Blizzard just released the 2.1 PTR Patch Notes for the upcoming Season 7 on Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred! Many game changes and updates are expected as we learned during the PTR Campfire Chat on November 21th! Discover the PTR Patch Notes here on Maxroll and get ready for PTR on December 3rd!
Razor Wings hitting an enemy increases your Eagle Skill damage by 1%[x] for 4 seconds, up to 30-50%[x]. Razor Wing Critical Strikes grant 3 stacks.
Sunstained War-Crozier - Unique Quarterstaff
Inherent: 45% Block Chance
160-188 Dexterity
1060-1142 Maximum Life
2-4 Focus Skill Ranks
26-35% Chance for Potency Skills to deal Double Damage
Unique Power
Your Focus Skills benefit from all their Upgrades, and they increase the damage of your Potency Skills by 10-20% for 8 seconds, up to 100-200%.
New Runes
Ritual Runes
Nagu, Legendary (Tyrannical)
100 Offering generated.
Maintain at least 1 summon for 6 seconds gaining 100 offering per Summon, up to 600 max.
Igni, Legendary (Bomber)
25 Offering generated.
Stores offering every 0.3 seconds. Cast a non-Basic Skill to gain the stored offering. (Up to 500 Offering).
Invocation Runes
Chac, Rare (Cloudburst)
220% weapon damage.
Costs 20 Offering.
Invoke Druid Lightning Bolts striking a nearby enemy.
Overflow: Spawn more.
VoH Balance Updates
Enhanced Thunderspike
Vigor generated increased from 5 to 7.
Accelerated Thunderspike
Vulnerable duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
Sharp Thrash
Ferocity gain increased from 1 to 2.
Damage increased from 70% to 77%.
Enhanced Stinger
Damage increased from 50% to 60% of its Base damage.
Concussive Stomp
Damage increased from 40% to 50%.
Enhanced Concussive Stomp
Maximum Barrier increased from 30% to 40% of your Maximum Life.
Invasive Payback
Cooldown reduced from 15 to 8 seconds.
Touch of Death
Touch of Death's swarm now ignores Invulnerable enemies.
Razor Wings
Maximum active Razor Wings increased from 12 to 15.
Vigor generated increased from 5/10/15 to 10/20/30.
Previous: If you've dealt damage within the last 5 seconds and are moving, you generate 1/2/3 Vigor per second.
Now: Generate 1/2/3 Vigor per second while moving.
Thorns increased from 40/80/120 to 120/240/360.
Previous: Gain 1/2/3 additional Evade Charges. After you Evade your next Eagle Skill deals 10/20/30%[x] increased damage.
Now: Gain 1 additional Evade Charge. After you Evade, your Eagle Skills deal 8/16/24%[x] increased damage for 2 seconds.
Delay to gain Barrier after taking damage reduced from 5 to 2 seconds.
The Protector
Rank 5: The Protector's domain pulses 100% of your Thorns as Physical damage to enemies within every second.
The Seeker
Rank 5: The Seeker's damage is increased by 50% of your Critical Strike and Vulnerable Damage bonuses.
The Hunter
Rank 5: The Hunter's initial damage will Execute Injured Non-Boss enemies.
The Devourer
Rank 5: The Devourer's damage is increased by 150% of your Healing Received bonus.
Spirit Hall
Centipede Primary Spirit Hall
Previous: Hitting an enemy with a Centipede Skill reduces their Damage by 2.5% and Slows them by 10% for 3 seconds, stacking up to a maximum of 8 times. All Skills are now also Centipede Skills.
Now: Hitting an enemy with a Centipede Skill reduces their Damage by 2%, Slows them by 10%, and deals 70% Poisoning damage over 6 seconds, stacking up to a maximum of 8 times. All Skills are now also Centipede Skills.
Eagle Secondary Spirit Hall
Delay before the bonus is reset increased from 2 to 4 seconds.
Tempering Recipes
Sky Augments – Weapons Recipe
Chance for Razor Wings Projectiles to be Cast Twice replaced with Chance for Razor Wings to Deal Double Damage.
Brilliance Skill Ranks Removed.
Spiritborn Resolve – Defensive Recipe
Maximum Resolve Stacks replaced with Armor +X%.
Soil Augments – Weapons Recipe
Chance for Touch of Death Swarms to Reinfect on hit replaced with increase to Touch of Death duration.
Centipede Innovation – Utility Recipe
Touch of Death Swarm Duration removed.
Legendary Aspects
Thorns damage increased from 100-160% to 100-200%.
Blocked Damage Reduction increased from 10-30% to 20-40%.
Reactive Armor
Blocked attacks no longer have to come from a Close enemy.
No longer drops for the Spiritborn, as they do not have Channeled Skills.
Rallying Reversal
Aspect Category changed from Offensive to Utility.
No longer requires enemies to be Vulnerable for its effect to activate.
Lucky Hit bonus per stack of Ferocity increased from 3% to 5%.
Pestilent Swarm Duration increased from 1.5 to 3 seconds.
Additional Swarm Duration reduced from 100% to 50%, increasing the Swarm Duration from 3 to 4.5 seconds.
Previous: You gain Resolve for each 30-10 Vigor you gain over 100.
Now: You gain Resolve for each 40-20 Vigor you gain while at maximum Vigor. This Resolve can overfill your maximum Resolve stacks by 5.
Binding Morass
Previous: Close enemies or those you deal indirect damage to are Slowed by 30-70% for 3 seconds. You deal 20% increased damage to Slowed enemies.
Now: Close enemies or those you deal indirect damage to are Slowed by 30-70% for 3 seconds. You deal 10-30% increased damage to Slowed enemies.
Invasive Razor Wings upgrade now causes reflected Razor Wings to spiral outwards.
Unique Items
Scorn of the Earth Unique Boots
Effects that reduce Evade's cooldown now affect Soar's Evade Override.
Soar Deals Damage Based on Distance Traveled increased from 203-275% to 308-425%.
Soar Grants Maximum Life as Barrier replaced with Lightning Resistance.
Bonus Soar damage increased from 10-50%[X] to 50-100%[X].
Band of First Breath Unique Ring
Lucky Hit Chance while you Have a Barrier replaced with Critical Strike Chance.
Bonus Damage after Gaining Resolve replaced with Resource Generated when Losing Resolve.
Ranks to Auspicious replaced with Maximum Resolve stacks.Previous: Casting Evade consumes 1 stack of Resolve to generate 20-40 Vigor. Gain Armored Hide’s Passive Effect.
New: Casting Evade consumes 1 stack of Resolve to increase your damage dealt by 20-40%[X] for 5 seconds. Gain Armored Hide’s Passive Effect.
Wushe Nak Pa Unique Glaive
Casting an Ultimate Skill Restores Primary Resource replaced with Maximum Life.
Primary Spirit Hall Potency increased from 50-100% to 100-200%.
Ring of Writhing Moon Unique Ring
Ranks of Unrestrained Power replaced with Chance for Pestilent Swarms to deal Double Damage.
Pestilent Swarm damage increased from 35-65% to 60-120%.
Delay between spawning Pestilent Swarms decreased from 10 to 4 seconds.
Pestilent Swarm Duration increased from 1.5 to 3 seconds.
Vigor generated when Pestilent Swarm hits an enemy increased from 1 to 3.
Rod of Kepeleke Unique Quarterstaff
Ranks of Velocity replaced with Ranks of Vigorous.
No longer reduces Core Skill damage dealt by up to 30%.
Bonus Critical Strike Damage for each point of Vigor consumed reduced from 1-3% to .1-.5%.
Jacinth Shell Unique Chest
Life on Hit replaced with Armor +%.
Remaining Cooldown duration reduction reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
Spending Vigor Healing increased from 1-10% to 5-10%.
Hubris Legendary Glyph
Maximum Thorns increased from 2,000 to 3,000.
Spiney Skin Legendary Node
Bonus Thorns increased from 20% to 35%.
Bitter Medicine Legendary Node
Previous: When you heal for 100% of your Maximum Life, deal 20% damage to Close enemies. This damage is increased by your Healing Received bonus.
Now: When you heal for 100% of your Maximum Life, afflict Close enemies, dealing 200% Poisoning damage and causing them to take 10%[x] increased Poisoning damage for 6 seconds, up to 40%.
Bartering Caches
Crafting Material Cache
Rewards now scale with Torment Tiers.
Cache can now drop Iron and Rawhide.
Boss Material Cache
Gold now scales with Torment Tiers.
Masterworking Cache
Obducite and Obols now scale with Torment Tiers.
Augment Cache
Gems now scale with Torment Tiers.
Runes are now guaranteed to drop in Torment Difficulties and the amount scales with Torment Tiers.
Rapport Track Caches
Masterworking Cache
Obducite drop increased from 30 to 100.
Local Mercenary Events
Rewards have been adjusted to be more in-line with other events.
Increased the amount of Pale Marks earned.
