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Skill Tree Priority List & Upcoming Changes

Last Updated:December 12, 2022


Skill Trees in Lost Ark provide you with some of the largest power increase while requiring very little investment. The system has recently received a complete overhaul in the Korean server and brought many positives with it. Not before long it will arrive here for us too! So let's go over the changes and the most important Skill Trees of each class to save into your Inventory and have them ready to go for when we receive this update.

Skill Tree Transfer

Transfer Window

The Skill Tree Inventory is getting removed, and every effect saved within it will be brought over to the new system! The transfer system on the other hand has roughly stayed the same. By running your Chaos Dungeons, you will obtain amulets. Just like broken gear before, these will contain Skill Trees with various levels on them. Bringing them to the Transfer Skill Tree NPC gives you the chance to transfer one effect of your choice to your character and unlock it permanently. A drawback of this new system will be having to choose between multiple Lv.5 Skill Trees if they are present on the same amulet, as only one of them can be used for the transfer. Additionally, the right side of the interface provides you with information about the Skill Tree layout and the levels you've obtained so far for the specific skill you've selected.

Important note: Skill Trees currently found on your equipped gear will not transfer over to the new system. So make sure to save them in the Skill Tree Inventory with any update you make.

Success Rate Increase & Level Changes

Skill Tree Level Numerical Change

Previously, a Lv+3 Skill Tree meant that your effect will become Lv4 by adding +3 to the base skill level, which is Lv1. The new change simplifies this by showing the level you will obtain immediately:

  • Lv+1 Lv.2
  • Lv+2 Lv.3
  • Lv+3 Lv.4
  • Lv+4 Lv.5

Transfer Rate Change

With the Skill Tree Inventory being removed, the only way to obtain them comes from transferring. As a result, the rates have increased.

Skill Tree LevelBase Success RatePowder Rate
330% 50%60% 100%
415% 25%30% 50%
55% 10%10% 20%

Selecting Your Skill Trees

With Skill Trees no longer being applied to your gear, they will now be permanently unlocked to your character. Exactly like the Book of Coordination for Inferno Legion raids, you'll be able to select up to 18 Skill Trees for your build by simply choosing the effect level you've attained so far. This grants easy skill customization for contents like: Chaos Dungeons, Cube, Boss Rush, Platinum fields and other activities. All of that with just a click of a button. Keep in mind that unlocked effects are character specific and are not Roster wide.

Combat Skill WIndow

How Do I Prepare ?

Everything saved in the Skill Tree Inventory will be transferred over to the new system automatically. This means that now is the perfect time to prepare for this change by saving up as many max level Skill Trees as possible. Two free inventory pages with 6 gear slots each are available to everyone at the Transfer Skill Tree NPC, with the option to purchase 3 additional pages by paying blue crystals. Purchase an additional page if you wish to prepare your entire build at max level ahead of time. This will let you save 18 Skill Tree effects across 3 pages, which is the maximum a character can use for a build. This will also be significantly cheaper than buying items with multiple level 4 Skill Trees on them.

  • Decide how many Skill Tree Inventory pages you want to utilize.
  • Find or Purchase max level Skill Trees from the Auction House and save them in your Skill Tree Inventory.
  • Remember that broken gear used to save effects into the inventory can be resold on the Auction House as long as it can still be traded.
  • Make sure to use all slots, so they contain either 1 or even 2 max level Skill Trees.
  • Save broken gear with max level Skill Trees that are not part of your main build in your Personal Storage, this way you can try to transfer them with increased success rates in the new system later on.
Skill Tree Inventory

Best Initial Skill Trees

Highlighted here are the six most important Skill Trees for each class. This will help you establish a good base to build upon. Note that if you prefer using a different set of skills, you may want to adjust Skill Trees according to your preferences. Try to reach level 3 or 4 on the remaining Skill Trees, as they remain an important part of your build.

Check out our Build Guides for the remaining Skill Tree options within each class!



Remaining Energy

  1. Maelstrom
    • Orb Control
    • Dark Order
  2. Void Strike
    • Orb Control
  3. Soul Absorber
    • Halve
  4. Blitz Rush
    • Charge Enhancement
    • Shadow Rush


  1. Spincutter
    • Quick Prep
  2. Wind Cut
    • Quick Prep
  3. Soul Absorber
    • Fist of Darkness
    • Halve
  4. Blitz Rush
    • Charge Enhancement
    • Shadow Rush

Demonic Impulse

  1. Howl
    • Encroaching Power
  2. Demon Vision
    • Encroaching Power
  3. Demonic Clone
    • Enh. Release Encroachment
  4. Demon's Grip
    • Encroaching Power
    • Swift Fingers
  5. Decimate
    • Swift Fingers

Perfect Suppression

  1. Demolition
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Wave Attack
    • Encroachment Release
  2. Cruel Cutter
    • Earth Attack
    • Encroachment Release
  3. Howl
    • Encroaching Power



Recommendation: Consider saving Skill Trees providing extra Crit Rate like: Steady Aim and Vital Point Hit within the 2nd Inventory page when running Loyal Companion.

