Learn all about the rewards, starting location, and how to complete the Votive Passing Side Quest.
Quest Information
Region: Scosglen Zone: Wailing Hills Started by: Chieftain Asgail |
Quest Rewards and Duration Renown: 30 Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level Duration: 00:15 Minutes |
Quest Map and Quest Objectives
- Mark the resting sites of the lost hunters.
- Search for the source of the voice.
- Speak with the Wounded Hunter.
- Deliver the Handmade Torc to Maisie.
Quest Rundown
- Mark the resting sites of the lost hunters - Travel North to the marked area. You find the first site at the Slain Hunter, which is in the East part of the area. The second site is at the Loose Stones, which is in the North part of the area. The third site is at the Loose Stones, which is in the central part of the area.
- Search for the source of the voice - Travel to the marked area of the map. You should see a Wounded Hunter on the ground. When you get close, the objective updates.
- Speak with the Wounded Hunter - Talk to the Wounded Hunter.
- Deliver the Handmade Torc to Maisie - Travel to the marked location on the map and talk to Maisie. This completes the Votive Passing Side Quest.
Key Locations and NPCs
Start NPC
Written by Dredscythe
Reviewed by Facefoot