Pantheon Explained
Last Updated:March 25, 2024|Changelog
The Pantheon is a system of powers that players can allocate to gain various defensive bonuses, introduced in The Fall of Oriath as part of the 3.0 expansion. These powers become available when Exiles defeat certain bosses in Acts 6 through 10. The best way to make your way through and unlock all of them is to read our Campaign Guide! You can consult your Pantheon at any time with the default hotkey "Y".

The Pantheon
There are 12 gods that each grant a unique power:
- 4 Major Gods unlocked by defeating the Act 6, 7 and 8 Campaign Bosses.
- 8 Minor Gods unlocked by completing optional side quests (that also grant a passive skill point).
You can only have one major and one minor power allocated at a time. The bonuses can be swapped for no cost, but only when you are in town or in a hideout.
Some Pantheon Powers are more popular to use than others. For instance Soul of the Brine King is the most widely used Major God for its Stun & Freeze Immunity.
Upgrading Pantheons

Each Power can be upgraded several times at later levels increasing the bonuses provided. This requires you to kill specific Map Bosses after following these steps:
- Obtain a Divine Vessel and place it in your Map Device with a Map that contains the specific Map Boss indicated in the Pantheon Menu.
- To easily find the necessary boss and map, use the searchbar of the Atlas (Hotkey "G").
- Killing the Boss turns the Divine Vessel in your Map Device into a Captured Soul that you have to bring back to Sin to unlock your new Pantheon power.
There is a Vendor Recipe allowing Exiles to get Divine Vessels which can be useful early on in a new League. The recipe requires you to vendor a combination of 5 Flasks of any type alongside 1 Divine Orb. The result is 5 Divine Vessels.
You must obtain Pantheon Powers on each character by completing Path of Exile's campaign, but upgrades apply to all of your characters in the league. You can "downgrade" a Pantheon via a toggle in the Pantheon menu.
Major Gods
There are 4 Major Gods that each have 3 upgrades:
Select Major God
- Soul of the Brine King is unlocked by killing the Act 6 Boss. It grants:
- You cannot be stunned if you've been stunned or blocked a stunning hit in the past 2 seconds.
- You can unlock 3 upgrades:
- 30% increased Stun and Block Recovery.
- Cannot be Frozen.
- 50% reduced Effect of Chill on you.
- Soul of Arakaali is unlocked by killing the Act 7 Boss. It grants:
- 10% reduced Damage Taken from Damage over Time.
- You can unlock 3 upgrades:
- 20% increased Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield if you've stopped taking Damage over Time recently.
- Debuffs on you expire 20% faster.
- +40% Chaos Resistance against Damage over Time.
- Soul of Lunaris is unlocked by killing the Act 8 Bosses. It grants:
- 1% increased Movement Speed for each Nearby Enemy, up to 8%.
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each Neaby Enemy, up to 8%.
- 1% increased Movement Speed for each Nearby Enemy, up to 8%.
- You can unlock 3 upgrades:
- 10% chance to avoid Projectiles.
- 6% reduced Elemental Damage taken if you have been hit recently.
- Avoid Projectiles that have Chained.
- Soul of Solaris is unlocked by killing the Act 8 Bosses. It grants:
- 6% additional Physical Damage Reduction while is only one Nearby Enemy.
20% chance to take 50% less Area Damage from Hits.
- 6% additional Physical Damage Reduction while is only one Nearby Enemy.
- You can unlock 3 upgrades:
- 8% reduced Elemental Damage taken if you haven't been hit recently.
- Take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes if you have taken a Critical Strike Recently.
- 50% chance to Avoid Ailements from Critical Strikes.
Minor Gods
There are 8 Minor Gods that each have 1 upgrade:
Select Minor God
- Soul of Tukohama is unlocked in Act 6. It grants:
- While stationary, gain 3% additional Physical Damage Reduction every second, up to a maximum of 9%.
- You can unlock 1 upgrade:
- Regenerate 2% of Life per Second while stationary.
- Soul of Abberath is unlocked in Act 6. It grants:
- 60% less duration of Ignite on you.
- You can unlock 1 upgrade:
- 10% increased Movement Speed while on Burning Ground. Unaffected by Burning Ground.
- Soul of Ryslatha is unlocked in Act 6. It grants:
- Life Flasks gain 3 Charges every 3 seconds if you haven't used a Life Flask recently.
- 60% increased Life Recovery from Flasks used when on Low Life.
- You can unlock 1 upgrade:
- Enemies you've hit recently have 50% reduced Life Regeneration Rate.
- Soul of Gruthkul is unlocked in Act 7. It grants:
- 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each hit you've taken recently up to a maximum of 5%.
- You can unlock 1 upgrade:
- Enemies that have hit you with an Attack recently have 8% reduced Attack Speed.
- Soul of Gruthkul is unlocked in Act 7. It grants:
- Moving while Bleeding doesn't cause you to take Extra Damage.
25% reduced Physical Damage over Time taken while moving.
- Moving while Bleeding doesn't cause you to take Extra Damage.
- You can unlock 1 upgrade:
- Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you if you have at least 5 Corrupted Blood debuffs on you.
- Soul of Yugul is unlocked in Act 8. It grants:
- 50% chance to reflect Hexes.
You and your Minions take 50% reduced Reflected Damage.
- 50% chance to reflect Hexes.
- You can unlock 1 upgrade:
- 30% reduced Effect of Curses on you.
- Soul of Garukhan is unlocked in Act 9. It grants:
- 60% reduced Effect of Shock on you.
- You can unlock 1 upgrade:
- Cannot be Blinded. You cannot be Maimed.
- Soul of Shakari is unlocked in Act 9. It grants:
- You cannot be Poisoned while there are at least 3 Poisons on you.
50% less Duration of Poisons on you.
- You cannot be Poisoned while there are at least 3 Poisons on you.
- You can unlock 1 upgrade:
- 5% reduced Chaos Damage taken.
25% reduced CHaos Damage over Time taken while on Caustic Ground.
- 5% reduced Chaos Damage taken.
Written by Chewingnom.
Reviewed by Grimro & MacroBioBoi.