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Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.1 Campfire Chat Recap

Season 1 - Malignant

Last Updated:October 17, 2023

The Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.1 Campfire Chat just took place. The panel consisting of Joe Shely (Game Director), Joseph Piepiora (Associate Game Director), Adam Jackson (Lead Class Designer) and Adam Fletcher (Associate Director of Community) discussed what is coming in Patch 1.1.1 for Barbarians, Sorcerers along with general improvements to the game. See all the major points below.

Gameplay Changes

The goals of Patch 1.1.1:

  • Improve the fun and playstyle of the Barbarian and Sorcerer.
  • For Barbarian they want to improve the early game to not be so slow and harsh with Fury regeneration, as well as improving the late game. There are also Unique changes coming regarding their stats and effects.
NEWS CF 1 900 X 506
(left) Pre-patch, effect updated only (Right) Post patch with all updated properties
  • For the Sorcerer, they want to reduce the kiss-curse mechanics where you would gain a buff but with a consequence. They want to lessen or remove some of these throughout the class. They also want to improve survivability mid-to late game.
  • Many general class and gameplay improvements!
  • Patch notes will be revealed in full on Wednesday, August 2nd with the patch going live Tuesday, August 8th!

Quick Topics

  • Uniques (Patch 1.1.1 and beyond)- Many Uniques are being looked at for updating. Stat and effects will be considered for changes. Old versions you currently have will update to the new effect, new versions will drop with the new stats and effects once found.
  • Vulnerable and Critical Hit Chance (Patch 1.1.1 and beyond) - They want to look into expanding the build options by not have these affixes feel so mandatory as they are. They want to bring other affixes up, so there is good parity between as many affixes as possible.
  • Add Scaling to Effects (After Patch 1.1.1) - Class abilities that spawn Earthquakes or Dust Devils or Shadow trails deal flat damage that scale with player level. These effects fall off hard at the higher end and want to look into adding scaling to make them feel impactful.
  • Ultimate Skill (After Patch 1.1.1)- Make sure using Ultimate Skills feels like an Ultimate Skill and not something that just sets up a build or is just a buff.
  • Monster Density (Patch 1.1.1) - Patch 1.1.1 includes monster density changes. They want to keep track of how monster density feels in Nightmare Dungeons and Helltides. If they feel more improvements are required, they will continue to move the needle until things fulfill the fantasy of mowing down enemies. They also recognize they can over do it, making combat difficult or bog down performance. This will be kept in mind as adjustments are made.
Monster Density Currently
Monster Density in Patch 1.1.1
  • Bosses Loot (Patch 1.1.1) - Starting at level 35, you will get a guaranteed Legendary Item drop from a defeated Dungeon Boss, completing a Legion Event and slaying The Butcher. Treasure Goblins also have a guaranteed Legendary Item drop starting at level 15!.
  • Respec Cost (Patch 1.1.1) - Confirmed in patch and will be reduced by ~40%.
  • Stash Tab (Patch 1.1.1) - Confirmed in patch and will cost 400K Gold.
  • Elixir Stacking (Patch 1.1.1) - Confirmed in patch and will stack to 99.
  • Leave Dungeon Time Reversed (Patch 1.1.1) - Previously the time to leave a dungeon was increased to 5 seconds, they will revert it back to 3 seconds in Patch 1.1.1.
  • Nightmare Dungeon Affliction changes (Patch 1.1.1) - Certain Afflictions are not living up to the developer's standards, in addition to being a pain for players. Resource Drain, Cold Enchanted and Backstabber will be removed from the pool of options for Sigils in Patch 1.1.1 and will be reworked in the future.

Class Changes

The Barbarian and Sorcerer classes received a bulk of the attention in this patch. Druids, Rogues and Necromancers got some targeted improvements and small QoL adjustments. Other general improvements are being made to Druid and Necromancer Minion survivability.

Community Questions

Planned changes for experience in the late game?

The team has already raised XP gains from Nightmare Dungeon completion, Helltides chest opening. In patch 1.1.1 will also gain more XP by the changes to monster density naturally as well.

Any updates or thoughts on enemy Crowd Control?

Want to make changes to ensure situations with hard CC in high intensity/density situation aren't as harsh. Team is looking into this for a future update.

Updates on resistances and whats going to happen?

Want them to be like most things in game, to be impactful when you take the stat. They are making sure to take time to not swing the pendulum the other way, and you become invincible. Lastly, they want to make sure Armor, Resistances and other defense options work together.

Looking into Mounts?

The team is looking into Mounts. Updating the boost, as well as fixing a bug with consoles of the boost stacking. Also looking at mounts getting stuck on terrain and barricades.

VRAM issues with GPU updates?

The engineers are aware, and a fix is coming.

Is there any way to adjust the zoom level?

Loose talk about it. Mentioned the hardware resources required. Nothing set in stone.

Further adjustments?

There will always be more changes, this is not a one and done situation.

That's our Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.1 Campfire Chat Recap. The team is committed to keeping the player base in the loop on changes coming to the game. Stay tuned here to know when they do to never feel left behind.

Video Recap

Recap by Rhykker

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Written by: Dredscythe

Reviewed by: Facefoot

Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.1 Campfire Chat

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