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Mask of Fealty Stasis Hunter Build


Last Updated:February 9, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Mask of Fealty Stasis Hunter Build Guide! This Build has no shortage of on demand crowd control and devastating explosives. This power fantasy is unending if not for the possibility of dying.

Mask of Fealty enhances your multi-charged Withering Blade Melee Ability, granting your shurikens added effects:

  • Withering Blade hits refund a small amount of Melee Ability Energy.
  • Shuriken hits spawn a small Stasis Crystal - a short cooldown prevents every hit from spawning one.
  • Stasis Crystals Freeze enemies when they form, massively increasing crowd control capabilities.
  • Shattering Stasis Crystals or Frozen enemies by directly hitting them with a shuriken creates an inaccurate burst of shurikens.

Pairing these mechanics with the Whisper of Shards Fragment and Tessellation allows for extremely high uptime on the Exotic Weapon's Grenade-fed shots.

This Build is useful in a wide variety of activities from Grandmaster Nightfalls to Raids to Dungeons thanks to its versatile playstyle.

Stasis's Slow and Shatter mechanics allow you to easily Stun Overload and Unstoppable Champions, while Artifact Perks cover Barrier Champions.

  • Crowd Control
  • Versatile Playstyle
  • Practically Infinite Ability Uptime
  • Little Healing
  • Poor Boss DPS
  • Tessellation is Clunky

Gameplay Loop

Mask of Fealty creates an excessive amount of Stasis Crystals by throwing out an excessive amount of shurikens. Let's put these Abilities to good use.

  • Use your Withering Blade ability extremely often. It's quick to use, jumps between targets, crowd controls, recharges your Gambler's Dodge thanks to Winter's Shroud, creates Stasis Crystals, all while partially refunding itself through its Perk and the creation of Stasis Shards which also gives you Frost Armor thanks to Grim Harvest.
  • Out of Withering Blade charges? Use Gambler's Dodge while near enemies.
  • Whisper of Shards rapidly recharges your Duskfield Grenade whenever you Shatter Stasis Crystals.
  • These Duskfield Grenades aren't too impactful alone, so shove them into Tessellation and fire them into anything you really want to die.
  • Fighting a Boss or otherwise dangerous enemy that tanks Tessellation? You have a Heavy Weapon for a reason!

WARNING: both Mask of Fealty and Tessellation require ownership of the The Final Shape Expansion to unlock.

Ability Breakdown


  • Silence and Squall: throw Stasis Kamas, Silence and then Squall. This Super is useful in any occasion!
    • Silence creates a massive Freezing blast on impact.
    • Squall creates a Stasis Tornado that follows enemies, dealing massive damage over time while rapidly Slowing, Freezing, and then Shattering enemies caught in the storm.


  • Gambler's Dodge - Instantly refills 1 of your Melee Ability Charges if used while near an enemy.
  • Triple Jump - Jump of your choice.
  • Withering Blade (2 Ability Charges) - Throw a shuriken that Slows targets it hits. Shurikens ricochet on impact, tracking nearby enemies. Enemies hit by two shurikens Freeze.
    • Thanks to Mask of Fealty Withering Blade hits also refund a small amount of Melee Ability Energy and create Stasis Crystal that Freeze nearby enemies as they form.
    • Shuriken hits against Frozen enemies and Stasis Crystals create an explosive spread of shurikens, leading to Ad-Clearing chain reactions.


  • Grim Harvest - Killing Stasis Debuffed targets spawns a Stasis Shard for yourself and your team, these partially replenish Melee Ability energy when collected. Additionally, collecting a Stasis Shard partially heals you and grants stacks of Frost Armor.
  • Winter's Shroud - Your Gambler's Dodge now emits a non-damaging Slowing blast, and Slowing enemies briefly massively increases Class Ability cooldown speed. Using your Class Ability gives you 50% damage resistance for 4 seconds.


  • Whisper of Rime - Increases the duration of Frost Armor and raises its stack limit to 8. This Buff is your primary layer of defense!
  • Whisper of Impetus - Damaging an enemy with Withering Blade instantly reloads all of your Weapons and gives you a large Weapon handling bonus. Has a short cooldown.
  • Whisper of Conduction - Stasis Shards now automatically home in on you if you are nearby. Also includes nice Stat bonuses!
  • Whisper of Shards - Shattering Stasis Crystals massively increases Grenade Ability regeneration speed for a brief time.
  • Whisper of Hunger - massively increases the Melee Ability recharging capabilities of Stasis Shards.