Ritual Runes
Can now gain half of the offering when inflicting a Slow or Chill.
Offering increased from 50 to 300.
Previous: Cast the same non-channeled skill 3 times.
Now: Cast 5 Skills then become exhausted for 3 seconds.
Hidden name changed from "Grinding" to "Lethargic".
Developer’s Note: Exhausted in this case refers to a cooldown for the effect.
Hidden name changed from "Harmonic" to "Alacrity".
Changed to Cast 2 Mobility or Macabre Skills.
Offering increased from 35 to 100.
Invocation Runes
Summoned Spirit Wolf now benefits from Summon and Companion bonuses.
Movement Speed increased from 7% (up to 35%) to 10% (up to 50%).
Changed from Rare to Magic.
Cool Down Reduction given reduced from 2 to 1.
Cost reduced from 200 to 100.
Cooldown reduced from 2 to 1 second.
150 Offering
+1 to Skills for 10 seconds.
Overflow: More Skill ranks, up to 3.
Increased the cooldown from 1 to 5 seconds to avoid overriding overflow bonuses.
Offering cost reduced from 800 to 700.
Overflow: Cast increases damage by 1% per 10 Offering.
Offering cost reduced from 400 to 250.
Overflow: Store Excess Offering.
Overflow: Increase Stun Duration.
Hidden damage bonus reduced from 300% to baseline 100%.
Overflow: Increase damage by 1% per Offering.
Offering cost increased from 200 to 300.
Previous: Overflow: Increase duration.
Now: Overflow: Gain More Maximum Life.
Increased the cooldown from 1 to 3 seconds to avoid overriding overflow bonuses.
Offering cost reduced from 250 to 200.
Overflow: Increase damage by 1% per Offering.
Overflow: Increased size.
Offering cost reduced from 100 to 50 offering.
Damage increased from 700% to 1400%.
Overflow updated from 100% increased Radius to 100% increased Size.
Offering cost reduced from 100 to 25 offering.
Now drops one Stun grenade.
Offering cost reduced from 100 to 30 offering.
Now spawns one Pestilent Swarm.
Overflow: Increase duration.
Updated tooltips on runes that cast players skills to be more clear with the Xol rune effect.
The chance for Runes to be Legendary or Rare from defeating Tormented Bosses has been updated.
VoH Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where a Damage Resistance Aura could be removed by activating Mystic Circles with the Aspect of Soil Power.
Fixed an issue where the tooltip for Bristling Vengeance did not show the correct amount of Thorns applied by Payback.
Fixed an issue where Replenishing Ravager spent 5 stacks instead of 4 and would not stack multiple hits on the same Elite enemy.
Fixed an issue where the Health drain effect of Jacinth Shell did not trigger from Rushing Claw or Razor Wings.
Fixed an issue where non-damaging abilities could consume the buff from Enhanced Vortex.
Fixed an issue where Rod of Kepeleke could provide stacks towards Crown of Lucion or Banished Lord's Talisman without costing anything.
Fixed an issue where the damage increase from Viscous Shield was calculated incorrectly and was granting far more increased damage than intended.
Fixed an issue where the Critical Strike Damage bonus from the Aspect of Redirected Force could be much higher than intended.
Fixed an issue where extra damage from Ravager, the primary Gorilla Spirit Hall upgrade, and the Dominant Passive could trigger off making enemies Vulnerable.
Fixed an issue where Quill Volley’s Feathers that hit a wall could not return to the player when using the Rebounding Aspect.
Kurast Undercity
Fixed an issue where the Tribute of Ascendence and Tribute of Refinement did not properly grant their respective rewards in specific scenarios.
Fixed an issue where the Tribute of Radiance did not properly grant Ancestral Legendary items in certain scenarios.
Fixed an issue where Torment only tributes could be accessed in lower difficulties.
Fixed an issue where large Gold values did not display properly in the Bargains UI.
Dark Citadel
Fixed an issue where Rare and Magic items weren't always auto-salvaged as expected.
Fixed an issue where Dark Citadel did not function for the Party Finder Quick List.
Fixed an issue where the Teleport from the Jah Rune did not grant Unstoppable.
Fixed an issue where the damage increase from the Qax Rune could be increased by 200% instead of 100%.
Fixed an issue where each attack from Iron Maelstrom triggered reinforcements.
Fixed an issue where Raheir's reinforcement opportunity that casts when the player is hit with a control impairing affect did not function properly.
Fixed an issue where the Field of Giants Delver Challenge couldn't be unlocked.
Fixed an issue where the Scroll of Abundance restored 30% of Base Life instead of 30% of Maximum Life.
Fixed an issue where Fog of War in Nahantu was not removed after using the Vessel of Hatred Campaign Skip.
Fixed an issue where the Dweller in the Dark enemy in the Kichuk Stronghold would become unkillable after being Staggered.
Fixed an issue where the Echo of Hatred dungeon was not available for Quick List through Party Finder.
2.1 PTR Patch Base Game
Base Game Updates
New Items and Tempering Recipes
Aspect of Apogeic Furor – Offensive
Casting an Ultimate Skill increases your Ultimate damage by 8-15.5%, up to 80-155%. At 10 stacks, your Cooldowns and this bonus are reset.
Aspect of Decisive Resolution – Offensive
Casting an Ultimate Skill increases your damage by 10-30% for 8 seconds. Gain 4 additional Ultimate Skill Ranks.
Mantle of Mountain's Fury – Unique Chest Armor
Inherent: 50% Hammer of the Ancients damage for 5 seconds after an Earthquake explodes
200-350 Armor
3-5 Ranks to Hammer of the Ancients
2-3 Skill Ranks of Defensive Stance
13.5-22.5% Chance for Earthquake to Deal Double Damage
Hammer of the Ancients also forms a seismic line that deals its damage and Slows enemies hit by 60-80% for 4 seconds. Any Earthquakes it passes through explode for their total damage and are consumed.
Aspect of Incendiary Fissures – Offensive
Your Earthquakes deal 35-50% increased damage and their damage is converted into Fire.
Vehement Augments – New Weapon Tempering Recipe
+Ranks of Warpath
+Ranks of Belligerence
+Ranks of Heavy Hitter
Malefic Crescent - Unique Amulet
+7.8-10% Willpower
+154.8-200% Werewolf Critical Strike Damage
+8-12.5% Movement Speed while Shapeshifted into a Werewolf
+1-2 to Feral Aptitude
The value of your Lupine Ferocity's Critical Strike Damage is increased to 100-150%[x] when consecutively Critical Striking.
Aspect of Wolf's Rain
Casting Hurricane also spawns a smaller hurricane on your Wolves for 8 seconds. These hurricanes deals 5-15%[X] of Hurricane's damage for each active Wolf.
Werewolf Finesse - New Weapon Tempering Recipe
+% Poison Damage
+% Werewolf Attack Speed
+% Werewolf Critical Chance
Kessime's Legacy – Unique Pants
Inherent: Casting Blood Wave Fortifies You For 70% of Your Maximum Life
219-300% Ultimate Damage
9.5-14.5% Damage Reduction While Fortified
16-25% Blood Wave Cooldown Reduction
16-25% Chance for Blood Wave to Deal Double Damage
Blood Wave now forms a wave on each side of you. Both waves converge at your feet, Pulling In surrounding enemies and exploding for damage. Each time an enemy is hit by a wave, they take 5-10% increased damage from your Blood Waves, up to 150-300% in total.
Indira's Memory – Unique Pants
Inherent: Casting Bone Spear Reduces Blood Wave's Cooldown by 2 Seconds
16-25% Maximum Life
82.5-105% Overpower Damage
18.5-27.5% Damage Reduction While Injured
2-3 Skill Ranks of Tides of Blood
Blood Wave is additionally a Bone Skill that spawns a Bone Prison at its end point and increases your Blood Skill damage by 40-80% for 8 seconds when cast. Bone Spear is additionally a Blood Skill and will drain 10% Maximum Life each cast after hitting an enemy to consume a surrounding Corpse and launch one new Bone Spear from it.
Aspect of Distilled Anima – Mobility Aspect
While Soulrift is active, you are Unhindered and gain 1% increased Movement Speed per absorbed soul, up to 30-60%. This lasts for 5 seconds after Soulrift ends.
Bone Duster's – Offensive Apect
Bone Spear is guaranteed to Critically Strike enemies within Bone Prison and deals 20-40% increased damage to them.
Dreadful Augments – New Weapon Tempering Recipe
+Ranks of Fueled by Death
+Ranks of Finality
+Ranks of Titan's Fall
Assassin's Stride - Unique Boots
Inherent: Casting a Mobility Skill grants +100% Movement Speed for 2 seconds.
Ranks of Mobility Skills
Ranks of Shadow Imbuement
Mobility Skill Cooldown Reduction
Shadow Resistance
Mobility Skills are always Shadow Imbued with 40-80% increased potency. Lucky Hit: Damaging an Elite or Boss with a Mobility Skill has up to a 40-80% chance to instantly trigger a free Shadow Imbuement explosion.
