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Hades 2 Arcana Guide

Early Access

Last Updated:February 22, 2025|Changelog

The Hades 2 Arcana guide covers unlocking Arcana cards, enhancing them with Insight and activating them using your Grasp. Collect all 25 Arcana cards to supercharge your progression through the Underworld and on your journey to Olympus. This replaces the Mirror of Night meta-progression system from the original Hades.

Early Access

Hades 2 is currently in early access, as development continues expect new content and balance changes. Pin the guide to be notified of future updates.

Altar of Ashes

Meditate at the Altar of Ashes before you set out for the night. This is where you activate the Arcana cards which provide passive bonuses for your Hades 2 run.

There are several resources which contribute to your meta-progression at the Altar of Ashes.

  • Ashes unlock Arcana cards.
  • Psyche increases your Grasp so you can activate more cards.
  • Moon Dust enhances the effects of an Arcana card via Insights.
  • Star Dust is a more powerful version of Moon Dust and is required for some Arcana card upgrades.

To fully unlock the potential of the Arcana system you need 2 Incantations. Consecration of Ashes unlocks Insights which enhance the effects of your Arcana. Abyssal Insight unlocks the Trials of Chaos where you farm Star Dust.

Hades 2 activate Arcana at the Altar of Ashes


The Arcana cards are your main source of character-focused meta progression, they act similarly to the Mirror of Night from the original Hades. Spend Ashes to unlock the Arcana cards, then Activate them using Grasp. You increase your Grasp by collecting Psyche from shades.

H 2 Arcana Updated Splash Img 1 1024 X 576

Key Information

  • On the left you see the unlocked Arcana cards. There are 25 total cards, you begin in the top left and more cards are revealed as you unlock things.
  • Activating an Arcana uses 0 to 6 Grasp, usually the more powerful cards use more Grasp. Active Arcana cards have a highlighted border.
  • A blue arrow indicates a card with 1 Insight enhancement whereas a pink arrow indicates 2 Insight enhancements.
  • 0 cost Arcana cards activate when special conditions are met, for example The Centaur requires you to activate cards which use 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Grasp.
  • Finally on the right you see your Grasp. In this example 26 Grasp is used out of a maximum of 27. To increase your grasp and activate more Arcana cards collect Psyche from Shades.

After completing the Consecration of Ashes Incantation, you gain Insight into your Arcanas. This allows you to spend Moon Dust to further enhance the bonuses they offer. Unlocking all of the Arcanas, raising your Grasp and powering them up via Insight is a key step on the road to defeat Chronos.

For example, the 4 cost card Death gives 1 Death Defiance when active. The first Insight enhancement costs Moon Dust and the second costs Moon Dust, Star Dust. Each Insight level adds an additional Death Defiance greatly increasing your chance of success.

With the Spreading of Ashes Incantation you can save up to 6 different Arcana layouts. This provides you with more flexibility in regards to your loadouts and makes it easier to swap Arcana when changing between weapons.

List of Arcana

Here are all of the Arcana cards available in Hades 2 and their upgrades.

