Behemoth Gate 2 Guide
The seconds gate of Behemoth is relatively straightforward and is a 16 player raid. Beating Behemoth will unlock the Transcendence system for your weapon. Gate 2 is similar to Gate 1's system, there will be a few more patterns and attacks to watch out for though.
Normal Mode | Monster Type | Weakness | Tauntable |
1620 Item Level | Ancient | None | No |
- HP Potion of your choice
- Dark Grenade
- Atropine Potion or Stimulant
This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommended Raid Build for your class.
Learn about Behemoth Gate 1.
Raid Rewards
Gold | Material | Bonus Loot | Bonus Loot Cost | Auction | First Clear | |
Normal | ||||||
Gate 1 | 7000 | 10x Behemoth's Scale 10x Magical Spring Water | 10x Behemoth's Scale 10x Magical Spring Water | 1,800 | 100x Behemoth's Scale | |
Gate 2 | 11000 | 20x Behemoth's Scale 18x Magical Spring Water | 20x Behemoth's Scale 18x Magical Spring Water | 2,700 | 20x Behemoth's Scale |
Main Mechanics Overview
Once you have read through the detailed description of the main patterns, you can use the cheat sheet during the raid, or check out our condensed Cheat Sheet Collection for all raids on one page.
Enhanced Twister

Party Positions
x3 Party Number (Not Player Number)
Player Positions
Assign roles before starting combat!
P1: Adjust Purple Line
P2: Stay near boss on Purple Line
P3/P4: Take fixed twisters
x190 HP
Stagger by hitting crystals
2 "breaks" = stop hitting
Final Phase
Watch out for counter/new attacks
Raid Mechanics
This is a new system introduced in this Raid. Attacking the boss at specific body parts will contribute to weak point damage shown top left of your UI.
- Part Break Window Period: Contributes Part Break Damage to the UI (Grey -> Yellow -> Orange -> Red).
- There will be certain attack patterns that will spawn the Part Break Window.

Hitting the body will eventually destroy it (red) this will:
- Destroying the body reveals wing weak points. Destroy both wings fast (Atropine Potion), to reveal head weak point.
- Tail weak point can be ignored.
- Failing to break both wings before the boss recovers also fully restores any broken parts except the head, as the boss fully restores any broken parts except the head.
- Breaking its head increases damage dealt to the head during the weak point mechanic for the rest of the fight.
- When the boss recovers, he also fully restores all broken parts, except the head.
Boss attacks will debuff with certain elementals.

Water: "Drenched debuff above head"
- When around 7-9 players are "Drenched", boss will queue a lightning attack.

Lighting: High damage.
- Water + Lightning = Bleed debuff (%HP DoT and take 50% more damage)

Wind: Extends debuffs (can be cleansed).
- Water + Wind = Extends Drench
- Lighting + Wind = Extends Bleed
- While having this debuff, you cannot accumulate Atk Buff Stack.
Atk Buff

Attacking boss will accumulate damage stacks for yourself.
- 0.1% Atk Power per stack + an additional 5% at max stacks (max 45 stacks = 9.5% increase)
- Getting hit by elemental attacks will remove 3 stacks.
Tail/Claw Debuff

Any tail/claw attacks apply a 10 second debuff that causes you to take 10% more damage.
Main Mechanics
Main mechanics occur at certain HP intervals.
- 10 twister lines will spawn. (3 at each wing, 2 at head and tail.)
- 4 additional twisters will spawn and be aimed at the furthest players.
- 4 twisters debuffs will spawn on the closest player. This will last 4 min, and it pushes players away from them.
- The player with this debuff will need to stay somewhere near the boss to reduce this 4 min cooldown while taking the additional twister sends out towards the furthest player.
What to do
- Organize parties by x3 clock positions. You might need to adjust slightly based on initial lines positions.
- Party roles:
- 1 player furthest away will aim the twister line so it doesn't overlap with other lines (this spawns the additional twister for the player closest to the boss to eat).
- 1 player near boss will receive the debuff and should eat the twister that is spawned on the line aimed by the furthest player.
- other players will take fixed gray twisters normally. Remember to wait out the 2 second debuff before taking another gray twister.
- Tip for players assigned to be close: Try not to stand not too close to the boss, as you can potentially get hit by multiple twisters and take massive damage.
- Boss will fly away, and a stagger check will appear.
- Hit crystals to stagger boss.
- Crystals will break after a certain amount of hits.
- Hitting it too much will break the crystal without it staggering.
- Failing the Stagger will create safe spots on the map to hide behind.
- It's crucial not to break too many crystals, or you will fail.
When do you stop hitting the crystal?
- After the crystal has 2 “breaking” animations.
- Boss will heal to x260 HP
- Careful of Pizza Pattern.
- Look at Counter Section for new pattern during this phase.
- Look at Scratch move for new pattern during this phase.
- When the boss is staggered
- Assistance will come to help stagger the boss (if you succeeded the x190 HP stagger). Burst the boss down.
Counter Patterns
- Failing Counters will decrease the outer ring safety.
- Boss will backstep and disappear.
- Counter the boss when he appears at the telegraph.
- Becareful of pizza pattern after.
Notable Patterns
- Boss flies up into the air and creates a small field.
- Dodge patterns (focus on the first pattern as a safe zone, it goes by fast).
- Dodge pizza pattern at end of initial pattern.
- Boss flies in the air and the map zooms out.
- Twisters will spawn.
- Dodge blue twisters.
- Get into grey twisters when the red AoE covers 50% of the map.
- Boss creates a yellow electric ball in front of him, sucking in players and creating an electric outer ring.
- There will be electric lines that you must dodge.
- Waves will also spawn and attempt to knock you out (waves will alternate).
- Keep moving
- Boss will get in a ready stance.
- Boss will swipe his wings across (stay behind him)
- After the first swing he will swipe again (stay near his head)
- Watch out for tail slam.
Written by Starlast
Reviewed by Perciculum
Video Footage from Saintone