Slice and Dice – Utility Aspect
Twisting Blades' initial hit cleaves. Twisting Blades returns 25-45% faster.
Aspect of Bitter Infection – Offensive Aspect
Enemies infected by Shadow Imbuement take 30-50% of its damage every second. Shadow Imbuement deals 30-50%[X] increased damage.
Ultimate Efficiency — New Resource Tempering Recipe
Death Trap Cooldown Reduction
Rain of Arrows Cooldown Reduction
Shadow Clone Cooldown Reduction
Energy after Casting an Ultimate Skill
Strike of Stormhorn - Unique Focus
Inherent: Replaces all Chance to Summon an Additional Ball lightning affixes with Chance to summon a Super Ball Lightning.
+Ranks to Ball Lightning
Ball Lightning Movement Speed
Critical Strike Damage
Chance to cast an additional Ball Lightning
Developer’s Note: The inherent affix replaces all sources of Chance to Cast additional ball lightnings with Chance to cast a Super Ball Lightning.
Ball Lightning splashes on contact for 60-100%[x] increased damage and Stunning enemies for 1 second if it reaches its Maximum Range.
Super Ball Lightnings are larger, deal 100% increased damage, have a higher Lucky Hit Chance, and its Stun duration is increased to 3 seconds.
Okun's Catalyst - Unique Focus
Inherent: Ball Lightning can be cast while moving.
Damage Reduction for each active Ball Lightning
Attack Speed for 5 seconds after casting a Defensive Skill
+Ranks to Ball Lightning
Chance to Cast an additional Ball Lightning
Ball Lightning orbits you creating a static field that damages all enemies within for 140-180% damage per active ball and granting Unhindered while the field is active.
Aspect of Mind's Awakening – Utility Aspect
Casting a Pyromancy Skill Immobilizes enemies hit for 0.5-1 seconds.
Casting a Shock Skill grants a burst of 15-30% Movement Speed for 1 second.
Casting a Frost Skill grants a Barrier for 3-6% Maximum Life.
While Enlightened, each Skill grants all benefits.
Prismatic Augments Tempering Recipe
Chance for Ice Blade to cast twice (Note: this has been removed from the Conjuration Augments Tempering Recipe).
Chance for Inferno to deal Double damage (Note: this has been removed from the Pyromancy Augments Tempering Recipe).
+Ranks to Shocking Impact
Base Game Balance Updates
Hammer of the Ancients
Damage increased from 70% to 80%.
Hammer of the Ancients can now strike ground areas without enemies, but will approach when a target is hovered.
Furious Hammer of the Ancients
Previous: Hammer of the Ancients gain 2% Critical Strike Chance for every 10 Fury you had when cast. Its Critical Strikes Knockdown enemies for 2 seconds.
Now: Hammer of the Ancients gain 3% Critical Strike Damage and Critical Strike Chance for every 10 Fury you had when cast. Its Critical Strikes Knockdown enemies for 2 seconds.
Mighty Throw
Impact damage increased from 80% to 105%.
Pulse damage increased from 35% to 50%.
Skill Ranks now increase Kick's damage.
Mighty Kick
Knockdown duration increased from 2 to 4 seconds.
Wrath of the Berserker
Rank 5: Wrath of the Berserker Pulls in enemies instead of Knocking Back and deals 200% damage to them.
Call of the Ancients
Now has the Summoning tag.
New Rank 5 Bonus: While Call of the Ancients is active, gain 40% Movement Speed and 20% Distant Damage Reduction.
Prime Call of the Ancients
Damage bonus increased from 25% to 30%.
Iron Maelstrom
Two-Hand Bludgeoning Slam damage increased from 60% to 75%.
Duel Wield Swing damage increased from 33% to 43%.
New Rank 5 Bonus: Iron Maelstrom damage is increased by 80% of your Damage to Injured and Healthy bonuses.
The following Skills Tree upgrades which directly deal damage will now scale up their damage with increased Skill Ranks of the base Skill.
Enhanced Charge
Mighty Kick
Power Kick
Battle Lunging Strike
Enhanced Rupture
Heavy Hitter
Previous: Your Ultimate Skills deal 15% more damage.
Now: Your Ultimate Skills, Earthquakes, and Dust Devils deal 15% more damage.
Defensive Stance
Previous: Increase the Damage Reduction gained while you are Fortified by an additional 2%.
Now: While Fortified, you gain an additional 2% Damage Reduction and Heal 0.5% Maximum Life every second.
Slaying Strike
Previous: You deal 5% increased damage against Injured enemies.
Now: You deal 5% increased damage to Injured and Healthy enemies.
Unbridled Rage
Previous: Your Core Skills deal 45% increased damage but cost 100% more Fury.
Now: Your Core Skills deal 45% increased damage but cost 100% more Fury. The damage is doubled against Injured enemies.
Walking Arsenal
Previous: Dealing direct damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning, Two-Handed Slashing, or Dual-Wielded weapons grants 8% increased damage for 10 seconds. While all three damage bonuses are active, you gain an additional 10% increased damage and Attack Speed.
Now: Dealing direct damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning, Two-Handed Slashing, or Dual-Wielded weapons grants 15% increased damage for 10 seconds. While all three bonuses are active, gain 20% Crowd Control Duration and Attack Speed.
Legendary Aspects
Previous: Killing an enemy with an Overpower leaves behind an Earthquake at their location, dealing Physical damage over 4 seconds. Can only occur once every 4 seconds.
Now: Your Overpowers will spawn an Earthquake every 4 seconds that deals Physical damage over 4 seconds. Your Earthquake damage is increased by 25% for every 100 Strength you have.
Previous: Ground Stomp creates an Earthquake damaging enemies for Physical damage over 4 seconds. While standing in Earthquakes, you deal 10-25% increased damage.
Now: Ground Stomp creates an Earthquake that deals Physical damage over 4 seconds. While standing in Earthquakes and for 4 seconds afterwards, you deal 10-25% increased damage. Your Earthquakes deal 10-25% increased damage.
Previous: Leap creates an Earthquake that deals Physical damage over 4 seconds. While standing in Earthquakes, you gain 10-25% increased Damage Reduction.
Now: Leap creates an Earthquake that deals Physical damage over 4 seconds. While standing in Earthquakes and for 4 seconds afterwards, you gain 10-25% increased Damage Reduction. Your Earthquakes deal 10-25% increased damage.
Ancestral Echoes
Now gives a 20-40% Summoning Skill damage bonus.
Ancestral Charge
Now gives a 20-40% Summoning Skill damage bonus.
Encroaching Wrath
Previous: After spending 100 Fury, your next Weapon Mastery Skill within 5 seconds deals 40-70% increased damage.
Now: After spending 100 Fury, your next Weapon Mastery or Brawling Skill within 8 seconds deals 50-80% increased damage.
Herculean Spectacle
Mighty Throw damage increased from 15-35% to 25-45%.
Unique Items
Twin Strikes
Previous: After casting Double Swing 4 times, your next Double Swing will hit 2 additional times, each dealing 50-80% increased damage.
Now: After casting Double Swing 4 times, your next Double Swing will hit 2 additional times, each dealing 50-80% increased damage and Stunning for 1 second.
Unbroken Chain
1-2 Skill Ranks of Pit Fighter swapped to 2-3 Skill Ranks of Slaying Strike.
Enemy Damage Reduction increased from 10-30% to 20-40%.
Ugly Bastard Helm
Fire damage bonus increased from 60-80% to 80-100%.
Inherent Fire Resistance increased from 50% to 100%.
Bone Breaker – Legendary Node
Previous: Every 12 seconds, your next Skill is guaranteed to Overpower.
Now: Every 12 seconds, your next Skill is guaranteed to Overpower. Whenever you Overpower, your Ultimate Skills deal 10% increased damage for 10 seconds, up to 80%.
Weapons Master – Legendary Node
Previous: Swapping weapons grants you 8% of your Maximum Fury.
Now: Swapping weapons grants you 8% of your Maximum Fury. You deal 30% increased damage to Injured and Healthy enemies.
Can now be cast while moving.
Raging Shred
Previous: Shred's third combo attack is larger and applies an additional 143% Poisoning damage over 5 seconds.
Now: Shred's third combo attack is larger, applies an additional 143% Poisoning damage over 5 seconds, and causes enemies to take 30%[X] increased Poisoning damage for 5 seconds.
Innate Blood Howl
Previous: Blood Howl also generates 20 Spirit.
Now: Blood Howl also generates 20 Spirit. You deal 25%[x] increased damage until you shapeshift out of Werewolf form.
Grizzly Rage
Damage bonus increased from 50%[X] to 60%[X].
Damage increased from 560% to 600%.
Rank 5: Lacerate damage is increased by 40% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.