Death Strike

  1. Snipe
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Easy Prey
  2. Arrow Wave
    • Slow Tide
    • Wave Streak
  3. Sharp Shooter
    • Weak Point Detection
  4. Blade Storm
    • Silver Master

Loyal Companion

  1. Snipe
    • Quick Prep
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Easy Prey
  2. Arrow Wave
    • Slow Tide
    • Wave Streak
  3. Charged Shot
    • Quick Prep

Barrage Enhancement

  1. Forward Barrage
    • Firepower Control
  2. Flamethrower
    • Firepower Control
  3. Homing Barrage
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Power Bomb
  4. Air Raid
    • Flame Barrage
    • The Big One

Firepower Enhancement

  1. Forward Barrage
    • Firepower Control
  2. Flamethrower
    • Firepower Control
  3. Homing Barrage
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Power Bomb
  4. Air Raid
    • Flame Barrage
    • The Big One

Enhanced Weapon

  1. Shotgun Rapid Fire
    • Close Shot
    • Enhanced Shot
    • Special Bullet
  2. Shotgun Dominator
    • Close Shot
    • Weak Point Detection
    • The Ruler


  1. Quick Shot
    • Initiate Shot
    • Final Light
  2. Meteor Stream
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Piercing Explosion
    • Meteor Fall
  3. Cruel Tracker
    • Rapid Fire Enhancement


  1. Quick Step
    • Life Absorption
  2. Focused Shot
    • Double Tap
    • Final Strike
  3. Target Down
    • Large Magazine
    • Steady Aim
  4. Sharpshooter
    • Guardian's Breath

Time to Hunt

  1. Quick Step
    • Life Absorption
  2. Focused Shot
    • Double Tap
    • Final Strike
  3. Target Down
    • Large Magazine
    • Steady Aim
  4. Catastrophe
    • Cutthroat

Arthetinean Skill

  1. Mobile Shot
    • Quick Prep
    • Quickness
  2. Energy Buster
    • Condense
    • Flame Buster
    • Meltdown
  3. Command: Baby Drones
    • All-out War

Evolutionary Legacy

  1. Command: Raid Missile
    • Core Energy Charge
  2. Command: Baby Drones
    • Core Energy Supply
  3. Command: Flare Beam
    • Core Energy Charge
  4. Fiery Escape
    • Emergency Protection
  5. Mobile Shot
    • Quickness
  6. Command: Blockade
    • Core Energy Charge



Desperate Salvation

  1. Heavenly Tune
    • Quick Prep
  2. Wind of Music
    • Quick Prep
    • Melody Increase
  3. Prelude of Storm
    • Quick Prep
    • Melody Increase
  4. Guardian Tune
    • Endless Protection


  1. Doomsday
    • Asteroid
    • Magick Amplification
  2. Explosion
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Magick Amplification
  3. Punishing Strike
    • Electric Discharge
    • Magick Amplification


  1. Esoteric Reaction
    • Quick Prep
  2. Rime Arrow
    • Quick Prep
  3. Seraphic Hail
    • Quick Prep
  4. Reverse Gravity
    • Quick Prep
    • Weak Point Detection
  5. Frost's Call
    • Rule Enhancement

Empress's Grace

  1. Call of Destiny
    • Quick Draw
  2. Return
    • Exposed Darkness
  3. Celestial Rain
    • Enhanced Strike
    • Weak Point Detection
  4. Secret Garden
    • Perfect Secret
    • Secret Chance

Order of the Emperor

  1. Call of Destiny
    • Quick Draw
  2. Return
    • Exposed Darkness
  3. Dark Resurrection
    • Intense Card
    • Furious Blow
  4. Checkmate
    • Deadline
  5. Celestial Rain
    • Weak Point Detection

Martial Artist


Shock Training

  1. Death Rattle
    • Single Hit
    • Shock Explosion
  2. Supernova
    • Piercing Strike
    • Spinless Hit
  3. Chain Destruction Fist
    • Endless Rage
    • Shaking Ground

Ultimate Skill: Taijutsu

  1. Battering Fists
    • Red Explosion
    • Berserk
  2. Iron Cannon Blow
    • Overflowing Power
    • Advance Enhancement
  3. Dragon Advent
    • Moment of Truth
    • Great Destruction

