Lances and Hammers Monster Hunter Wilds
There are 14 weapons in Monster Hunter, each with their own distinct identity, this article covers the Lances and Hammers available in Wilds. Different weapons mesh with different play styles and personalities. This article is a basic overview of each weapon for people who are just starting to check out the series and are still trying to figure out which weapon they want to use as their main. I highly recommend watching video tutorials on the weapons you find most interesting in the game you are playing, as there are depths to each weapon not explained here. Weapons also change from game to game, so if you are new to Wilds but already played a previous Monster Hunter title, it's worth checking out the differences.


Lance is arguably the most defense oriented weapon in Monster Hunter. With the proper build and decent timing on raising your shield, there is very little that the Lance can't block. The attack rotation of the Lance is generally simple: you want to trust three times, back hop, and repeat. The Lance also has a variety of counter attacks after a block, allowing you to respond to monster attacks or turtle up behind your shield depending on the situation. You move slowly while wielding the Lance, but to help cover this weakness there is a charging attack that deals decent damage while being able to quickly close the distance. The Lance is classified as a slashing weapon, so it can cut tails.

The Gunlance is a unique weapon. While the Gunlance can perform many of the functions of the Lance, its offensive playstyle revolves much more around firing shells from it to attack monsters. There are three types of shells, all of which consume sharpness when fired and deal fixed damage: normal, wide, and long. Normal shells are in the middle in terms of range, and you can fire 5 shells before reloading. Wide shells have a wider range and higher damage than normal shells, but you can fire 3 shells before reloading. Long shells have a longer range and higher damage then normal shells, but you can only fire 2 shells before reloading.
Even long shells have a fairly short range, extending slightly past the distance of melee attacks. Shells are also between level 1 and level 5, getting stronger as the level increases. The Gunlance can also fire the Wyvernstake or use Wyvernfire to attack the monster. Wyvernstake is an explosive stake that can be speared into the monster, dealing several small ticks of damage before doing a large detonation. Wyvernfire is a large explosion that must be charged before it is unleashed. It has a longer cooldown, usually 2 minutes, but it is Gunlance's most damaging attack. The Gunlace also seems to have a lot of new moves added in Wilds.
Insect Glaive

The Insect Glaive is a bladed glaive that is used in pair with an insect companion known as a Kinsect. There are a variety of different types of Kinsect, all of which provide different benefits to the weapon. For example, some Kinsects attack along with your weapon swings dealing added slash or blunt damage, while others have increased health or recovery speed. The Insect Glaive can be used to pole vault the hunter into the air for a series of aerial attacks. One of the most important aspects of the Insect Glaive is having your Kinsect collect extract from the monster.
There are 3-4 different extracts, each with their own effect. Red extracts increase your attack and defense, and upgrade some of the Insect Glaive's moves into a more powerful alternative. The white extract increases your movement speed. Orange Extract increases defense. When you have all three of these extracts at once, you get the triple buff and the effects of all 3 extracts are increased. There is also a green extract that heals you, however, it was not present in the most recent game and its status for Wilds is not currently known.
Hunting Horn

The Hunting Horn deals blunt damage and has support functions while also dealing out damage effectively on its own. Attacking stores notes, which can be performed to play a song that has various benefits. There are a wide variety of benefits to the support songs, including increased attack, increased, recovery, increased defense, and more. In Wilds, the Hunting Horn has a new mechanic in its arsenal called echo bubbles. You can place these down during a hunt, and they cause a variety of effects in a radius around them whenever you perform the notes you currently have stored, including causing damage to the monster when you attack. While some consider the Hunting Horn a support weapon, it is more than capable of solo play as well.

The Hammer focuses on dealing blunt damage to monsters, stunning and knocking them over to create openings for big attacks. The Hammer can charge its attacks, however, you can move while charging the Hammer, allowing for more mobility and flexibility. Unlike other weapons with a charging mechanic, you use a different move depending on how much you charge your attacks, and as such you may not always want to be walking around holding a full charge. In addition, charging with the Hammer drains your stamina, so you cannot hold a charge indefinitely.
A key move in the Hammer's arsenal is the Big Bang combo. It is a series of 5 hits, and in order to execute the next attack, the prior one must land. Each hit does a gradually increasing amount of damage, until the final hit, which deals a significant amount more damage than the 4th. More experienced players may opt for different combos, but the Big Bang combo is a great tool for hunters just starting out. With the exception of Rise’s Courage Style, Hammer most commonly uses raw damage
These are the Lances and Hammer weapons available in Monster Hunter Wilds:
- The Lance is a defensive weapon that can block some of the heaviest hits in the game.
- The Gunlance is a weapon that attacks the monster with explosive shells.
- The Insect Glaive is a bladed weapon that uses its Kinsect companion to collect buffing extracts and attack.
- Hunting Horn is a blunt weapon that builds up notes by attacking to provide powerful effects for your team.
- Hammer is a blunt weapon with solid mobility and chargeable attacks.
- Looking for the other melee weapons? Check out our article on Swords in Monster Hunter Wilds!
Look out for the final installment of the weapon introductions, which covers the ranged weapons.
Written by: Brogangh
Reviewed by: Tenkiei