Behemoth, Ancestral Commander, Bog Shaman and Scavenger
The Behemoth, Ancestral Commander, Bog Shaman and Scavenger Ascendancies have been revealed in the last batch of Ascendancy teasers for the upcoming Legacy of Phrecia Event for Path of Exile. They each bring their own flavour of character customization, continuing the trend of the previously showcased Ascendancies.
Scavenger (Scion)
Each small node grants +1 Passive Skill Points. Themajor clusters allow you to allocate one of the surrounding Notables without costing an extra point. E.g. pathing into "Cloak of Flame" would cost 3 Ascendancy Points in total. There is only one travel node between the Northern/Southern wheel and the Eastern Wheel. This means 8 Ascendancy points allow you to either allocate: West → North → East OR West → South → East. Images are split in 3 for better readability.
Each node grants the defining mod of a Unique.
Western Cluster
Node Effect | What it Does |
Stasis Prison: 50% of Damage taken Recouped as Life Debuffs on you expire 50% faster. | Both mods stack with Stasis Prison. Very powerful on its own, pairing it with Stasis Prison allows for massive excess Recoup which is particularly attractive for self damaging builds such as Forbidden Rite. |
Cloak of Flame: 40% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage | Distinction: Cloak of Flame grants "40% of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damge" which does not specify hits, allowing it to also shift damage over time. Still a ridiculously strong node that allows you to easily full-convert taken Physical Damage. |
Foxshade: 20% increased Movement Speed when on Full Life Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are on Full Life 80% increased Global Evasion Rating when on Full Life | 10% lower movement speed compared to Foxshade and % increased evasion instead of flat. Not worth taking over the alternatives unless there is no other goal but to run fast. |
Shavronne's Wrappings: Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Energy Shield | A very strong option for low life builds that removes the reliance on Shavronne's Wrappings/Coruscating Elixir/Esh's Visage. |
Blunderbore: 40% increased Effect of Shrine Buffs on you You have Lesser Brutal Shrine Buff You have Lesser Massive Shrine Buff | Better than Blunderbore as it has no absurd Strength requirement. Paired with The Gull this grants: 43% increased Damage/Stun Duration on Enemies/Area of Effect/Increased Maximum Life, Knocks Enemies back on Hit and 21.5% increased Character Size. |
Eastern Cluster
Node Effect | What it Does |
Tainted Pact: Taking Chaos Damage over Time heals you instead while Leeching Life | Tainted Pact builds generally rely on the Slayer's extended Overleech granted by Brutal Fervour for consistency. This enables massive healing by applying huge poisons to themselves. Not having access to Brutal Fervour reduces the value of Tainted Pact a lot. |
Fury Valve: Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to the number of targets Projectiles Split towards Skills fire 2 additional Projectiles | An excellent pickup for builds that were planning to go Fury Valve in the first place. Actively harmful for Skills that interact badly with it. |
Doedre's Tongue: Cursed Enemies cannot inflict Elemental Ailments on You | Decent as pseudo ailment immunity for builds that can rapidly apply Curses before the enemy can hit back. |
Leadership's Price: You have Scorching Conflux, Brittle Conflux and Sapping Conflux while your two highest Attributes are equal Cannot Ignite, Chill, Freeze or Shock | A great option for builds that can properly utilize its effecs but wish to use a different Amulet instead. A well-rolled Leadership's Price is already a very solid item however. |
Death Rush: Gain Adrenaline for 5 seconds on Kill | The Adrenaline lasts 2 seconds longer than a max-rolled Death Rush, ensuring permanent uptime while mapping. Adrenaline grants 100% increased Damage, 25% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed and 10% additional Physical Damage Reduction. An excellent generic choice for most builds as the other East Cluster nodes are very specific otherwise. |
Zerphi's Heart: Chaos Damage can Ignite, Chill and Shock | While this unfortunately does not grant Soul Eater it is still a very strong option for Chaos Damage builds that aren't Hexblast. |
Northern Cluster
Node Effect | What it Does |
Nycta's Lantern: 50% increased Light Radius Battlemage | The only other sources of Battlemage that are not tied to a Weapon are the Inquisitor'sInstruments of Virtue and Cadigan's Crown, with the latter incurring a huge penalty. |
