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Discretionary Spending Side Quest Guide

Last Updated: July 24, 2023

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Learn all about the rewards, starting location, and how to complete the Discretionary Spending Side Quest.

Quest Information

Region: Hawezar
Zone: Forsaken Coast
Started by: Lyndon
Quest-Chain: Discretionary Spending (1 of 3)

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 4:00 Minutes

After The Greater Good Side Quest

Quest Map and Quest Objectives

  1. Speak with Lyndon outside of Backwater
  2. Retrieve Lyndon's stashed supplies
  3. Speak with Lyndon
  4. Search for Lyndon's supplies
  5. Collect Lyndon's Supplies
  6. Meet Lyndon's contacts
  7. Speak with Lyndon's Contact
  8. Slay the Backwater Traitors
  9. Speak with Lyndon
  10. Speak with Lyndon
Click for detailed Quest Objective Map

Quest Rundown

In this section we write a detailed rundown of all quest objectives:

  1. Speak with Lyndon outside of Backwater - After speaking with Lyndon inside Backwater, go just northwest outside of town to speak to him again. He will follow you after this.
  2. Retrieve Lyndon's stashed supplies - Go due north to a nearby location marked on the map.
  3. Speak with Lyndon - Speak with Lyndon.
  4. Search for Lyndon's Supplies - Go just northwest of your current location to the center of the area marked on the map. Here you will find Lyndon's Stash. Click it.
  5. Collect Lyndon's Supplies - Click the Lyndon's Supplies that drops to retrieve it.
  6. Meet Lyndon's Contacts - Travel northeast to the coast of Rotspill Delta, just north of the Belfry Zakara dungeon. There should be 3 men there.
  7. Speak with Lyndon's Contact - Talk to Lyndon's Contact (1 of the 3 men).
  8. Slay the Backwater Traitors - Kill the Bandits that spawn after speaking with Lyndon's Contact.
  9. Speak with Lyndon - Talk to Lyndon.
  10. Speak with Lyndon - Talk to Lyndon again. This completes the quest.

Key Locations and NPCs

Quest StartSpeak to Lyndon in Backwater
Quest Start


Written by DarkHumility
Reviewed by Facefoot

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