player walks over a spirit while it is near their corpse.

Lachlann of Endless Lament

Zone: Cemetery of the Eternals

Damage Types: Physical, Cold

Default Attack:
  • Swings his right arm at the player.
  • Slams his sword in front and behind him.
  • Slashes at the player twice with his sword.
Special Abilities:
  1. Barrage
    • Fires a torrent of three spirits at the player, dropping chilled ground that deals damage over time. If the players are hit they are Hindered for two seconds. 
  2. Spirit Eruption
    • Erupts three spirits from the ground before slamming them back down. Same as Spirit barrage, hinders and places chilled ground that deals damage. 
  3. Spirit Burrow
    • Stomps the ground causing a burrowing ghost to chase the player before emerging and spiraling after the player. Dealing damage and dropping chilled ground.
  4. Earthquake
    • Lachlann slams the ground with his sword creating a large cone of upturned earth. This slam can potentially one shot the player if they are lacking health on gear.


Zone: The Hunting Grounds

Damage Types: Physical

Default Attacks:
  • Swipes his claw at the player.
  • With the bell he has an overhead sunder, dealing damage in a line.
Special Abilities:
  1. Multiple avoid sound cues abilities:
    • Slams the ground in front of him.
    • Leaps into the air before slamming.
    • Enrages and repeatedly hits the ground in front of him.
    • While wielding the bell, he swings it around twice.

This boss tests the player's ability to dodge roll boss abilities with the 'avoid' sound cue. The majority of attacks the Crowbell does are accompanied by the avoid cue. Watch the Crowbell closely and play defensively, only dealing damage when you have an opening after he attacks.

The King in the Mists

Zone: Freythorn

Damage Types: Physical, Chaos

Default Attack:
  • Fires a small projectile at the player
At 25% he becomes immune and transitions into Phase 2. 
Default Attack:
  • His default attack now fires 3 projectiles instead of 1

The King in Mists is one of the toughest bosses you encounter in Act 1, this guide has a breakdown of his abilities to help you prevail.

Ability Breakdown

Afflicted Swarm

The King in the Mists creates small roaming swarms of purple insects that deal chaos damage over time if the player stands in them.

AD 4 N Xf AQ Yadm Op Ity Oc U 5 F 7 Z Yzs 2 L Xurhl G Nk 9 J 9 P 36 W Z Sqt N 9 F Ifl 81 X A Kff 8 S Dl 8 Q Wet Dqj 8 Dnkf Ye TH 8 D R Rx 07 VDFAKOQ 1 Alq L 3 U Iasitwg N 1 Wq L Tye 3 F Yg 2 O 8 T KB 0 N Fpx Aa 7 Tg Key 94 ZIJM 5 G L Jws Te KE Ojo 6 Z
When you get the red circle around you be sure to stay still. You may still occasionally dodge out of mechanics if needed, just don't continuously move.
Ritual Of Dance 2
When you get the purple circle around you, keep moving.
Affliction Totem 1
The affliction totem deals more damage to the player the longer it is alive, be sure to burst it down quickly as it does not have a lot of health.

Note: It is recommended to take the Ruby Charm here, as a majority of bosses in Act 2 deal a large amount of Fire damage. 

The Executioner

Zone: Ogham Village

Damage Types: Physical, Fire

Default Attacks:
  • Large sweeping axe swings.
  • Smacks the player with his fist.
Special Abilities:
  1. Reinforcements
    • Throughout the fight soldiers rush into combat, continue killing to prevent being swarmed.
  2. Sunder
    • The executioner Sunders the ground in front of him, dealing damage in a line. 
  3. Execution Sentence
    • The Executioner raises his axe into the sky, it begins to glow hot red before slamming the ground dealing a large amount of damage in an explosion. 
  4. Guillotine
    • Places the head of his axe into the ground before pulling it like a lever, causing a guillotine to fall from the sky. 
  5. Leap Slam
    • Leaps into the air jumping toward the player before slamming down and turning around to slam again.


Zone: Ogham Manor

Damage Types: Physical, Fire

Default Attack:
  • Swings his sword at the player
Special Abilities:
  1. Flame Slash
    • Raises his sword above his head before performing a fake out and slashing his sword to create a fireball. 
  2. Leap Slam
    • Leaps into the air before slamming down in a fiery AOE.
  3. Flame Breathe
    • Candlemass begins to breathe fire, tracking the player. 
  4. Candle Mortar
    • Candlemass ducks down and fires multiple volleys of fireballs from his back.

Count Geonor

Zone: Ogham Manor

Damage Types: Physical, Cold

Default Attacks:
  • Swings multiple times with his claymore
At roughly 25% Geonor transforms into Geonor, the Putrid Wolf
Default Attacks:
  • Swings multiple times with his claymore.
  • Lunges at the player, biting them.

Count Geonor is the final boss for Act 1, this guide explains each of his abilities in detail to help you get your revenge.

Ability Breakdown


Creates two walls of frost in a cone in front of him before performing an overhead slam shattering the walls.

Players can dodge roll through the frost walls in order to avoid getting hit by the slam.


The Act 1 Boss Guide includes move sets and strategies to defeat the challenging encounters found at the start of Path of Exile 2's campaign. Learn tips and tricks for defeating The King in the Mists and Count Geonor with our detailed ability breakdown.

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Written By: havoc616

Reviewed By: Jerrin, Tenkiei

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