Rank 5: Casting Cataclysm Slows surrounding enemies by 70% for 8 seconds.
Rank 5: Casting Petrify resets all your non-Ultimate Skill Cooldowns.
The following Skills Tree upgrades which directly dealt damage will now scale up their damage with increased Skill Ranks of the base skill.
Fierce Claw
Innate Earthen Bulwark
Raging Shred
Lupine Ferocity
Previous: Every 3rd Werewolf Skill hit Critically Strikes and deals 100% increased damage, doubled to 200% against Injured enemies.
Now: Every 3rd Werewolf Skill hit Critically Strikes. Werewolf Critical Strikes deal 75%[x] increased damage.
Toxic Claws
Previous: Critical Strikes with Werewolf Skills deal 12% of their Base damage as Poisoning damage over 4 seconds.
Now: Critical Strikes with Shred and Lacerate deal an additional 16% of their Base damage as Poisoning damage over 4 seconds.
Heightened Senses
Previous: When Shapeshifting, Werebear grants 3% Damage Reduction and Werewolf grants 2% Movement Speed. Both bonuses persist as long as you are in either Animal form and are doubled while both are active. They are lost after 3 seconds in Human form.
Now: When Shapeshifting, Werebear grants 3% Damage Reduction and Werewolf grants 3% Movement Speed.Both bonuses persist as long as you are in either animal form. They are lost after 3 seconds in Human form.
Charged Atmosphere
Previous: Every 14 seconds, a Lightning Bolt hits a Nearby enemy dealing 45% damage.
Now: Every 14 seconds, a Lightning Bolt hits a Nearby enemy dealing 45% damage. Your Lightning Bolts deal 10% increased damage.
Spirit Boons
Spirit Offering unlocks reduced from 100 to 60 per Spirit Animal.
Deer – Prickleskin
Previous: Gain 480 Thorns.
Now: Deal 5% increased damage to enemies for 5 seconds after they attack you.
Deer – Gift of the Stag
Previous: Gain 40 Maximum Spirit.
Now: Gain 40 Maximum Spirit. You gain 5 Spirit every second.
Eagle – Scythe Talon
Previous: Gain 15%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance.
Now: Gain 15%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance and 15%[X] increased Lucky Hit Chance.
Wolf – Energize
Previous: Lucky Hit: Dealing damage has a 15% chance to restore 30 Spirit.
Now: Lucky Hit: Dealing damage has a 15% chance to fully restore your Spirit.
Snake – Obsidian Slam
Previous: Every 10th kill will cause your next Earth Skill to Overpower.
Now: Every 6th attack cast will cause your next Earth Skill to Overpower.
Snake – Overload
Previous: Lucky Hit: Dealing Lightning damage has up to a 40% chance to cause the target to emit a static discharge, dealing 120% Lightning damage to surrounding enemies.
Now: Dealing Storm damage also applies an additional 20% Poisoning damage over 5 seconds.
Lucky Hit: Dealing Poison damage has up to a 1% chance to summon a Lightning Bolt on the target dealing 120% damage.
Legendary Aspects
Blurred Beast
Previous: While dashing, Shred seeks out Nearby Poisoned and deals 55-75%[X] increased damage to them.
Now: Shred deals 55-75% more damage, and Shred's first dash lands up to 4 additional strikes based on distance travelled.
Previous: After killing an enemy with Shred, you gain 20 Spirit. Your Werewolf Skills deal 20-40%[X] increased damage when cast above 50 Spirit.
Now: After Critically Striking an enemy with Shred, you gain 15 Spirit. While at 100 Spirit, Werewolf Skills deal 20-40%[x] increased damage until you go below 30 Spirit.
Changed from Utility to Offensive aspect.
Previous: When Rabies infects an enemy, reduce its Cooldown by 0.2-0.99 seconds. This Cooldown reduction is tripled when infecting Elite enemies.
Now: When Rabies infects an enemy, reduce its Cooldown by 0.2-0.99 seconds, tripled when infecting Elite enemies. You deal 25%[X] 25-50%[X] increased damage to enemies affected by Rabies.
Runeworker's Conduit
Previous: Critical Strikes with Storm Skills that you cast charge the air around you for 3 seconds causing a Lightning Bolt to periodically hit an enemy in the area for Lightning damage. Your Lightning Bolts deal 20-40% increased damage.
Now: Critical Strikes with Storm Skills cause Lightning Bolts to periodically strike close enemies for 3 seconds, each dealing Lightning damage. Your Lightning Bolt damage is increased by 50% for every 100 Willpower you have.
Unique Items
Tempest Roar
Changed flat damage Willpower affix to +% Willpower affix.
Mjölnic Ryng
Previous: While Cataclysm is active, you gain unlimited Spirit and deal 40-100% increased damage.
Now: While Cataclysm is active, you gain unlimited Spirit and deal 40-100% increased damage. Cataclysm receives your Lightning Bolt benefits.
Shapeshifting Finesse
Removed +% Werewolf Attack Speed
Removed +% Werewolf Critical Chance
Added +% Damage while Fortified
Heightened Malice
Previous: While there are 3 or more Poisoned enemies Nearby, you deal 45% increased damage.
Now: While a Poisoned enemy is Nearby, you deal 35%[X] increased damage plus an additional 5%[X] for each additional Poisoned enemy, up to 4.
Survival Instincts
Previous: While in Werebear form, you deal 1% increased damage, up to 60%, for every 1% difference in current Life percent between you and the enemy.
Now: While in Werebear form, you deal 30%[X] increased damage or 45%[X] when you are at full Life. You have 1%[X] increased Overpower damage, up to 25%[X], for every 1% difference in current Life percent and Fortified Life percent between you and the enemy.
Ancestral Guidance – Legendary Node
Previous: After spending 75 Spirit, you deal 40% increased damage for 5 seconds.
Now: After spending 75 Spirit, you deal 40% increased damage for 5 seconds. Your Ultimate Skills deal 1% increased damage per Spirit when cast.
Keeper Glyph
Increased the Non-Physical damage bonus from 10%[X] to 15%[X].
Territorial Glyph
Increased Damage Reduction against Close enemies from 10% to 15%.
Undaunted Glyph
Increased Damage Reduction while Fortified from 10% to 15%.
Werewolf Glyph
Increased Werewolf form damage from [+]11.12% to [+]16.6%.
Essence cost reduced from 25 to 20.
Enhanced Blight
Previous: Blight's radius is increased by 15%.
Now: Blight's radius is increased by 15%, directly hitting an Elite with it doubles the damage of its defile area.
Paranormal Blight
Previous: Blight Chills enemies for 15% every second.
Now: Blight has a 25% chance to instantly Freeze enemies on impact for 3 seconds and its defiled area also Chills enemies for 15% every second.
Developer’s Note: The impact Freeze works with the smaller projectiles from the Ebonpiercer Unique item.
Bone Spear
Damage increased from 85% to 100%.
Supernatural Bone Spear
Previous: Bone Spear makes the first enemy hit Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Now: Bone Spear makes the first enemy hit Vulnerable for 3 seconds and deals 30% increased Overpower damage.
Paranormal Bone Spear
Previous: Bone Spear has a 5% increased Critical Strike Chance. If Bone Spear's primary projectile Critically Strikes, it fires 2 additional Bone Shards upon being destroyed.
Now: Bone Spear has 5% more Critical Strike Chance. If its main projectile Critically Strikes, 2 more Bone Shards form upon expiration and you gain 10% Maximum Essence for 5 seconds.
Enhanced Sever
Previous: Sever damages enemies along its path for 75% of its initial damage.
Now: Sever deals 85% of its initial damage along its path and Slows enemies by 40% for 3 seconds.
Paranormal Sever
Previous: Every 3rd cast of Sever makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Now: Every 3rd cast of Sever Fears enemies and makes them Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Supernatural Sever
Previous: Sever deals 2% increased damage for each Minion you have upon cast.
Now: Sever deals 2% increased damage for each Minion you have upon Cast and spawns a Corpse at its end point.
New Functionality: While soul draining from a Boss, Soulrift will now additionally also drain up to two other enemies at the same time.
Rank 5: Every 30 souls consumed refills 1 of your Healing Potions with the lifeblood of your tortured victims.
Supreme Soulrift
Maximum stacks increased from 30 to 100.
Damage bonus reduced from 1% to 0.5 per soul absorbed.
Maximum damage bonus increased from 30% to 75%.
Prime Soulrift
Previous: Enemies with their souls ripped out become Vulnerable for 2 seconds. Damaging enemies affected by Soulrift has a 5% chance for their souls to be ripped out and absorbed.
Now: Soulrift extracts twice the souls from enemies and applies Vulnerable to them for 3 seconds. After it ends, all surrounding enemies are Feared and Slowed by 85% for 5 seconds.
Blood Mist
Baseline damage increased from 2% to 35%.
Ghastly Blood Mist
Previous: Blood Mist leaves behind a Corpse every 1 second.
