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Season 7 2.1.3 Patch Notes

Patch Notes

Last Updated:March 7, 2025

Blizzard showcased the Diablo 4 Season 7 2.1.3 Patch Notes planned on March 4th in a few days! Season 7: Season of Witchcraft has been running for quite some time now here and while the Maxroll Team keeps ensuring our Build Guides stays as relevant as possible, patches keep rolling!

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Season 7 2.1.3 Patch Notes - Vessel of Hatred

Game Updates


Sunstained War-Crozier

  • Potency Skill damage increased from 10-20% per stack to 15-25%, and maximum increased from 100-200% to 150-250%.

Wushe Nak Pa

  • Primary Spirit Hall Potency increased from 100-200% to 200-300%.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the fog wall in the Ancient Nexus could not be passed by one player in the party if another started the encounter before every party member entered the arena.
  • Fixed an issue where taking a portal to a party member who just failed a Kurast Undercity run could teleport the player to a new Undercity instance with no affixes.
  • Fixed an issue where monsters could get stuck in the walls in the Windswept Altar Dungeon.
  • Fixed an issue where no warning was present when trying to load an Armory loadout with more than 2 Runewords.

Season 7 2.1.3 Patch Notes - Base Game

Game Updates

Season of Witchcraft


  • Damage per rank increased from 1% to 2.5%, maximum increased from 45% 75%.

Doom Orb

  • Damage bonus on kills and boss damage increased from 5% to 8%, maximum damage increased from 100% to 160%.

Firebat Servants

  • Damage increased from 20% to 40% per hit.

Wave of Woe

  • Bounce damage increased from 15% to 25%.

Hex of Flames

  • Damage increased from 40% to 60%.

Poison Frog

  • Poison damage total increased from 40% to 90% per rank.
  • Explosion damage total increased from 50% to 120% per rank.


Waxing Gibbous

  • Inherent additive Critical Strike damage replaced with +50% chance for Shred to deal double damage.

Wolf's Rain

  • Hurricane damage per Wolf increased from 5-15% to 15-25%.


Assassin's Stride

  • Shadow Imbued potency increased from 40-80% to 60-120%.


Skills and Passives

Ball Lightning

  • Damage increased from 24% to 30%.

Glass cannon

  • Damage increased from 6/12/18%[x] to 8/16/24%[x].

Vyr’s Mastery

  • Chance for your Shock skill to arc to another enemy increased from 10% to 15%.

Esu’s Ferocity

  • Fire Critical Strike Damage increased from 50% to 75%.
  • Fire Critical Strike Chance increased from 10% to 40%.

Unique Items

Axial Conduit

  • Explosion now scales with Chain Lightning ranks.

Okun's Catalyst

  • This unique power has been reworded for clarity.
    • Previous: Ball Lightning orbits you creating a static field that damages all enemies within for 140 - 180%[x] of Ball Lightning's damage per active ball. You are Unhindered as long as the field is active.
    • Now: Casting Ball Lightning instead creates a separate static field around you that damages all enemies within for 140-180% Ball Lightning's damage per active ball. You are Unhindered as long as the field is active.

Strike of Stormhorn

  • Increased damage from 160-200% to 175-225%.
  • Now scales with rRanks of Ball Lightning.
  • The unique power has been reworded for clarity.
    • Previous: Ball Lightning splashes on impact for 160 - 200%[x] increased damage.
    • Ball Lightning splashes on impact dealing 175-225% of its total damage instantly.

Season of Witchcraft

  • The message that displays when an Uprooted Cocoon is emerged has been updated to not suggest a Head could be present in non-Torment difficulties.


  • The default search parameters for Party Finder now include and are ordered by the player's current difficulty level and one difficulty level lower.
  • The damage of Conduit Shrines has been adjusted to aggressively scale with player level and Paragon level.

Developer’s Note: For example, the average increase in damage from Conduit Shrines has increased by approximately 37x in Torment III.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a rare issue where Paragon nodes could not be read properly by the Screen Reader.
  • Fixed an issue where the Screen Reader did not announce the warning for refunding a Paragon node which broke the connection to other nodes.
  • Fixed an issue where the Screen Reader did not read the Class Icon in the tooltip for the Aspect awarded on completed Dungeons when viewing the map.
  • Fixed an issue where the Screen Reader did not properly function in the Stats and Materials window.

Season of Witchcraft

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate icons for the Seeker Bounty could appear in Headhunt Zones.
  • Fixed an issue where the visual effect for the Firebat Servants power was too intense in certain contexts.
  • Fixed an issue where bosses in Rootholds could evade through the wall in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue where the Overgrown Tenement dungeon during the Oaths and Debts quest could be reset, allowing the player to infinitely farm Fugitive Heads.
  • Fixed an issue where Seekers could spawn outside of the highlighted areas for the Seeker Bounty.


  • Fixed an issue where Aspect of Reanimation was not correctly increasing the damage of Ring of Mendeln, Shademist Aspect, or Aspect of Fel Gluttony.
  • Fixed an issue where the Necromancer's Golem, Warrior, and Mage Paragon Glyphs were not correctly increasing the damage of their Minions.
  • Fixed an issue where Barbarian’s Supreme Call of the Ancients did not function properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Raging Pulverize did less damage than displayed in the tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where the Maximum rank for the Aspect of Ultimate Shadow was not achievable in the Codex of Power.
  • Fixed an issue where damage from Rogue's Shadow Clone was not correctly inheriting additional skill tags, such as those granted from the Voice of the Stars Occult Gem.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage from Poison Imbuement and Shadow Imbuement was not properly attributed to the player when it was dealt by a Shadow Clone using Aspect of Imitated Imbuement.
  • Fixed an issue where Sorcerer's Barrier would drop after being attacked when using aspect of Mind's Awakening with the Energy Focus passive.
  • Fixed an issue where the Council Gate in Infernal Hordes could not be passed through immediately after opening it.

User Interface and User Experience

  • Fixed an issue where various menus could malfunction if your World State changed while they were open. An example of this interaction would be joining a party and then transferring to the leader's world while viewing wares at the Occultist.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera did not zoom out properly while fighting World Bosses in certain scenarios.


  • Fixed an issue where some crafted caches could fail to grant any items.
  • Fixed an issue where the appearance for Mantle of Mountain's Fury was not granted when Salvaging the item.
  • Fixed an issue where equipment appearances selected in the Wardrobe could sometimes revert to previously applied appearances.
  • Various stability, Performance, Visual, UI, and Audio improvements.

Future Plans

We hope you enjoy the Season of Witchcraft with the aid of our Season 7 updates. Our focus for the start of Season 7 is to make sure our Build Guides are solid with all the new Item updates, new features and mechanic changes. We're continuing to work on more updates for D4Planner!

If you haven't already, head over to our Discord to stay up to date with our content development.

Written by: Chewingnom

2.1.2 patch notes

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