Required Gear and Weapons

  • Exotic Armor: Mask of Fealty grants many bonuses to your shurikens, most of which are integral for this Build's gameplay loop. This build is not possible without this Exotic Helmet.

How to unlock:

  • Focus it with an Exotic Engram at Rahool in the Tower using Tier 3 Focusing (unlocked after resetting his reputation).

Energy Weapon: Tessellation - this Fusion Rifle matches the Element of your Grenade, in this case Stasis. It revolves around Property: Irreducible, allowing you to feed this Weapon your Grenade Ability, making its next shot a Rocket-like projectile that deals devastating damage - kills with this cause an explosion. It also has Demolitionist-like Grenade Ability generation built into it.

How to unlock:

  • Obtain it from the Monument to Lost Lights in the Tower.

WARNING: both Mask of Fealty and Tessellation require ownership of the The Final Shape Expansion to unlock.

  • Kinetic Weapon:Peacebond - with Headstone and Rimestealer makes a handy close range Primary Ammo Weapon to make use of Piercing Sidearms. This Weapon drops from Iron Banner.
    • If you don't need an Anti Barrier Weapon, you may use any Stasis Primary Ammo Weapon of your choice.
  • Heavy Weapon: Suspectum-4fr - with Backup Plan and Fourth Time's the Charm allow this Stasis Linear Fusion Rifle to deal reasonable damage over an extended period of time. This is an easily obtainable World Drop Weapon.
    • Swap this out as needed with Stasis alternatives if Linear Fusion Rifles are not suitable for your activity. VS Chill Inhibitor, Ill Omen, Cold Comfort, or Heretic's Fervor - are your best options.

Stat Priorities

  • Resilience > Strength > Mobility > Discipline
  • Resilience massively increases your overall survivability through increasing your maximum total health and giving you damage resistance.
  • Strength reduces your Melee Ability's cooldown.
  • Mobility reduces your Dodge's cooldown.
  • Discipline reduces your Grenade's cooldown.

Learn more about the Stats available to you in Destiny 2 with our dedicated guide.

Armor Mods

ItemSlotMandatory ModsSupporting Mods
Mask of FealtyHelmetHarmonic Siphon Heavy Ammo Finder and Heavy Ammo Scout OR
Dynamo and Hands-On.
Deep Explorer GraspsGlovesHeavy Handed
Impact Induction
Harmonic Dexterity
Deep Explorer VestChestResist Mods of your choice
Deep Explorer StridesLegsStasis Weapon Surge twice.Recuperation OR Better Already.
Deep Explorer CloakClass ItemOutreach
Powerful Attraction

Armor Mods are unlocked by progressing your Guardian Rank. Check out the Guardian Ranks Guide for more information.

Artifact Perks

  • Unstoppable Fusion
    • Gives your Fusion and Linear Fusion Rifles the ability to Stun Unstoppable Champions.
  • Piercing Sidearms
    • Gives your Primary and Special Ammo Sidearms Anti Barrier capabilities, allowing them to break the invulnerable shields of Barrier Champions.
  • Disruptor Spike
    • Increases the potency of your Sever and Exhaustion debuffs, further lowering enemy damage (Overloading effects Exhaust enemies, lowering their damage).
  • Dreadful Finisher
    • Finishing powerful combatants creates Special Ammo for you and your fireteam. More Ammo is generated when Finishing Subjugators, Tormentors, and Champions.
  • Particle Reconstruction
    • Dealing sustained damage to an enemy with Fusion or Linear Fusion Rifles partially reloads them and causes them to deal bonus damage to that enemy.
  • Elemental Supercharger
    • Defeating Severed and Exhausted enemies with an Elemental Weapon with the same affinity as your equipped Super Ability grants you additional Super Energy (Overloading effects Exhaust enemies, lowering their damage).


This Mask of Fealty Build massively influences the battlefield, littering it with Stasis Crystals and the corpses of Frozen foes. High Ability uptime makes it versatile, especially when you shove your otherwise-useless Grenade into Tessellation which lets you fire a devastating Rocket. Don't be frugal with your shurikens, Guardian - you have too many to throw!


Written by: Xtra37

Reviewed by: Tenkiei

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