Hades 2 Familiar Guide
Last Updated:November 8, 2024|Changelog
You encounter several Familiars in Hades 2 as you attempt to kill time and reach Olympus. By completing the Faith of Familiar Spirits Incantation you unlock Witch's Delight and the ability to bond with an animal Familiar. Each Familiar grants you passive bonuses, an active combat effect and a bonus related to resource gathering. Deepen your bond with the Familiar to increase the bonuses offered.
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Bonding a Familiar
To unlock the Faith of Familiar Spirits Incantation, you need to beat Hecate for the first time. Completing this Incantation requires 2 Nectar and 1 Lotus.
Begin bonding with a Familiar by obtaining Witch's Delight, your first is obtained from the Incantation which unlocks the familiar system. After that you can craft more with the Beast-Loved Morsel Alchemy recipe.
Obtain Lotus within Oceanus and Star Dust by completing Trials of Chaos or purchasing it at the Wretched Broker. There are currently 2 Familiars you can bond with in Hades 2.
- Frinos the Frog, who offers defensive bonuses including absorbing enemy projectiles.
- Toula the Cat, who gives you an additional death's defiance and can be energized to strike at your foes.
- Raki the Raven, provides critical strike chance.
- Hecuba the Hound, bolsters your Magickal affinity.

Your first companion is most likely Frinos the Frog, as he's found in the Crossroads each night. Frinos is a defensive companion who increases your Maximum Life, compels underworld Shades to join the Crossroads (rewarding you with Psyche). He hops around the battlefield absorbing foes shots and dealing a bit of damage.

Frinos Abilities
When you encounter an underworld Shade, use Frinos to compel it. The Shade then joins the Crossroads and gives you some Psyche. This allows you to skip the minigame associated with gathering Psyche and has a 100% success rate.
- Frinos increases your maximum life by 10/20/30 while active.
- While Frinos is your companion there is a +25/50/75% chance to manifest Shades.
- Frinos hops around dealing 10/20/30 damage while leaping into foes.
- Position Frinos between yourself and a ranged enemy so that he absorbs their projectiles.
After bonding with Frinos, feed him additional Witch's Delight to increase the rank of his abilities. You need 10 total to max everything out.
While this Familiar Guide goes over all of the familiars and what they offer, if you're looking for a best all-round companion in Hades 2, we recommend using Frinos the Frog. Health is always useful, and blocking enemy projectiles can be life or death in some of the game's most dangerous areas.
Your second companion is probably Toula the cat, as she's first found in the Fountain room in Erebus then later at the entrance to the Rifts of Thessaly. Toula is a offensive companion who deals damage, catches fish for you and grants a special death's defiance. Once bonded, she likes napping near your tools in the Crossroads.

Toula Abilities
When you encounter a fishing spot, use Toula to catch it automatically. This allows you to skip the minigame associated with fishing and has a 100% success rate. Toula catches craven, loathsome and massive sea creatures.
- Toula deals 99 damage 1/2/3 times when you sprint past her.
- While Toula is your companion there is a +25/50/75% chance to find fishing spots.
- Toula grants you a special Death Defiance which restores 10/20/30 life.
- Remember to sprint past Toula to trigger her 99 power attack on enemies.
After bonding with Toula, feed her additional Witch's Delight to increase the rank of her abilities. You need 10 total to max everything out.
You encounter Raki the Raven in the fountain safe room within Erebus. Raki provides a critical bonus and enhances your ability to encounter and harvest mining materials. He flies with Melinoe pecking at foes from time to time and Marking them.

Raki Abilities
You can use Raki in place of the Pickaxe, significantly increasing your chances of encountering ores along your nightly excursion.
- Raki grants you a +1/2/3% chance of dealing a critical strike.
- While you bring Raki you have a +25/50/75% chance of encountering an outropping that can be harvested for stone or metals.
- With Wing Bond Raki pecks enemies 25/50/75% more frequently.
- Raki doesn't provide you with any defensive bonuses, so keep an eye out for some defensive Boons.
After bonding with Raki, feed him additional Witch's Delight to increase the rank of his abilities. You need 10 total to max everything out.
You encounter Hecuba the Hound in Echo's room. This means progressing down to the Fields of Mourning and looking for a room marked as a special event. The first time you encounter Hecuba, you cannot make a pact with her because she's already bound to Hecate. To bond with Hecuba you need to encounter her several times, then speak with Headmistress Hecate to ask for permission. After that give Hecuba a Witch's Delight when you next encounter her to form a bond.

Hecuba Abilities
Hecuba can dig up seeds, elemental infusions, and bonus healing items for you. In addition, she is a capable combat companion who can stun your enemies from time to time. Unfortunately, her passive bonuses are a bit weaker than the other companions as Magick is a less valuable stat than Health for example.
- Hecuba increases your maximum Magick by +15/30/45.
- While Hecuba is your companion there is a +25/50/75% chance to find a spot to dig.
- Hecuba runs around the battlefield stunning foes, strengthen the bond to increase this by 15/30/45% chance.
- Take advantage of the Stuns from Hecuba to quickly dispatch dangerous foes.
After bonding with Hecuba, feed her additional Witch's Delight to increase the rank of her abilities. You need 10 total to max everything out.
You can bond with 4 different animal Familiars in Hades 2, Frinos the frog, Raki the Raven, Hecuba the Hound, and Toula the cat. Familiars offer passive, active, and resource-gathering bonuses. You need to complete the Faith of Familiar Spirits Incantation to unlock Witch's Delight and the ability to bond with an animal Familiar. Before setting out each night, choose a Familiar to aid you on your journey.
Check out our Hades 2 Materials Guide for more information on the different materials available and where to find them!
Written by: Tenkiei