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Prismatic Melee Titan Build


Last Updated:February 9, 2025|Changelog

Prismatic Melee Titan is already a breath of fresh air for many "punch first, ask questions later" mains out there. It not only takes the best parts of Arc Titan, but also adds in many of the benefits we get from the Prismatic fragments as well. Bungie gave abilities like Thunderclap some big buffs before The Final Shape so we put them to the test with this setup.

Let's start by talking about the Exotic helmet we use for this build, An Insurmountable Skullfort. This is a perfect option for someone looking to smack things and keep health up all the time. Its perk refills your Melee Ability charge whenever you get a final blow and instantly starts health regeneration when you do. When you don't get a kill with Thunderclap, you instead get a partial Ability refund for all enemies hit by it and any subsequent fist-based Melee attacks. I've been a big fan of this Exotic for a while for its utility, but it hasn't been exactly meta since it doesn't produce more Melee damage. Now with Prismatic, the player has access to more fragments that boost your Light ability damage towards enemies with Darkness debuffs.

  • Great Ad Clear
  • Extremely high Ability uptime
  • Great Team Support with Healing and Debuffs
  • Poor Boss Damage
  • Lacks the immediate stopping power other builds have

Gameplay Loop

For this build, you mainly want to put yourself in the thick of it at all times. Charging up your Thunderclap now provides you with a more significant damage reduction so you can get max damage from it. Add in the fact when you get a final blow with Thundercalp you instantly get it back plus regenerate lost health. Now I also recommend taking advantage of Tractor Cannon for its debuff ability. This way you can ensure that any enemy in your way is going down with one punch.

It can't be stated enough you should always take advantage of darkness debuffs that help benefit all around you, even damage as well. When using Facet of Courage you get a nice boost to your Thunderclap damage. This means hitting targets with that Shackle Grenade or Diamond Lance not only take targets out of the fight but also mean they take more overall damage.

Thanks to the Artifact, you can also activate this Fragment through your Strand Weapon.

Ability Breakdown


  • Twilight Arsenal
    • This is the new Void super for Titan and wow is it good. Not only does it do a massive amount of damage per axe throw, but you also Weaken targets on each hit. That means the 2nd and 3rd throw results in more damage. A big reason we choose this is so we can gain a Void Overshield because of our fragment Facet of Purpose. Not only gets you instant health regen from both Skullfort and Knockout but you get a nice Void Overshield as well.


  • Thruster - Big fan of this since we can just bounce around to targets even faster.
  • Strafe Lift - Jump of your choice!
  • Thunderclap - The only Melee Ability here compatible with An Insurmountable Skullfort. It deals high damage and you take significantly reduced damage while using it and for a short duration after, making this is a top choice for those One Punch fans.
  • Shackle Grenade - This is an easy way to take enemies out of the fight while also applying a Darkness debuff to them.


  • Knockout - Perfect for melee focused builds since it not only increases damage and melee range, but also instant health regeneration while Amplified
  • Diamond Lance - Being able to throw these Stasis lances around to freeze and shatter targets is an absolute blast, you can also use them to gain Frost Armor.

Remember, if you lose your Thunderclap landing your Basic Melee provides some Melee Ability energy.


  • Facet of Devotion - This is an easy way to gain light Transcendence energy since most enemies we take down have a darkness debuff.
  • Facet of Protection - Big fan of this for the easy damage reduction in combination with Galvanic Armor.
  • Facet of Courage - You consistently have a light buff on you with Amplified or Void Overshield. This means anytime you take on a darkness debuffed target you do more damage. Very cool right?
  • Facet of Purpose - You constantly are making orbs with your melee so this provides that nice Overshield for you.
  • Facet of Sacrifice- Again you always have those nice light buffs on you so this adds extra darkness energy to your Transcendence bar.


Required Gear and Weapons

An Insurmountable Skullfort

How to acquire:

  • Purchase from Xur (his loot rotates weekly).
  • Decrypting exotic engrams at Rahool.
  • This is a base game exotic item.
  • Available as drop from the Vex Strike Force event on Neptune.