Cerberus Limb: 0.5% of Spell Damage Leeched as Life if Equipped Shield has at least 30% Chance to Block +1 to Maximum Energy Shield per 5 Armour on Equipped Shield +5 to Armour per 5 Evasion Rating on Equipped Shield +20 to Evasion Rating per 5 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped Shield | Stacks with Cerberus Limbs identical "per X" mods. |
Midnight Bargain: +3 to maximum number of Summoned Phantasms +1 to Maximum number of Spectres +2 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies +2 to Maximum number of Skeletons +3 to Maximum number of Summoned Raging Spirits | A vastly superior version of Midnight Bargain as it grants more, and a wider variety of maximum number of Minions without reserving 30% of your Life. |
Obliteration: Enemies you Kill have a 30% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage | Stacks with Obliteration's 20% chance to Explode for a 50% chance, or 70% when dual wielding. Enables satisfying sounding explosions to any build of your choosing without restricting you to Occultist or Wands. Neat. |
Void Battery: 25% increased Spell Damage per Power Charge +1 to Maximum Power Charges | Grants the important parts of Void Battery without the 80% reduced Spell Damage penalty. A strong damage buff for any build that stacks Power Charges. |
The Fulcrum: 25% of Physical Damaeg Converted To Fire Damage 25% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage 25% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage Elemental Ailments you inflict are Reflected to you | Being able to reflect Ailments back to you without having to wear a Fulcrum is very nice. This allows for easy Winterweave Self-Chill granting +30% Action Speed. One option: combine a source of self damage such as Forbidden Rite socketed in a Wand with the "Trigger a Socketed Spell on using a Skill" mod. It also enables self-ignite proliferation builds, but their damage ceiling is a lot lower due to the lack of Hinekora, Death's Fury reflecting huge ignites onto the player. |
Southern Cluster
Node Effect | What it Does |
Sinvicta's Mettle: 2% increased Area of Effect per 25 Rampage Kills Gain a Frenzy Charge on every 50th Rampage Kill Rampage | Each Kill grants a stack of Rampage, up to 1000. Gain 1% increased Movement Speed and 2% increased Damage per 20 Rampage Stacks. Example: 500 Rampage stacks would grant you 25% Movement Speed, 50% increased Damage and 20% increased AoE. A decent option but generally not worth it over other Notables. |
Tawhoa's Felling: Trigger Level 20 Tawhoa's Chosen when you Attack with a Non-Vaal Slam or Strike Skill near an Enemy. | Tawhoa's Chosen causes your Slams or Strikes to summon a Mirage Chieftain who who uses that slam or strike skill once. This effect has a 1 second cooldown. A decent boost in damage for slow hitting builds - keep in mind that Exert effects do not scale with the Mirage. |
Starforge: Your Physical Damage can Shock 20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks | An excellent boost in damage for slow, hard hitting Physical Damage Skills to apply up to 50% increased damage taken to the enemy. The increased Area of Effect is a nice bonus. |
Oro's Sacrifice: Culling Strike against Burning Enemies Gain a Frenzy Charge if an Attack Ignites an Enemy | A strong alternative to Replica Farrul's Fur for Flicker Strike builds in order to sustain Frenzy Charges. Of course it can also be used on any other build that can ignite and needs Frenzy Charges. |
Doomfletch: Gain 20% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element | The furthest removed from its initial identity (Doomfletch's Prism) this is an excellent source of extra Elemental Damage for conversion builds. 60% of Physical as Extra Elemental is very respectable. |
Soul Taker: Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks Your Physical Damage can Chill | Offers a solution to builds struggling with exorbitant Mana Costs such as Soul Eater builds but generally is not worth taking as Mana is usually easily solved for Melee. |
Bog Shaman (Witch)
Node Effect | What it Does |
Removes all Energy Shield Gain Maximum Life instead of Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Armour Items -3 Maximum Life per Level | A well rolled Vaal Regalia grants about ~800 Energy Shield, resulting in a net total of +500 Life at Level 100. |
-20% to all Elemental Resistances 50% increased Projectile Speed 50% increased Area of Effect 50% increased Skill Effect Duration | A massive increase in desirable stats for almost any Build at the cost of -20% Elemental Resistances. A worthwhile trade as this Node directly translates to Clearspeed for most builds. |