Energy Overflow

  1. Energy Release
    • Ready Attack
  2. Merciless Pummel
    • Hard Hitter
    • Coldhearted
    • Double Up
  3. Energy Blast
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Ferocious Strike

Robust Spirit

  1. Energy Release
    • Ready Attack
  2. Merciless Pummel
    • Hard Hitter
    • Coldhearted
    • Double Up
  3. Energy Blast
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Ferocious Strike

Recommendation: Consider saving Skill Trees providing Esoteric Meter gain like: Abundant Resources and Esoteric Extortion within the 2nd Inventory page if struggling to maintain gauge.


  1. Esoteric Skill: Lightning Tiger Strike
    • Single Hit
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Charged Kick
  2. Esoteric Skill: Tiger Emerges
    • Quick Prep
    • Single Hit
    • Ascension

Esoteric Flurry

  1. Esoteric Skill: Lightning Tiger Strike
    • Single Hit
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Charged Kick
  2. Esoteric Skill: Tiger Emerges
    • Quick Prep
    • Single Hit
    • Ascension

Esoteric Skill Enhancement

  1. Wind's Whisper
    • Quick Prep
    • Ready Attack
  2. Moon Flash Kick
    • White Flame Kick
  3. Esoteric Skill: Blast Formation
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Flame Explosion
    • Great Explosion

First Intention

  1. Wind's Whisper
    • Ready Attack
  2. Sweeping Kick
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Pure Excellence
  3. Flash Heat Fang
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Adrenaline Rush
  4. Moon Flash Kick
    • Full Moon Kick


  1. Shackling Blue Dragon
    • Quick Prep
  2. Raging Dragon Slash
    • Quick Prep
    • Quick Slash
    • Awaken
  3. Half Moon Slash
    • Final Decision
    • Blade of Tornado


  1. Shackling Blue Dragon
    • Quick Prep
  2. Raging Dragon Slash
    • Quick Prep
  3. Thrust of Destruction
    • Quick Prep
  4. Red Dragon's Horn
    • Quick Prep
    • Spear of Destruction
    • Weak Point Detection



Berserker's Technique

  1. Finish Strike
    • Enhanced Strike
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Lights Out
  2. Strike Wave
    • Earth Flip
  3. Hell Blade
    • Earth Flip
  4. Red Dust
    • Vital Point Hit


  1. Finish Strike
    • Enhanced Strike
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Lights Out
  2. Strike Wave
    • Earth Flip
  3. Hell Blade
    • Earth Flip
  4. Red Dust
    • Vital Point Hit

Combat Readiness

  1. Bash
    • Ready Attack
  2. Shout of Hatred
    • Quick Prep
  3. Shield Charge
    • Destruction Charger
  4. Shield Bash
    • Additional Hit
  5. Guardian's Thunderbolt
    • Tough Strike
  6. Leap Attack
    • Direct Hit

Lone Knight

  1. Bash
    • Ready Attack
  2. Shout of Hatred
    • Quick Prep
  3. Surge Cannon
    • High Explosive Shot
    • Overcharge
    • Focus Fire
  4. Charged Stinger
    • Last Charge

Blessed Aura

  1. Heavenly Blessings
    • Faith
    • Absolute Blessing
  2. Wrath of God
    • Faith
  3. Godsent Law
    • Shield
  4. Light of Judgment
    • Faith
  5. Holy Protection
    • Quick Pace

Rage Hammer

  1. Perfect Swing
    • Weak Point Detection
    • Absolute Strength
    • Intemperance
  2. Full Swing
    • Scary Hammer
    • Beast's Eye
  3. Earth Eater
    • Earthen Rage


  • Find or purchase the ideal Skill Trees for your class and save them in your Skill Tree Inventory.
  • Fill up as many inventory slots as you can with useful max level Skill Trees for your build.
  • Equipped Skill Tree effects on your gear will NOT carry over into the new system.
  • Skill Tree Inventory will be removed and all saved effects within it carry over into the new system.
  • All Skill Tree effects will now be permanently learned upon a successful transfer.
  • These effects are not Roster wide. Every character will have to unlock their own Skill Tree levels.
  • Transfer success rates will be doubled.
  • Old Broken Gear pieces you own from Chaos Dungeons will remain until they are used up.
  • A new item type that functions the same way as Broken Gear will now drop from Chaos Dungeons.
  • The available Skill Trees a character can use remain 18 and are implemented directly in your skill page (K).


Written by Choilicious
Reviewed by Yaen & Reitear

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