Now: Blood Mist is now a Mobility Skill that grants 30% Movement Speed, spawning a Corpse every second and applying Vulnerable for 5 seconds to enemies it passes through.
Dreadful Blood Mist
Previous: You gain 10% Critical Strike Chance for 4 seconds after Blood Mist ends.
Now: You gain 15% Critical Strike Chance and 10% Critical Strike Damage for 5 seconds after Blood Mist ends.
Bone Prison
Cooldown reduced from 18 to 15 seconds.
Enhanced Bone Prison
Previous: Enemies within Bone Prison when cast are made Vulnerable for 8 seconds.
Now: Enemies within Bone Prison when it appears are made Vulnerable and take 15% more damage for 8 seconds.
Dreadful Bone Prison
Max Cooldown Reduction increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
Ghastly Bone Prison
Previous: If an enemy is trapped by Bone Prison, gain 25 Essence, plus another 5 per enemy trapped.
Now: Casting Bone Prison grants 40 Essence. Trapping a Boss generates another 25 Essence.
Army of the Dead
Damage increased from 90% to 120%.
New Functionality: Volatile Skeleton explosions now Stun enemies for 2 seconds.
Now has the Summoning tag.
Rank 5: Army of the Dead's damage is increased by 125% of your Skeleton Mage and Golem Damage bonuses.
Blood Wave
The Knockback on Blood Wave is now much more consistent and will sweep enemies farther along its course.
Rank 5: Blood Wave's damage is increased by 100% of your Damage While Healthy and Damage While Fortified bonuses.
Bone Storm
Rank 5: Bone Storm's damage is increased by 60% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.
The following Skills Tree upgrades which directly dealt damage will now scale up their damage with increased Skill Ranks of the base skill.
Blighted Corpse Explosion
Enhanced Decompose
Reaper's Pursuit
Previous: Damaging enemies with Darkness Skills increases your Movement Speed by 5% for 3 seconds.
Now: For each Darkness Skill on your Skill Bar, gain 2% increased Movement Speed and 2% more damage.
Amplify Damage
Previous: You deal 4% increased damage to Cursed enemies.
Now: You deal 4% increased damage to Cursed and Feared enemies. These bonuses can stack.
Hellbent Commander
Previous: While you control at least 7 Minions, your Minions deal 10% increased damage.
Now: While you control at least 7 Minions, gain 10% Summoning Damage.
Coalesced Blood
Previous: While Healthy your Blood Skills deal 6% increased damage.
Now: You deal 6% increased damage while Healthy.
Spiked Armor
Previous: Gain 40 Thorns and 5% additional Armor.
Now: Gain 40/80/120 Thorns, 5/10/15% Armor, and 10% Block Chance.
Rathma's Vigor
Now additionally provides 120% Overpower damage.
Explosion damage scaling based on your Shadow Damage Over Time bonus has been replaced with a Critical Strike Damage bonus.
Legendary Aspects
Numerous Legendary Aspects from Spiritborn are becoming available to the Necromancer which supports its Block archetype:
Developer’s Note: These items are still exclusive to owners of the Vessel of Hatred expansion.
Bristleback: When you Dodge or Block an attack you trigger a 100-160% Thorns attack against the attacker.
Aspect of Redirected Force: Gain increased Critical Strike Damage equal to 30-70% of your Block Chance. Blocking doubles this bonus for 10 seconds.
Aspect of Layered Wards: Your Blocked Damage Reduction is increased by 10-30% while you have a Barrier.
Previous: Blood Wave fires 2 additional waves, each dealing 100-120% of normal damage.
Now: Blood Wave fires 2 additional waves, each dealing 200-240% of normal damage, but you can no longer recast it until the last wave ends.
Gore Quills
Damage of Blood Lances spawned from Blood Orbs increased from 20-60% of normal damage to 40-80%.
Blood Seeker's
Previous: Blood Lance deals 10-25% increased damage to its primary target per lanced enemy.
Now: Blood Lance deals 10-25% increased damage to its primary target per lanced enemy. While Healthy, your Blood Lances deal 25-40% increased Critical Strike Damage.
Previous: Consuming a Corpse increases the damage of your Core Skills by 3.5-7% for 5 seconds, up to 17.5-30%.
Now: Consuming a Corpse increases the damage of your Core and Ultimate Skills by 3.5-7% for 5 seconds, up to 17.5-30%.
Previous: Blight's defiled area, when spawned, pulls in enemies around the affected area.
Now: Blight's defiled area Pulls In enemies and has a 35-50% chance to Stun them for 3 seconds when it appears.
Plunging Darkness
Previous: Bone Prison spawns a pool of Blight that deals 80-140% bonus damage over 6 seconds.
Now: Bone Prison is now a Darkness Skill and spawns a pool of Blight that deals 80-140% bonus damage over 6 seconds.
Unyielding Commander's
Previous: While Army of the Dead is active, your Minions deal 70-110% increased damage and take 90% reduced damage.
Now: While Army of the Dead is active, gain 70-110% Summoning Damage and your Minions take 90% reduced damage.
Great Feast
Previous: Your Minions deal 30-45%increased damage but each one drains 1 Essence from you per second. If you have no active Minions, this bonus applies to you instead and you lose 7 Essence per second.
Now: Gain 30-45% Summoning damage, but each active Minion drains 1 Essence from you per second. If you have no active Minions, you gain 30-45% increased damage instead, and you lose 7 Essence per second.
Unique Items
Blood Moon Breeches
New Affixes
9-11% Critical Strike Chance
2-3 Curse Skill Ranks
1-2 Skill Ranks of Golem Mastery
1-2 Skill Ranks of Hellbent Commander
Previous: Your Minions' attacks have a 3-7% chance to randomly inflict Decrepify or Iron Maiden. You deal 100-150% increased Overpower damage to enemies affected by your Curses.
Now: Your Summoning Skills have a 3-7% chance to randomly inflict Decrepify or Iron Maiden. You deal 20-50% increased Critical Strike Damage to enemies affected by your Curses.
Curses can now be applied from all of your Summoning Skills, not just Minion attacks.
Deathless Visage
Previous: Bone Spear leaves behind echoes that explode for Physical damage, increased by 5% for every 30% Critical Strike Damage you have.
Now: Bone Spear deals 30-50% more Critical Strike Damage and forms echoes that burst for Physical damage, increased by 5% for every 25% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.
Lidless Wall
Previous: Lucky Hit: While you have an active Bone Storm, hitting an enemy outside of a Bone Storm has up to a 15-45% chance to spawn an additional Bone Storm at their location. Each of your active Sacrifice bonuses increases this chance by 25% and the maximum possible Bone Storms by 1.
Now: Lucky Hit: While you have an active Bone Storm, hitting an enemy has up to a 15-45% chance to spawn a Bone Storm around their location. Each Sacrifice bonus increases this chance by 25% and allows you to spawn 1 more Bone Storm. Each active Bone Storm grants 10% Critical Strike Damage.
Wither – Legendary Node
Intelligence cap raised from 1,200 to 2,000.
Bloodbath – Legendary Node
Previous: Deal 70% increased Overpower damage.
Now: Deal 100% increased Overpower damage. After Overpowering, you deal 25% increased Blood Skill damage for 5 seconds.
Profane Cage – Defensive Temper Recipe
Removed Ranks of Spiked Armor
Developer’s Note: Spiked Armor can still be found in the Thorn Army recipe.
Twisting Blades
The 8%[X] bonus damage to targets impaled by Twisting Blades duration increased from 1.5 to 3 seconds and now stacks.
Enhanced Penetrating Shot
Chance to shoot an additional arrow when hitting an Elite or Boss increased from 25% to 40%.
Enhanced Shadow Imbuement
Previous: You gain 15%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies infected by Shadow Imbuement.
Now: You gain 15%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance against enemies infected by Shadow Imbuement.
Blended Shadow Imbuement
Previous: Shadow Imbuement's primary explosion makes enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
Now: Shadow Imbuement's damage makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Blended Cold Imbuement
Previous: Lucky Hit: Cold Imbued Skills have up to a 35% Chance to instantly Freeze enemies for 3 seconds.
Now: Cold Imbuement applies to 2 additional Imbueable Skills and reduces their Energy cost by 35%.
Can now be cast at a target location, rather than always at the Rogue's feet.
Casting animation updated to no longer moves you backwards.
No longer has the Mobility Skill Tag.
Death Trap
New Functionality: Enemies are Pulled into Death Trap when it activates.
Damage increased from 250% to 300%.
Rank 5: Death Trap has an additional Pull In effect when it appears.
Prime Death Trap
Previous: Enemies are Pulled into Death Trap when it activates.
Now: Death Trap Slows all surrounding enemies by 85% for 5 seconds when it activates.
Disciplined Shadow Step
Damage increased from 200%[X] to 300%[X].
Shadow Clone
Is now also considered a Summoning Skill.