Lose 5% of Life per second if you have been Hit Recently 40% more Damage over Time | A very powerful Notable when you are able to sustain the life drain. Righteous Fire builds enjoy this node. |
Nearby Enemies have Malediction 30% increased Reservation Efficiency of Curse Aura Skills | Malediction causes 10% reduced damage dealt and 10% increased damage taken - generic but useful. The Reservation Efficiency helps out Blasphemy heavy builds. |
Skills gain a Base Life Cost equal to 25% of Base Mana Cost Spells you cast yourself gain Added Physical Damage equal to 80% of Life Cost, if Life Cost is not higher than the maximum you could spend | Adds an interesting way to scale Spell Base Damage with Life. |
Your Skills deal you 100% of Mana Spent on Upfront Skill Mana Costs as Physical Damage Skills gain Added Chaos Damage equal to 40% of Mana Cost, if Mana Cost is not higher than the maximum you could spend | Adds an absurd amount of flat Chaos Damage when stacking Mana. Also enables various self-harm mechanics similar to Scold's Bridle. |
Grants Level 20 Pacify Skill Enemies Pacified by you take 30% increased Damage | The Queller of Minds grants the same Skill. Pacify is a curse which has no effect at first, but causes enemies to deal no damage once 60% of the curse's duration has expired, at which point they count as Pacified. A very niche effect that's generally not suited for PoE's fast gameplay pace. |
Nearby Enemies' Chaos Resistance is 0 Chaos Resistance is Zero | Not advised to allocate without Chaos Inoculation despite giving a substantial boost in damage. |
+100% chance to be Poisoned +5% to all maximum Resistances while Poisoned You cannot be Poisoned while there are at least 5 Poisons on you | Causes all Physical and Chaos damage from Monsters to always Poison you. With large hits this can be fatal despite being limited to 5 Poisons in total unless you have a source of "Unaffected by Poison", Chaos Inoculation or constantly apply low-damaging Poisons to yourself. Can be stacked withApep's Supremacy or Apep's Slumber for a total of +8% All Res. |
Behemoth (Marauder)
Node Effect | What it Does |
10% increased Character Size Spell Skills deal no Damage Your Spells are disabled Melee Hits count as Rampage Kills Rampage | This node is mandatory to take as all other nodes branch from it. Losing access to Spells is an extremely harsh downside even for Attack based builds as it disables Auras, Heralds, Curses, Stances, Guard Skills, Frostblink, Banners and Berserk. Look to pair this with rapidly hitting Attacks in order to make use of the Rampage. |
Melee Hits Fortify Regenerate 0.2% of Life per second per Fortification | Allows you to skip Passive Point investment or Fortify Support. Grants 4% Life Regeneration at 20 Fortification and 6% at 30 when allocating the Node that follows it. |
1% increased Attack Speed per Fortification +10 to maximum Fortification | A solid increase in the strength of Fortify and grants 30% increased Attack Speed before further increases to Fortification. |
+10% to Unarmed Melee Attack Critical Strike Chance Your Critical Strike Chance is Lucky while on Low Life | Stacks with Rigwald's Curse. Lucky Crits while on Low Life on its own can be worthwhile even when not utilizing the Unarmed bonus. Use Petrified Blood to permanently be at Low Life. |
+4 Mana per 4 Strength Power of Purpose | For comparison, Intelligence grants +0.5 Mana per 1 Intelligence, making this Node twice as effective. Power of Purpose is a Keystone usually granted by Militant Faith and converts 80% of your Maximum Mana into twice that much Armour (e.g. 4000 Mana results in 800 Mana and 6400 Armour). |
Armour also applies to Chaos Damage taken from Hits | A way to further mitigate Chaos Damage. |
2% increased Attack Damage per 450 Armour 10% chance to Defend with double your Armour for each time you've been Hit by an Enemy Recently, up to 30% | Equivalent of dual wielding Replica Dreamfeathers without having to deal with their low base damage. 30% chance to Defend with double Armour is a nice extra bonus. |
15% chance that if you would gain Rage on Hit, you instead gain up to your maximum Rage +15 to Maximum Rage | Grants one of the mods of Admiral's Arrogance which guarantees constant Maximum Rage. +15 to Max Rage is also good. |
50% increased Rage Cost of Skills Vaal Attack Skills you Use yourself Cost Rage instead of requiring Souls You cannot gain Rage during Soul Gain Prevention | Hateforge but with a penalty of Rage Cost instead of a reduction. This is not a problem however as the previous Notable causes you to instantly regain all Rage once Soul Gain Prevention is over. |
