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Lost Legacy Side Quest Guide

Last Updated:July 24, 2023|Changelog

Learn all about the rewards, starting location, and how to complete the Lost Legacy Side Quest.

Quest Information

Region: Hawezar
Zone: Ruins of Rakhat Keep
Started by: Ksenia

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 7:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Carthas' Blessed Hammer

Quest Map and Quest Objectives

  1. Speak with Ksenia inside the fort
  2. Join Ksenia inside the Sealed Quarters
  3. Find the source of corruption within Sealed Quarters
  4. Read the Urgent Letter
  5. Find the source of corruption within Sealed Quarters
  6. Inspect the paladin remains
  7. Defeat Mathias, Corrupted Paladin
  8. Speak with Ksenia
  9. Collect Mathias' Betrayal
  10. Collect Eleazar's Choice
  11. Collect Alodia's Wrath
  12. Search for the curse's root
  13. Place the cursed blades for Ksenia's ritual: 3
  14. Speak with Ksenia to begin the ritual
  15. Defeat Carthias, Corrupted Paladin
  16. Speak with Ksenia
Click for detailed Quest Objective Map

Quest Rundown

In this section we write a detailed rundown of all quest objectives:

  1. Speak with Ksenia inside the fort - Speak with Ksenia in Ruins of Rakhat Keep.
  2. Join Ksenia inside the Sealed Quarters - Enter the Defiled Halls. Ksenia follows you.
  3. Find the source of corruption within Sealed Quarters - Travel deeper into the dungeon.
  4. Read the Urgent Letter - Click on the Urgent Letter you come upon in the middle of the hall.
  5. Find the source of corruption within Sealed Quarters - Travel deeper into the dungeon.
  6. Inspect the Paladin remains - Click on Mathias' Remains in the middle of the room you come upon.
  7. Defeat Mathias, Corrupted Paladin - Kill the Mathias ghost that appears.
  8. Speak with Ksenia - Speak with Ksenia.
  9. Collect Mathias' Betrayal - Click Mathias' Betrayal that drops from Mathias.
  10. Collect Eleazar's Choice - Travel deeper into the Defiled Halls. If you take the first right you come upon and go all the way to the right you will find Eleazar's Remains. When you attempt to pick it up, the Eleazar ghost will appear. Kill this boss to pick up Eleazar's Choice.
  11. Collect Alodia's Wrath - Travel deeper into the Defiled Halls. If you go straight ahead, at the very end is Alodia's Remains. When you attempt to pick it up, the ghost Alodia will appear. Kill it to drop and pick up Alodia's Wrath.
  12. Search for the Curse's Root - Take the dungeon's first left all the way to the end.
  13. Place the cursed blades for Ksenia's ritual - Click the 3 "Place cursed blade" markers on the ground.
  14. Speak with Ksenia to begin the ritual - Speak with Ksenia.
  15. Defeat Carthias, Corrupted Paladin - Defeat the Carthias, Corrupted Zakarum Paladin boss that appears.
  16. Speak with Ksenia - Speak with Ksenia. This completes the quest.

Key Locations and NPCs

Quest StartSpeak with Ksenia
Quest Start


Written by DarkHumility
Reviewed by Facefoot

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