Damage from the Shadow Clone is now attributed to the Rogue, allowing it more consistently trigger effects and benefit from damage bonuses.
Rain of Arrows
Previous: Arrows rain down over a large area 2 times, each wave dealing damage. Rain of Arrows' first wave Knocks Down enemies for 3 seconds.
Now: Arrows immediately rain down over a large area dealing damage and Knocking Down all enemies hit for 3 seconds.
Damage increased from 220% to 450%.
Delay before arrow impact reduced from 1 second to 0.25 seconds.
Casting animation has been smoothed out and improved.
Lucky Hit Chance increased from 4% to 12%.
Rank 5: Rain of Arrows damage is increased by 100% of your Damage to Distant bonus.
Supreme Rain of Arrows
Previous: Rain of Arrows deals 60% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.
Now: Rain of Arrows deals 60% increased damage to both Vulnerable and Crowd Controlled enemies.
The following Skills Tree Upgrades which directly dealt damage will now scale up their damage with increased Skill Ranks of the base skill.
Methodical Dance of Knives
Subverting Smoke Grenade
You deal 10/20/30%[X] increased damage to Distant enemies.
Shadow Crash
Previous: Lucky Hit: Shadow Damage has up to a 10% chance to Stun enemies for 0.5/1.0/1.5 seconds.
Now: Lucky Hit: Shadow Damage has up to a 10/20/30% chance to Stun enemies for 1.5 seconds.
Stacks required to activate the guaranteed Critical Strike reduced from 4 to 3.
Casting a Marksman Skill no longer generates an additional stack if the skill Critically Strikes.
Baseline Critical Strike Damage bonus increased from 50%[X] to 65%[X].
Legendary Aspects
True Sight
Now goes up to 21 ranks.
Bonus damage while Inner Sight is active increased from 21-30%[X] to 35-55%[X].
Previous: Your Imbuement Skills have 25-45%[X] increased potency against Vulnerable enemies.
Now: Your Imbuement Skills have 40-60%[X] increased potency.
Siphoned Victuals
Previous: Lucky Hit: Damaging a Vulnerable enemy with a Non-Basic Skill has a 5-25% chance to drop a Healing Potion.
Now: Lucky Hit: Damaging a Vulnerable enemy has up to a 5-25% chance to drop a Healing Potion.
Stolen Vigor
Time between Unstoppable Buffs reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds.
Cruel Sustenance
Previous: Explosions from the Victimize Key Passive Heal you for 42-252 Life for each enemy damaged, up to a maximum of 126-755 Life.
Now: Explosions from the Victimize Key Passive grant you a Barrier for 5-15% of your Maximum Life for 5 seconds.
Skill Ranks of Agility and Subterfuge Skills increased from 1-3 to 3-5.
Previous: Caltrops and Smoke Grenade receive your Stun Grenade benefits and throw Stun Grenades that deal Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1 second.
Now: Caltrops, Smoke Grenade, and Death Trap receive your Stun Grenade benefits and throw Stun Grenades that deal Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1 second.
Unique Items
Grasp of Shadow
Affix Updates
New Inherent: Shadow Clones Execute Injured Non-Elite Enemies.
Skill ranks of Core Skills Affix is now Skill ranks of Markman and Cutthroat Skills.
Lucky Hit Chance Affix is now Critical Strike Chance.
Previous: Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Marksman or Cutthroat Skill has up to a 24-44% chance to summon a Shadow Clone that mimics the Skill.
Now: Casting a Marksman or Cutthroat Skill has a 30-50% chance to summon a Shadow Clone that mimics the Skill.
Internal cooldown on summoning the Shadow Clone reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second.
Scoundrel's Leathers
New inherent affix: Your Trap and Grenade Skills are now also considered Core Skills.
Unique effect now also grants 10-20%[x] Core Skill Damage.
Internal cooldown on triggering a trap reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
Word of Hakan
Additionally grants 30-50% increased Damage to Distant bonus.
Ambush Glyph
Damage bonus to Trapped enemies increased from 10%[X] to 12%[X].
Canny Glyph
Non-Physical damage bonus stacking limit increased from 10%[X] to 15%[X].
Chip Glyph
Physical damage bonus stacking limit increased from 10%[X] to 15%[X].
Ranger Rare Node
Damage to Distant increased from 40% to 80%.
Danse Macabre Legendary Node
Damage bonus to your next Skill after casting a Mobility or Subterfuge Skill increased from 50%[X] to 75%[X].
Eldritch Bounty Legendary Node
Damage increase after using an Imbued skill increased from 20%[X] to 30%[X].
No Witnesses Legendary Node
Ultimate Skill Damage bonus increased from 10% to 20%.
Maximum Bonus increased from 45% to 60%.
Imbuement Abundance — Resource Recipe
Changed to Utility Recipe.
Rogue Motion — Mobility Recipe
Removed Movement Speed Affix.
Specialist Evolution — Offensive Recipe
Stun Grenade Size Affix removed.
Rogue Innovation — Utility Recipe
Stun Grenade Size Affix added.
Agile Augments — Weapon Recipe
Chance for Shadow Clone to Deal Double Damage Affix added.
Developer’s Note: All Sorcerers eventually use Burning and Conjuration builds. The focus behind all of these changes is to try and fix these outlying issues and open more build options. As always, we will continue to monitor the effect this has on Sorcerer's power level.
All now show the max limit on the tooltip.
Enhanced Ball Lightning
Previous: Ball Lightning's Attack Rate is increased by your Attack Speed Bonus, up to 25%.
Now: Your attack speed is increased by 5% for 3 seconds each time you cast Ball Lightning, up to 20%.
Wizard's Ball Lightning
Previous: Hitting an enemy 4 times with one ball lightning spawns a Crackling Energy. 2 times per cast.
The following Skills Tree upgrades which directly dealt damage will now scale up their damage with increased Skill Ranks of the base skill.
Enhanced Spark
Enhanced Fireball
Enhanced Familiar
Fire Bolt
Previous: Direct damage from Skills applies an additional [X] Burning damage over 8 seconds.
Now: Dealing burning damage has a 10% chance to heal you for 4% of your Maximum Life.
Flame Shield
Previous: Flame Shield automatically activates after cumulatively taking 100% of your life. Can only happen once every 30 seconds.
Now: Taking 30% of your life within 2 seconds activates Flame Shield. Can only happen once every 30 seconds.
Devouring Blaze
Previous: You deal 7% Critical Strike damage against Burning Enemies. If they're Crowd Controlled this increases to 10%.
Now: Your Pyromancy Skills deal an additional 10% increased Critical Strike Damage.
Shocking Impact
Previous: Every time you Stun an enemy, you deal X% Lightning Damage to them.
Now: Every time you Stun an enemy or attempt to Stun a Boss, you deal X% Lightning Damage to them.
Inner Flames
Previous: Your Pyromancy Skills deal 4% increased damage while you are Healthy.
Now: You deal 4% increased damage while Healthy.
Icy Touch
Previous: You deal 4% increased Cold damage to Vulnerable enemies.
Now: You deal 4% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
Conjuration Mastery
Renamed to Primordial Binding.
Previous: Gain a stacking bonus for each active Conjuration, up to 30 stacks. 1% damage, 1% movement speed, 2% Mana Regeneration.
Now: Gain a stacking bonus for each active Summon, up to 10 Summons. 2% Summoning damage, 2% movement speed, 4% Mana Regeneration.
Developer’s Note: The power of Conjuration mastery in the endgame limits all Sorcerer builds to become which build can summon the most conjurations possible. We are looking to redistribute the power boost gained from this passive into other parts of the Sorcerer kit.
Legendary Aspects
Splintering Energy
Now an extension of Lightning Spear.
Previous: Critical Hits with Lightning Spear cause lightning to arc from it dealing 50-90% damage to its target and up to 5 other enemies. This damage is increased by 100% of your Critical Strike Damage Bonus.
Now: Critical Hits with Lightning Spear cause the spear to arc again to the target and up to 5 other enemies. This damage is increased by 100% of your Critical Strike Damage Bonus.
Tenuous Destruction
Damage increased from 25-45% up to 30-50%.
Tenuous Agility
Bonus when not using Defensive skills has been increased from double to tripled.
Mana gained per bounce of Chain Lightning increased from 1.0-5.0 to 2.5-5.0.
Searing Wards
Previous: After spending 125-65 Mana, your next Firewall is free to cast and will destroy incoming Small Missiles.
Now: Firewall slows enemies within by 60%. After spending 125-65 Mana your next Firewall is free to cast, destroys incoming Small Missiles, and Immobilizes anything hit with the initial Cast for 3 seconds.
Moved to Utility category.
Previous: Ball Lightning orbits around you and deal [10 - 30]%[x] increased damage. You may have up to 10 Ball Lightnings and casting more increases the damage of the existing ones by 10% each.
Developer’s Note: The previous version of this affix has been reworked into Okun’s Catalyst.