Stat Priorities

  • Resilience > Discipline > Recovery.
  • Resilience is the amount of damage you can take before dying, as well as your shield capacity.
  • Discipline is what reduces your grenade cooldown.
  • Recovery is how long it takes for your health to regenerate after you take damage.

Learn more about the Stats available to you in Destiny 2 with our dedicated guide.

Armor Mods

ItemSlotMandatory ModsSupporting Mods
An Insurmountable SkullfortHelmetSpecial Ammo Finder
Heavy Ammo Finder
Deep Explorer GauntletsGlovesHeavy Handed
Deep Explorer PlateChestSolar Resistance
Arc Resistance
Void Resistance
Deep Explorer GreavesLegsRecuperation
Deep Explorer MarkClass ItemPowerful Attraction
  • Optional Mods:
    • On your Helmet, add Hands-On for higher Super generation.
    • On your Legs, Absolution for higher ability generation when picking up an Orb of Power.

Artifact Mods

  • Anti-Barrier Sniper Rifle
    • Gives your equipped Sniper Rifles Anti Barrier capabilities, allowing them to break the invulnerable shields of Barrier Champions.
  • Unraveling Orbs
    • Picking up an Orb of Power or a Tangle grants your Strand Weapons Unraveling Rounds, additionally giving them Anti Barrier capabilities.
  • d2-item id=3585856470]Dielectric[/d2-item]
    • Defeating targets afflicted by Jolt or Blind grants you Bolt Charge.
  • Disruptor Spike
    • Increases the potency of your Sever and Exhaustion debuffs, further lowering enemy damage (Overloading effects Exhaust enemies, lowering their damage).
  • Photonic Flare
    • Defeating Severed and Exhausted enemies with Arc damage creates a Blinding explosion (Overloading effects Exhaust enemies, lowering their damage).
  • Dreadful Finisher
    • Finishing powerful combatants creates Special Ammo for you and your fireteam. More Ammo is generated when Finishing Subjugators, Tormentors, and Champions.
  • Horde Shuttle
    • Unraveled enemies occasionally release Threadlings when they take Weapon damage.
  • Defibrillating Blast
    • Stunning a Champion immediately grants and readies Bolt Charge while triggering an Arcbolt which Jolts enemies and partially heals you.
  • Void Flux
    • Defeating Weakened enemies with a Void Weapon creates an explosion, enemies damaged by it become Volatile. Stronger enemies create a larger explosion.

Recommend Weapons

  • Kinetic Weapon: Adamantite - As a Strand weapon it helps feed our darkness Transcendence bar. This Heretical Weapon also has a dual purpose of being a reliable Primary Ammo Weapon and a Support tool, thanks to this build's ability to maximize Elemental Honing while making use of Slice and Healing allies.
  • Energy Weapon: Uzume RR4 - with Fourth Time's the Charm and Precision Instrument is solid for Boss dps and gives this build Anti Barrier capabilities. It's also very easy to snipe Suspended enemies. Focus this Nightfall Weapon at Zavala in the Tower.
  • Power Weapon: Tractor Cannon - One of the best weapons for any Melee focused build. It applies a powerful 30% Weaken and Suppresses enemies. This Exotic Shotgun is among the first Exotics you acquire as a New-Light.


New Light

Gear Swaps

  • Swap Adamantite for Monte Carlo.
    • This is a great way to generate high Melee energy so you can consistently keep up Thunderclap.
    • How to acquire: Complete the New-Light Timelight Reflection quest.
  • Use any Energy Slot Special Ammo Weapon available to you that you're fond of, though we recommend a Sniper Rifle. Veleda-F is a World Drop Weapon.
  • Swap Tractor Cannon for Marcato-45, a World Drop Machine Gun.
    • This build lacks distance damage output, this is your solution for easier early-game content.


Checkout this video going over this Prismatic Melee Titan Build and how to best utilize this setup!


This Prismatic Melee Titan setup might not out damage current Prismatic Hunter builds, but it for sure keeps you alive in a nasty fight. Having access to potent melee damage abilities plus instant health is nice for anyone looking to solo content.


Written by: Byrdman

Reviewed by: Chadly99

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