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Left Behind Side Quest Guide

Last Updated:July 24, 2023|Changelog

Learn all about the rewards, starting location, and how to complete the Left Behind Side Quest.

Quest Information

Region: Hawezar
Zone: Vyeresz
Stronghold Required: Vyeresz
Started by: Mateen

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 5:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Ore Cache

Quest Map and Quest Objectives

  1. Find Derin's remains in the Shadowed Plunge
  2. Give Derin a Healing Potion
  3. Return to Mateen
Click for detailed Quest Objective Map

Quest Rundown

In this section we write a detailed rundown of all quest objectives:

  1. Find Derin's remains in the Shadowed Plunge
    • After talking to Mateen, enter the Shadowed Plunge dungeon in Vyeresz.
    • Hug the right wall of the dungeon until you find Derin
  2. Give Derin a Healing Potion - Speak with Derin to give him a Healing Potion.
  3. Return to Mateen - Exit the dungeon and speak with Mateen just outside of it to complete the quest.

Key Locations and NPCs

Quest StartSpeak to Mateen in Vyeresz
Quest Start


Written by DarkHumility
Reviewed by Facefoot


  • June 20, 2023
    Published for Launch

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