Now: After creating 7-2 Ball Lightnings, your next Ball Lightning implodes pulling in close enemies before dealing [90% weapon damage] damage in a small area. This damage scales with Ball Lightning.
Previous: A hail of Meteorites fall during Inferno dealing Fire damage on impact. Your Meteorites Immobilize enemies for 3 seconds.
Now: A hail of Meteorites fall during Inferno dealing Fire damage on impact. Your Meteorites Immobilize enemies for 3 seconds. While Inferno is active, your Meteorites deal 300% increased damage.
Unique Items
Sidhe Bindings
Non-physical damage affix replaced with Ranks to Primordial Binding.
Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies has been changed to Damage Reduction While Healthy.
Searing Heat Node
Previous: Your Pyromancy Skills have a 12% increased Critical Strike Chance and deal Direct Damage equal to 20% of your Damage with Fire bonus, up to 60%.
Now: Your Pyromancy Skills have a 12% increased Critical Strike Chance and deal Direct Damage equal to 10% of your Critical Strike Damage Bonus, up to 60%.
Burning Instinct Node
Previous: Your Burning damage is increased by 10% of your Critical Strike Damage Bonus, plus 2% for every 30 Intelligence you have, up to 90%.
Now: Your Burning damage is increased by 20% of your Damage with Fire bonus, plus 2% for every 30 Intelligence you have, up to 90%.
Ceaseless Conduit Node
Previous: Crackling Energy has a 25% chance to not consume a Charge when triggered. Crackling Energy's damage is increased by 2% per 20 Intelligence you have up to 120%.
Now: While you have Crackling Energy charges, your Skills deal 10% increased damage. This amount increases by 4% per 20 Intelligence you have up to 60%. When you reach full charges, your Crackling Energy damage is increased by three times this amount until you run out of charges.
Static Surge Node
Previous: After spending 100 Mana, your next cast of Chain Lightning or Charged Bolts makes enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds and restores 10% of your Mana. This Mana cost requirement is reduced by Mana Cost Reduction bonuses.
Now: Hitting enemies at least 8 times in a second with Shock Skills restores 30% of your Maximum Mana and increases your damage by 40% for 8 seconds. This cannot be refreshed while active.
Fundamental Release – Legendary Node
Previous: Every time you apply Vulnerable, Burning, or Critically Strike an enemy, they take 10% increased damage from you, up to 30%.
Now: Every time you apply Vulnerable, Burning, or Critically Strike an enemy, they take 10% increased damage from you, up to 30%. Your Ultimate Skill damage is increased by 10% of your Non-Physical Damage bonus, up to 40%.
Conjurer Glyph
20% Conjuration duration replaced with 15%[X] Conjuration Critical Hit Chance.
Tempering Recipes
Ice Blades cast twice removed from Conjuration Augments.
Inferno double damage removed from Pyromancy Augments.
Nightmare Dungeons
A new Affix has been added, Elemental Totems. While in Combat, one of three Totems can spawn.
Cold Totem
Affected monsters slow players and apply vulnerable on hit.
Demonic Totem
Affected monsters move and attack faster.
Spirit Totem
Affected Monsters revive once when killed. Revived monsters do not grant loot or experience upon being defeated.
Monsters only have the buff while inside the area and the totems can be destroyed by attacking them, but they slowly lose health over time and are destroyed on their own after 20 seconds.
Seasonal Nightmare Dungeon Rotation
Vessel of Hatred Dungeons
Beast Graveyard
Farai Cliffs
Feeding Grounds
Forge of Malice
Forgotten Remains
Hallowed Stones
Hierophant Pyre
Iron Cenotaph
Murmuring Spiral
Putrescent Larder
Razak's Descent
Remnants of Rage
Ruined Wild
Seething Underpass
Sleepless Hollow
Ularian Sepulcher
Base Game Dungeons
Black Asylum
Caldera Gate
Dead Man's Dredge
Derelict Lodge
Forbidden City
Forsaken Quarry
Hallowed Ossuary
Hoarfrost Demise
Kor Dragan Barracks
Light's Watch
Mercy's Reach
Nostrava Deepwood
Akkhan's Grasp
Ancient Reservoir
Bastion Of Faith
Belfry Zakara
Blind Burrows
Faceless Shrine
Haunted Refuge
Heathen's Keep
Iron Hold
Leviathan's Maw
Lost Keep
Maugan's Works
Abandoned Mineworks
Collapsed Vault
Corrupted Grotto
Deserted Underpass
Forgotten Ruins
Hakan's Refuge
Halls of the Damned
Heretic's Asylum
Putrid Aquifer
Shivta Ruins
Sirocco Caverns
Sunken Library
Tomb of the Saints
Uldur's Cave
Vile Hive
Calibel's Mine
Domhainne Tunnels
Garan Hold
Howling Warren
Luban's Rest
Maddux Watch
Mariner's Refuge
Sarat's Lair
Sunken Ruins
Whispering Pines
Ancient's Lament
Betrayer's Row
Bloodsoaked Crag
Buried Halls
Carrion Fields
Champion's Demise
Charnel House
Grinning Labyrinth
Komdor Temple
Path of the Blind
Sealed Archives
Seaside Descent
Incense Updates
Storm of the Wilds
Maximum Resistances increased from 2% to 4%.
Desert Escape
Maximum Resistances increased from 2% to 4%.
Song of the Mountain
Armor increased from 200 to 300.
Sage's Whisper
Core Stats increased from 25 to 100.
Queen's Supreme
Core Stats increased from 25 to 100.
Blessed Guide
Core Stats increased from 25 to 100.
Ancient Times
Core Stats increased from 25 to 100.
Spiral Morning
All Stats increased from 15 to 60.
Soothing Spices
Maximum Resistances increased from 1% to 2%.
Scents of the Desert Afternoon
Thorns increased from 250 to 400.
Reddamine Buzz
Maximum Life increased from 500 to 750.
Loot Updates
The general chance for an Ancestral item to drop has been increased.
The general chance for an Elixir to drop from Elite monsters has been reduced.
The minimum roll for a Legendary affix on an Ancestral item is now equal to the max roll of a non-ancestral item.
The acquisition rate of Infernal Compasses has been adjusted. The chance to acquire one from Greater Helltide Chests has been increased.
The chance for an Infernal Compass to drop from the following sources have been decreased:
Nightmare Dungeons
Lesser Helltide Chests
The Pit
A new Whisper Cache has been added, Collection Keys. This will include 3 Infernal Compasses and 3 Nightmare Dungeon Sigils.
The overall drop chance of Gem Fragments has been reduced.
The variance on the roll of a Unique Item's power has been reduced. Additionally, the variance for the strength of the power further reduces for each Greater Affix present.
Developer’s Note: It doesn’t feel good to get an item that has multiple Greater Affixes with poorly rolled power. This change will make it so that a 4 GA item will always have a good roll on the Unique power.
The Greater Crafting Whisper Cache has been adjusted.
It’s now a normal cache, so it will appear more often.
Now contains 4 times as many crafting materials than other caches would drop.
No longer contains non-crafting items.
Affix Updates
Items that have affixes that are class specific are no longer class-restricted. Instead, the specific affix is now class-restricted.
Developer’s Note: Any affixes that are inactive due to being incompatible with your class will be explicitly called out as disabled on item tooltips.
Items and affixes that are not usable by your current class will explicitly denote which classes can use them on the tooltip using class iconography.
The following list details what affixes are now class restricted or have had the class they are restricted to updated.
Developer’s Note: The majority of these affixes are from class-specific Tempering recipes. To acquire them on other classes the item must be tempered by the class that has access, then transferred.
Restricted to Barbarians
Damage to Injured
Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
Damage after Swapping Weapons
Restricted to Necromancers
Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
Damage While Fortified
Blood Orbs restore essence
Restricted to Rogue
Damage to Poisoned Enemies
Lucky Hit: Chance to Daze
Bonus Maximum Life while Dark Shroud is Active
Restricted to Sorcerer
Bonus Fire Damage
Bonus Cold Damage
Bonus Lightning Damage
Damage to Froze n enemies
Increased Freeze Duration
Damage to Immobilized Enemies
Lucky Hit: Chance to Heal
Restricted to Barbarians and Necromancers
Thorns while Fortified
Restricted to Barbarians and Sorcerers
Bonus Crowd Control Duration
Restricted to Barbarians, Necromancers, Druids, and Sorcerers
Casting Ultimate Restores Resource
Summons and Minions Update
All skills that summon entities, such as Necromancer Minions, Druid Companions, Sorcerer Conjurations, are now all tagged as Summon skills for consistency across classes.
Added the Summoning Skill Tag to Druid Companion Skills, Sorcerer Conjuration Skills, Rogue Shadow Clone, Barbarian Call of the Ancients, in addition to Necromancer Raise Skeleton, Golem, and Army of the Dead.
Units created by these Skills are now collectively referred to as Summons.
