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The Fourth Locale and More Monsters

Last Updated:February 6, 2025

Capcom held a spotlight today, and there was news from the Monster Hunter Wilds showcase, including a new trailer and a presentation. We got a significant amount of new information, including the fourth locale and both new and returning Monsters. We also got more details about the features of the upcoming beta, including two new hunts, and some news and information about the Flagship monster Arkveld. If you want to watch the showcase for yourself, The video is below. The Wilds presentation starts at the 20-minute mark.

The Fourth Locale

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The trailer also gave our first look at the fourth locale: The Ice Shard Cliffs. We did not get much in the trailer, but we did see two general areas. First is a rocky and icy area filled with strange rock formations. Some of these formations can be used as environmental hazards, acting as a somewhat more horizontal version of falling rocks. The second area seems to be beneath a frozen forest. It contains spider webs, and what looks like frozen tree roots poke out of the ground above.

A New Monster

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The first local to the Ice Shard Cliffs we meet is a new large monster named Hirabami. Hirabami is a flying insectoid monster that looks like a cross between a centipede and a snake. It floats in the air by using a wind-catching pouch in its neck and back, and attacks with sharp claws on its tail. It can also breathe icy breath at the hunter to damage them, or strike at them by swinging their long body through the air. Hirabami is also a pack monster, with the trailer showing a hunter fighting three of them at once.

A Potential Apex

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We also potentially got a look at what could be the apex of the Ice Shard Cliffs. While we do not have a name, we briefly saw the Hirabami fight with a giant monster resembling an ice-worm. It was sticking out from a hole in the ground and breathed a huge icy breath at the Hiragami. It has large claws, its back is covered in spines and does not seem to have any eyes. We do not yet know the name of this monster or what role it occupies, but it certainly looks like an apex.

Two Returning Monsters

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The first returning monster shown was Nerscylla. Nerscylla is an agile but powerful spider-like monster. Nerscylla is an adept web spinner, and will sometimes use her threads to swing around the arena and attack. It often prefers physical attacks, but it is also capable of launching poison at the hunter. It also showed off a new ability to tunnel through webs and attack the hunter from below using its massive jaws. Nerscylla prey on Gypceros and like to wear their hides as trophies. It looks to be a solitary monster rather than working in a pack.

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The second returning monster is Gore Magala. Gore Magala's horns block its eyes, so it spreads what is known as the frenzy virus through its scales in order to see. The frenzy causes monsters to become more aggressive and dangerous, canonically killing them in a matter of days, though it is not yet clear how this will impact the story. The frenzy was a major part of the story in Monster Hunter 4, and the endgame is based on hunting monsters infected with the frenzy. Alternatively, Gore Magala also appeared in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and the frenzy was not a significant part of the story at all.

Unconfirmed, but Likely

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If we have Gore Magala, we will most likely have Shagaru Magala. Shagaru Magala is an Elder Dragon that is the result of a Gore Magala shedding its skin as it grows into an adult. It looks somewhat similar to Gore Magala but has a gold coloration instead of black. As an adult, the horns covering Shagaru Magala's eyes have moved up, allowing it to see, and it has become much stronger physically. It also has a greater mastery of the frenzy virus, using it in powerful new breath attacks. Since Gore and Shagaru are the same monster at different points in its lifespan, it seems like a likely addition to the roster.

New Beta Information

The presentation also gave us exciting new information about the upcoming beta. There will be two new hunts: a Gypceros hunt, and a hunt for the flagship monster of the game, Arkveld. The developers warned that the hunt for Arkveld is classified as an advanced hunt, and will pose a significant challenge to hunters. There is also a new training area, which will allow hunters to test new weapons and combos outside of hunts. We will once again have access to the character creator, and we can bring the Hunter and Palico we create in the beta to the full release.

Extra Details

There are also a few miscellaneous details that are worth mentioning. Character edit vouchers will be available for free from platform stores. These vouchers allow you to redesign your Hunter or Palico. Wilds will also have layered armor, which acts as cosmetic overrides for your armor. Any time you craft a piece of high rank armor, you will also receive its layered armor. There are also special, limited-time event quests on release that grant special cosmetics, so if you are interested make sure you complete those before they're gone. Lastly, we were able to see a few seconds of Arkveld. It attacks with its whip-like appendages and is surprisingly agile in the air. We also saw a very brief cutscene where it grabs Rey Dau with one of its whips and seems to drain its energy before letting off a burst of what looks like red lightning. The next open is from February 6th to February 9th, and then from February 13th to February 16th.

Written by: Brogangh

Reviewed by: Tenkiei

The Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase

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