I - The Sorceress1Your Omega Moves are 10/20/30% Faster
II - The Wayward Son1After you exit a location restore 2/3/4 Health, or twice that amount when below 30% max Life.
III - The Huntress2While you have less than 100% Magick your Attack and Special deal +30/40/50% damage.
IV - Night3While you Channel your Omega Moves, everything moves slower for up to 1.2 sec.
V - The Moon
Activate any surrounding card.
0Your Hex charges automatically as if you spent 1/2/3 Magick every second.
VI - The Furies2Deal +10/20/30% damage to foes in your Cast.
VII - Eternity2Gain +20/30/40 max Life and max Magick.
VIII - The Messenger1Your Casts momentarily make you impervious and move up to 70% faster.
IX - The Unseen5Restore 4/5/6 Magick every 1 second.
X - Night2Your Omega Moves have a +9/12/15% chance to deal Critical Damage if your last one was different.
XI - The Swift Runner1Your Sprint is 5/7/10% Faster and lets you pass through most enemies.
XII - Death4Set forth each night with 1/2/3 Death Defiance.
XII - Eternity4Set forth each night with 1/2/3 Death Defiance.
XIII - The Centaur
Activate cards using 1-5 Grasp.
0After every 5 locations gain 3/4/5 max Life and Magick.
XIV - Origination5Deal +30/40/50% damage to enemies afflicted by 2 Curse effects from the Olympians.
XV - The Lovers3In Guardian Encounters you take 0 damage the first 1/2/3 times you are hit.
XVI - The Enchantress3Set forth each night with 1/2/3 Change of Fate used to alter Location Rewards.
XVII - The Boatman5Set forth each night with 200/250/300 Crowns.
XVIII - The Artificer3Set forth each night with 1/2/3 chances to turn any Minor Find into a Major Find.
XIX - Excellence5Any Boons you are offered have a +30/40/50% chance to be Rare.
XX - The Queen
No more than 2 Active cards
can have the same Grasp cost.
0Any Boons you are offered have a 6/8/10% chance to be a Duo Boon (whenever possible).
XXI - The Fates
Activate all surrounding cards.
0Set forth each night with 2/3/4 Change of Fate
XXII - The Champions4Set forth each night with 1/2/3 Change of Fate used to alter Boon Rewards.
XXIII - Strength4While you have no Death Defiance effects, you take -30/40/50% damage and deal +25%.
XXIV - Divinity
Activate all 5 cards in a row or column.
0Any Boons offered have a +10/15/20% chance to be Epic.
XXV - Judgment
Activate no more than 3 cards.
0After you vanquish a Guardian activate 3/4/5 random Arcana Cards.

Arcana to Prioritize

All of the Arcana cards in Hades 2 have their place, but some are more important to activate early on in your journey. Because you start in the top left, cards like I, II, VI and VII are easier to activate than cards towards the outer edges. Here are our recommendations for an early Arcana setup using 15 Grasp. This is a starting point, highlighting several Arcana which are powerful in the early game, but experimentation is key, try different Arcana combinations to find something which best suits you.

  • I - The Sorceress (1 Grasp)
  • Being able to channel your Omega Moves faster makes it easier to play builds that are reliant on the Omega versions of your Attack and Special.
  • II - The Wayward Son (1 Grasp)
  • This provides a reliable trickle of healing which ensures you remain healthy for the challenges ahead. It's especially effective when you don't have much Grasp.
  • VII - Eternity (2 Grasp)
  • Getting an additional +20 Maximum Life and +20 Maximum Magick significantly improves your baseline survivability.
  • IX - The Unseen (5 Grasp)
  • Despite the hefty Grasp cost, this Arcana is crucial when you need Magick to play an Omega Move focused build!
  • XII - Death (4 Grasp)
  • The single most impactful Arcana you can take, having a Death's Defiance gives you a second chance and greatly improves your odds of finishing a run.
  • XIV - Origination (5 Grasp)
  • This requires you to inflict 2 Curses from different Olympians on an enemy (effects like Freeze, Scorch or Daze) but in exchange rewards you with a massive damage bonus! Build around this whenever you can.

Note: When playing an Omega Move focused build, you can use IV - Night.

Trials of Chaos

Hades 2 Trials Of Chaos Example 1

The Trials of Chaos are a special series of challenges. You use a unique loadout and clear one zone under the conditions imposed by the Trial. If you complete the Trial you are rewarded with Star Dust, used to enhance your Arcana. The Trial of Origin is easy, but later trials are increasingly more difficult.


Use the Altar of Ashes to activate Arcana cards in Hades 2, then enhance them with Insights. This is one of the main meta-progression systems in Hades 2 offering special effects like a time slow, Death Defiance or additional gold for your run. Prioritize high impact Arcana in the early game to get the most out of your Grasp. Then in the endgame, farm Trials of Chaos to obtain Star dust and max out your Insights.

Written by: Tenkiei

Hades 2 Arcana

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