Ancestral Commander (Marauder)
Node Effect | What it Does |
Nearby Enemies Convert 50% of their Physical Damage to Fire | Can be paired with Kaom's Binding to reach 75% Enemy Conversion. |
Strike Skills which target additional Enemies can do so from 50% further away Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy | An extremely useful mod for any Strike build as this modifier also increases the range that your Ancestral Call Support clones attack from, unlike the "+# metres to Melee Strike Range" mod. Paired with +1 Strikes clicking this Notable simply feels good. |
Strike Skills also target the previous location they were Used | Grants the same effect as found on Warrior's Legacy. This effect only happens when moving a certain distance away from the initial attack, significantly lowering its usefulness in practice. |
30% reduced Warcry Speed 120% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate | The reduced Warcry speed can be compensated for with increases in Warcry Speed or bypassed entirely with Autoexertion or The Eternal Apple. |
Nearby corpses Explode when you Warcry, dealing 12% of their Life as Physical Damage Your Warcries open Chests | Can be stacked with Kaom's Command for up to 22% Corpse Life as Physical Damage. |
Action Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value Movement Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value Armour from Equipped Body Armour is doubled | A combination between the Juggernaut's Unbreakable and Unstoppable. A very solid node all around. |
+3 to Maximum Endurance Charges | A huge amount of extra Endurance Charges. On its own this node effectively grants 12% Physical and Elemental Damage Reduction and further boosts interactions that scale with Endurance Charges. |
Gain 15% of Missing Unreserved Life before being Hit by an Enemy | Stacks with Defiance of Destiny, enabling absolutely absurd Defenses. |
+1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems 20% of Damage from Hits is taken from your nearest Totem's Life before you | A good offensive and defensive boost to Totem builds. |
Trigger level 20 Summon Spirit of Rakiata Skill on Critical Strike against Marked Unique Enemy | At level 1 this summons a Minion for 12 seconds that sets your Action Speed to 110% (+10% Action Speed), with an 80 second cooldown. Prediction: Level 20 grants 120% (+20% Action Speed), as this was the maximum for Loyalty Tattoo of Kiloava in the Trial of the Ancestors League. |
Trigger level 20 Summon Spirit of Kiloava Skill when you Block Damage from a Unique Enemy | At level 1 this summons a Minion for 12 seconds that causes you to recover 5% of Life, Mana and Energy Shield when you Block, with an 80 second cooldown. Prediction: Level 20 grants 20% on Block, as this was the maximum for Loyalty Tattoo of Kiloava. |
Trigger level 20 Summon Spirit of Utula Skill on taking a Savage Hit from a Unique Enemy | At level 1 this summons a Minion for 12 seconds that causes 20% of your leech to be instant, with an 80 second cooldown. Prediction: Level 20 grants 25% instant leech, as this was the maximum for Loyalty Tattoo of Utula. |
Trigger level 20 Summon Spirit of Kahuturoa Skill when you take a Critical Strike from a Unique Enemy | At level 1 this summons a Minion for 12 seconds that causes 10% of Armour to apply to Non-Physical Damage taken from Hits, with an 80 second cooldown. Prediction: Level 20 grants 20% instead, as this was the maximum for Loyalty Tattoo of Kahuturoa. |
Trigger level 20 Summon Spirit of Kaom Skill when a Totem dies while a Unique Enemy is in your Presence | At level 1 this summons a Minion for 12 seconds that causes 15% of Damage from Hits to be taken from your nearest Totem's Life before you, with an 80 second cooldown. Prediction: Level 20 grants 20% instead, as this was the maximum for Loyalty Tattoo of Kaom. |
The Behemoth, Ancestral Commander, Bog Shaman and the Scavenger Ascendancies all bring their own special perks to the Legacy of Phrecia Event. The Behemoth has access to cheap Vaal centric builds, but comes with the harsh downside of not being able to use Spells. The Ancestral Commander provides absurd defenses, while mana stacking Bog Shamans enjoy huge amounts of flat Chaos Damage. Last but not least: the Scavenger is an absolute creative wildcard with countless build options.
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Written by: Cptn Garbage
Reviewed by: Tenkiei