Transfigured Gems from the Reveal
The Affliction League Reveal brings new Transfigured Gems, replacing Alternate Quality Gems, Labyrinth Helmet Enchantments and the outdated Threshold Jewels. Transfigured Gems appear for Active Skills and focus on modified functionality, rather than passive bonuses. For everything else revealed about Affliction League check out our wrapup.
Obtaining Transfigured Gems
The Divine Font at the end of the Eternal Labyrinth has been changed into a gem crafting Device.

You're able to add Skill Gems to the Font and modify them in a variety of ways. You can also add Experience to a Gem, or transform your Gem into an Exceptional Gem.
If you choose to Transform your Gem, you can pick from 3 Transfigured Gems. If you don't like the options offered, close the window and take your original Skill back.
The Eternal Labyrinth now offers 2 uses of the Divine Font by default. Furthermore, when you Transform a Gem it retains its Level and Quality. The rewards from Heist Blueprints have been buffed to compensate for the removal of Alternate Quality Gems from Heist.
Vendor Recipe Change
The vendor recipe for turning a Level 20 Gem into a 20% Quality Level 1 version of that Gem no longer works with Skill Gems, as the benefit Quality provides to damage dealing Skills is now more powerful. The vendor recipe can now only be used with non-Awakened Support Gems.
This is a very significant change to how players obtain 20% Quality gems, but change isn't always bad. Instead of leveling several copies of your main skill in your off-hand, you'll be leveling Support Gems (which can still be "flipped" via the recipe) or Gems to Transfigure next time you run Lab.
For everything else, you need to use 20 Gemcutter's Prisms, or the Divine Font. Depending on how common the "Add +#% quality to a Gem" Divine Font modifier is, you could have a great opportunity to enable the quality effects of your main skill while leveling as you run through Normal and Cruel Labyrinth.
TLDR - Buff or Nerf?
Until we get to play with the content, it's impossible to measure the impact with 100% certainty, but here's an educated guess:
- 20/20 Gems are easier to obtain than before, and may be obtained during the Campaign by completing Lab.
- 21/20 Gems and 20/20 Vaal Skills are more difficult to obtain.
Read the Patch Notes to find out the Superior quality changes for all your favorite skills!
Transfigured Gems
Here are the Transfigured Gems from the reveal and a couple bonus Gems. This is a tantalizing taste of the 100+ Transfigured gems which will be revealed over the coming days. Transfigured Gems are alternative versions of existing skills which provide new playstyles and archetypes.
This version of Frozen Legion causes the statues to step forward as they use Frozen Sweep. Adding a bit of range to the attacks makes it easier to overlap Frozen Sweeps.

The Volcanic Fissures erupt 3 times in an effect similar to Vaal Volcanic Fissure. The strength of this gem largely comes down to the Fissure pattern and how many projectiles overlap.

Normally Bladestorm creates Storms based on your Stance. But the Transfigured version creates both storms regardless of your Stance. Having the Sand Storms mixed in with Blood Storms adds a good bit of mobility and clear. However, losing additional Storms from quality is a steep price to pay.

This version of Raise Zombie allows you to drop Zombies on your foe. A Physical Spell which scales off of Minion damage and even counts as a Minion dying? Nothing broken to see here, folks!

If you've ever said to yourself "I enjoy Flame Dashing with an Echoing Shrine only to return to my starting location" this is the skill for you. This one seems like a bit of a meme.

The Transfigured Firestorm skill deals damage through multiple small Firestorms instead of 3 larger Firestorms. From the look of Firestorm of Meteors vs Firestorm of Pelting, the Pelting variant is focused on raining down a widespread swath of destruction , whereas Meteors is all about single target.

The other Transfigured Firestorm Gem revealed replaces the smaller storms with a gigantic flaming bolt. The base damage is massive so this could be an ideal choice for Traps, Mines, or Cast On Critical Strike Support.

This version of Blight is spread by your Contagion. If you combine Blight, Cast while Channelling Support and Essence Drain both DoTs will spread through enemy packs.

Normally Frost Bomb is a supporting ability, used for exposure and to reduce enemy Regeneration. The Transfigured version turns it into a damaging main skill, creating a blast after a short delay without any cooldown.

This version of Detonate Dead cannot used player created corpses like those from Desecrate or Unearth. 34.5% of a Corpse's maximum life is one big boom, but it'll be difficult to capitalize on this for bosses.

A Transfigured Blade Trap which uses Two Handed Swords instead of the normal One Handed weapons. There are a lot of powerful 2h Unique Swords like Voidforge and Rakiata's Dance.

Killing blows with Double Strike cause Impalesplosions similar to the Great Old One's TentaclesUnique Gloves. A great way to add clear to your Melee build.

This version of Barrage adds additional Horizontal Projectiles, these most likely work like the old Threshold Jewel and most won't strike the primary target.

Now your Blink Arrow Clones use a skill similar to Rain of Arrows in place of their default attack. This greatly increases their ability to quickly clear an area without the need to scale projectiles.

Your Blink Arrow Clones use a skill similar to Elemental Hit in place of their default attacks.

Animate ranged weapons instead of melee weapons. Lingering blades you target with Animate Weapon become bows to unleash a barrage of death upon your foes.

A version of Arc whose beams split towards targets instead of chaining, similar to the default behavior of Exsanguinate.

This Transfigured Animate Guardian Gem was revealed in a recent teaser and uses Smite of Divine Judgment.
From the Teaser gameplay, it's difficult to tell what Smite of Divine Judgment does, hopefully the level 20 gem is revealed soon!
Normally Ball Lightning travels forward dealing damage every 150ms. The Transfigured version is stationary and regularly zaps foes which could be valuable for Trigger builds who normally stand too close to foes to take advantage of normal Ball Lightning.
That's all for now, but stay tuned for our coverage of more Transfigured Gems as they appear in future reveals and teasers.
Stay Up to Date
That's everything we know so far about Path of Exile's 3.23 Affliction League and the Transfigured Gems from the reveal. Are you looking for more news on Path of Exile builds, events, and upcoming patches? Then head over to our Discord and select the Path of Exile role in #roles to stay up to date with our content development. Stay sane, Exile!
Written by: Tenkiei
Reviewed by: Dredscythe