All damage from Summons is attributed to the player's character, rather than the Summoned unit.
Updated wording on various effects to use the new Summons terminology where appropriate. Many effects still interact only with the class specific version of these Summons.
Updated wording on various effects to remove "You and your Summons" where it is now redundant to specifically call out your Summons.
Developer’s Note: Summoning Skills have behaved inconsistently across the Classes, making it hard to know how to scale their damage or what effects would interact with your Summons. This update aims to standardize their interactions across the board by attributing the damage they deal to the player, rather than the Summoned unit. This means that damage from your Summons will be able to trigger all of your Lucky Hit effects, and interact with all of your damage modifiers, multipliers, and triggers. Note that effects such as Ring of Mendeln still properly increase their damage output based on the damage bonuses you have for the specific Minion type that triggered the effect. Additionally, specific changes for Necromancer have been implemented to reflect these changes, which can be seen above in the relevant section.
Infernal Hordes
Infernal Compasses have been updated.
Compasses now stack, based on tier. Maximum stack count is 99.
Old compasses from previous seasons will now become "Broken Compasses." These Compasses can be consumed to generate random Compasses.
User Interface and User Experience
The customization screens for both the Wardrobe and Stablemaster have been updated to improve general readability.
Comparing lower Item Power Rings or Dual wield weapons now always compares a default slot instead of selecting one with the lowest item power.
All nearby crafting materials will now be collected when picking up a stack from the ground.
The description for the Hardcore Challenges for defeating Andariel, Duriel and Lilith now clarify that this refers to the campaign bosses.
The tooltip for Yen's Blessing has been updated to clarify that the free casts triggered by the item do not count as if the player casted the skill, which implied other effects should also trigger in this cases.
Mounts can now be customized anywhere.
There are now no more mounts that can be bought with gold, now all Mounts can be acquired either as rewards from various activities or through being purchased in the Shop.
A new option in the Training Yard has been added to toggle damage variance on and off.
Scrolls of Amnesia will no longer drop. Any remaining scrolls on characters created in previous seasons can easily dispose of them.
Gems can now be transmuted into random Legendary and Unique Jewelry.
The Quest to unlock the class mechanic now only needs to be completed once on account wide.
Monster Density has been increased in the following Strongholds:
Altar of Ruin
Moordaine Lodge
Hope's Light
The Infernal Hordes Gold Chest now rewards more Gold.
Completion of a class quest now rewards a cache of Legendary loot tailored to the class.
Base Game Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Screen Reader did not read the Input field in the Create Clan Menu.
Infernal Hordes and Strongholds
Fixed an issue where progression in Kor Dragan could be blocked if Vampiric Corruptions were killed before the objective updated.
Fixed an issue where some enemies could become untargetable in Infernal Hordes, which would block progression.
Fixed an issue where some Whisper Cache rewards were based on the character opening them, rather than the character who earned them.
Fixed an issue where ranged Crowd Control effects could cancel Suppressor fields from outside the field.
Fixed an issue where the Wildbolt Aspect did not pull in as many enemies as intended in certain scenarios.
Fixed an issue where Life Per Second Affixes had much lower values than intended.
Fixed an issue where Unique and Mythic Unique items were more frequently attainable from the Purveyor of Curiosities than intended.
Fixed an issue where certain shadow monster attacks in Pit boss encounters had attacks with visuals that did not match with the hitbox of the attack.
Fixed an issue where Barbarian's Mighty Throw could snapshot bonuses from the initial instance to the rest of the explosions.
Fixed an issue where Earthquakes were not properly consumed by the Seismic Line spawned by Hammer of the Ancients when using Mantle of the Mountain's Fury.
Fixed an issue where the description for Power Kick did not mention that the upgrade made Kick a Core Skill.
Fixed an issue where Tactical Iron Skin would Heal for more than intended.
Fixed an issue which prevented the One With Nature damage bonus from applying to the Vine Creeper Druid Companion's active effect.
Fixed an issue where the Nature Magic Wall tempering affix did not increase Earthen Bulwark's duration.
Fixed an issue where Stone of Vehemen was not tradeable.
Fixed an issue where Shred could Dash without the Primal Shred upgrade learned.
Fixed an issue where Shred could have visual issues when cast with high amounts of attack speed.
Fixed an issue where the Affliction key passive did not always deal 2 instances of Shadow damage from both Decrepify and Iron Maiden when the Aspect of the Cursed Aura was equipped.
Fixed an issue where the Needleflare Aspect would incorrectly trigger its pulse of damage around the Necromancer rather than around the Minion when the Minion triggered it.
Fixed an issue where the Shademist Aspect could trigger Ring of Mendeln.
Fixed an issue where the Abyssal Glyph granted 21% bonus damage instead of 10%.
Fixed an issue where the free cast from Blood Artisan's Cuirass scaled off both current and Maximum Life.
Fixed an issue where Soulrift could overpower when using the Blood Boiled Aspect.
Fixed an issue where Blood Orbs spawned from the Tidal Aspect and Blood Wave could overlap and appear as if the orbs did not spawn.
Fixed a bug where Iron Maiden was not being applied by Aspect of the Cursed Aura.
Fixed a bug where Aspect of the Cursed Aura would not gain the 50% bonus from amulets.
Fixed an issue where movement could become difficult if Corpse Tendrils was assigned to left mouse button.
Fixed an issue where Ghastly Bone Prison did not grant additional essence when used on Bosses.
Fixed multiple instances where Tempering affixes for chance to deal double damage, chance to spawn bonus projectiles, and chance to hit twice did not work properly when using Shadow Clone. Developer’s Note: The following effects and affixes still do not work properly in the context of Shadow Clone:
Additive damage per combo point
Effect Size increase
Effect duration increase
Fixed an issue where Pitfighter's Gull was Account bound on pickup.
Fixed an issue where the affix for bonus Maximum Life while Dark Shroud is active did not factor in all sources of additional Maximum Life.
Fixed an issue where No Witnesses Paragon node was activating on Ultimate skills which had been cast for free.
Fixed an issue where both Critical Strike Chance bonuses to Vulnerable and Crowed Controlled enemies from Trap Mastery could apply at the same time.
Fixed an issue where Shadow Step would incorrectly deal additional damage to adjacent enemies when it killed a target.
Fixed an issue where the Second Wind Passive would not trigger if you had infinite resources, such as from Inner Sight.
Fixed an issue where the Stun Grenade tag on Dance of Knives was not properly flagged as a search-only tag.
Fixed an issue where Enhanced Poison Imbuement would incorrectly increase Poisoning duration.
Fixed an issue that caused Dance of Knives to infinitely cast while using Yen's Blessing.
Fixed an issue where Methodical Dash reduced Charge cooldown by 2 seconds instead of 3.
Fixed an issue where multiplicative damage to Close Enemies, was not being properly accounted for in the bonus from Close Quarters Combat Key Passive, such as from the Turf and Closer Glyphs.
Fixed an issue where Rapid Fire projectiles with Scoundrel's Kiss equipped couldn't hit certain stationary enemies, such as Hollow Defilements.
Fixed an uncommon issue where Preparation wouldn’t reduce your Ultimate Skill's Cooldown by the appropriate amount.
Fixed an issue where Shroud of Khanduras could trigger certain Lucky Hit effects.
Fixed a bug causing Ravager's Aspect to gain its bonuses multiplicatively with each stack of itself.
Fixed an issue where you could get stuck after using the Volley dismount ability in certain scenarios.
Fixed an issue where automatic casts of Familiar were not always Lightning based if spawned by Unstable Currents.
Fixed an issue where the Sorcerer’s Familiar was not triggering the Shocking Impact passive.
Fixed an issue where Incinerate visuals could occasionally be incorrectly sized when using Flamethrower's Aspect.
Fixed an issue where Meteor would occasionally stop recharging after changing zones while using Starfall Coronet.
User Interface and User Experience
Fixed several instances where some skills, paragon nodes, glyphs, and legendary aspects did not properly appear when using Keyword search.
Fixed an issue where Controller navigation in the Party Finder menu was inconsistent.
Fixed an issue where the controller focus would default to required resources instead of the confirm button when enchanting a previously enchanted item.
Fixed an issue where Lord Zir did not drop a Khazra Horn as expected.
Fixed an issue where the Fully Equipped Challenge only unlocked if all equipped items were of Magic Quality.
Fixed an issue where Smoldering Ashes did not auto-claim as expected.
Various stability, UI, audio, visual, and performance improvements.
What's Next?
We hope you enjoy the Season of Hatred Rising and the Vessel of Hatred expansion with the aid of our Season 6 compendium update. Our focus is now on the upcoming 2.1 PTR and the Season 7 game update while following various Season 6 changes. We're also continuing to work on more updates for D4Planner!
With that said, head over to our Discord to stay up to date with our content development and to make the most of your Season 6 experience! Also don't forget to check out our Youtube channel!