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Pyrogale Gauntlets Solar Titan


Last Updated:February 9, 2025|Changelog

Pyrogale Gauntlets Solar Titan has quickly become one of the top choices for meta builds in endgame content. The subclass advantages of the healing with Restoration and weapon buffs with Radiant on top of improved super damage is huge for any activity. This can be used in any piece of content and is becoming a great option for boss damage in raids.

What are the Pyrogale Gauntlets though? These Exotic arms turn your Burning Maul super into a one shot attack instead of a roaming one. Adding 3 fire cyclones that continue to damage the target as well, this is a great way to Scorch targets and activate Ignition effects. Another addition is your Consecration Sspect adds one fire cyclone as well. With this setup you can keep this going consistently in any content level.

  • Great enemy clear
  • Multiple Weapon Options
  • Non-Stop Scorch and Ignitions
  • Consistent restoration and radiant buffs
  • Orbs of Power needed
  • Super won’t always be available
  • Must Scorch to get melee back fast

Gameplay Loop

Beginning with a Consecration slam can be all the work this build needs in some instances due to high ignitions and that fire cyclone. How do you get that back quickly though? Sunshot is great for this since it Scorches enemies around defeated targets. This combined with Ember of Searing ensures your Melee Ability returns quickly. Even just running around using your Throwing Hammer is an option since it instantly recharges and Cures at the same time. Helps you Hands-On get your Super back quickly with any of these options since most is coming from Melee Ability damage. Any Boss is in trouble when faced with your Super since it creates powerful Ignitions and fire cyclones that continue to damage them. Add onto all of this, you can take advantage of Sunspots as well that help spread Scorch and apply Restoration to you. This is a great way to keep up healing for yourself while also ensuring enemies are constantly falling.

This gameplay loop is the same even with the other weapon options since anything that helps apply Scorch continues to feed your consecration blast.

Ability Breakdown


  • Burning Maul
    • Typically when summoning Burning Maul you would be able to switch between a spinning light attack and a heavy slam that creates sunspots at a distance. With the changes that Pyrogale Gauntlets add, this becomes a one shot slam that instantly Ignites the target. In addition to this explosive slam, three fire cyclones spawn to scorch the target and nearby enemies.


  • Rally Barricade, Create a small barrier that you can peek over while aiming down sights. Increases weapon reload speed, stability and range when you stand behind it.
  • Strafe Lift, or an Jump of your choice
  • Throwing Hammer, This is massive for this setup ensuring you'll get that super back fast while consistently activating Cure.
  • Healing Grenade, A grenade that Cures allies on impact and creates an Orb of benevolent Light, granting Restoration to allies when picked up.


  • Sol Invictus,  This is one of my favorite aspects for Titan for many reasons. First it constantly will heal you when running through the sunspots with Restoration. Also those sunspots will boost your energy when walking through them while Scorch targets around you.
  • Consecration, This has been a cool aspect since the Solar 3.0 launch since it creates a new avenue to use your melee besides just throwing hammer. The fact it also instantly will stun Champions: Unstoppable plus is boosted now from Pyrogale Gauntlets is very fun!


  • Ember of Torches, This is great because you get the Radiant from either Consecration or just your powered melee.
  • Ember of Searing, Perfect to get that Consecration back fast from just scorching targets. Also those Firesprite are perfect for getting that healing grenade back fast.
  • Ember of Empyrean,  You should have Radiant and Restoration consistently active because of this.
  • Ember of Char, Your ignitions are already extremely high with this setup so getting free scorch to feed our melee is ideal.


Required Gear and Weapons

Pyrogale Gauntlets

How to acquire:

  • Focusing Exotic Engrams at Rahool.
  • Participating in Vex Incursions on Neptune.
  • This assumes you've purchased the Lightfall DLC.

Recommend Weapons

  • Kinetic Weapon: Nox Perennial V - A world drop Strand Fusion Rifle that excels at chunking down beefier targets with Envious Assassin and Controlled Burst.
  • Energy Weapon: Sunshot - An Exotic Hand Cannon that fires explosive rounds that cause Scorching explosions on kill, capable of creating chain reactions. This is freely acquired through Ikora's new-light quests.
  • Marsilion-C - with Envious Assassin and Cascade Point is an incredible damage option for anything tanky enough to survive its rapid volley of explosives. Earn it by focusing Gunsmith Engrams at Banshee in the Tower.

Stat Priorities

  • Resilience > Discipline > Recovery.
  • Resilience is the amount of damage you can take before dying, as well as your shield capacity.
  • Discipline is what reduces your grenade cooldown.
  • Recovery is how long it takes for your health to regenerate after you take damage.

Learn more about the Stats available to you in Destiny 2 with our dedicated guide.

Armor Mods

ItemSlotMandatory ModsSupporting Mods
Deep Explorer HelmetHelmetSpecial Ammo Finder
Harmonic Siphon
Heavy Ammo Finder
Pyrogale GauntletsGlovesHeavy Handed
Impact Induction
Heavy Handed
Deep Explorer PlateChestSolar Resistance
Arc Resistance
Void Resistance
Deep Explorer GreavesLegsSolar Weapon Surge
Solar Weapon Surge
Deep Explorer MarkClass ItemPowerful Attraction
  • Optional Mods:
    • On your Arms, add a second Heavy Handed for higher Orb of Power generation.
    • On your Legs, add a second Solar Weapon Surge for increased Solar damage.

Armor Mods are unlocked by progressing your Guardian Rank. Check out the Guardian Ranks Guide for more information.

Artifact Mods

  • Unstoppable Fusion
    • Gives your Fusion and Linear Fusion Rifles the ability to Stun Unstoppable Champions.
  • Unraveling Orbs
    • Picking up an Orb of Power or a Tangle grants your Strand Weapons Unraveling Rounds, additionally giving them Anti Barrier capabilities.
  • Dreadful Finisher
    • Finishing powerful combatants creates Special Ammo for you and your fireteam. More Ammo is generated when Finishing Subjugators, Tormentors, and Champions.
  • Horde Shuttle
    • Unraveled enemies occasionally release Threadlings when they take Weapon damage.
  • Particle Reconstruction
    • Dealing sustained damage to an enemy with Fusion or Linear Fusion Rifles partially reloads them and causes them to deal bonus damage to that enemy.
  • Defibrillating Blast
    • Stunning a Champion immediately grants and readies Bolt Charge while triggering an Arcbolt which Jolts enemies and partially heals you.


If you want healing, high Super damage, plenty of ignitions, and just fun mechanics Pyrogale Gauntlets Solar Titan is the build for you. This is the only setup that truly stands up to Stand Titan at this moment since it gives most of the same benefits in a different way. This build provides so many options of other weapons to use while keeping the same loop. 

If you want your Titan to always be on top in regards to boss damage, this is the build for you!


Written by: Byrdman

Reviewed by: Chunky, Dredscythe

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