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Monster Families

Last Updated:February 22, 2025|Changelog

Unlike previous Diablo games, most monsters belong to a family archetype that each have their own distinct personalities and backstories. This also means they have their own combat styles and niches, so fighting them can be tricky and sometimes downright frustrating. In this guide, we teach you everything you need to know about each of these families!


Mosnter Families

Mostly found in Kehjistan and Dry Steppes, they're always up to no good, bullying innocent humans and stealing whatever they can. While they're not technically monsters, they are enough of a threat and have a wide presence across the lands. They even get into fights with other monsters!

This family has 4 members. The Scrapper, a bruiser with a mace, the Throat-splitter who wields a small dagger, the Marksman who fires at enemies with their crossbow, and the Arsonist who fires explosive bolts into the ground that deal heavy damage. While these guys don't have many special abilities to watch out for, they can be annoying, especially when they attempt to ambush from underground.

The Mischievous Bandits


Mosnter Families

Lore has it that the Cannibals were a former tribe of Barbarians that were banished from Arreat. No one knows why they were exiled, but they are now known for their cannibalism. They like to hang out in the Dry Steppes, often chomping on a corpse as you're adventuring by.

Since they were previously Barbarians, you can assume they're very dangerous. In this family, there are 4 members, 2 of which are the more typical melee types. One wields a two-handed greatsword which delivers a slow, sweeping frontal attack; and the other uses a lightweight halberd and likes to leap at players from a far distance. The Gorger is the biggest of them all, wielding two spiked clubs that can knock you off your feet, while the Swarmers (The Maniac and The Cleaver) are the little guys with dual-wielding axes that run at you swiftly in hoards looking to make quick work of you.

They do not have a ranged archetype. None of them decided to spec into Mighty Throw, which is a good thing.

The Barbarous Cannibals


Mosnter Families

Easily spotted by their red hoods and skull mask, they're usually sacrificing humans for a ritual. This is done by using 3 humans tied to a post while one performs the ritual that can summon brute creatures from other Monster Families, such as The Fallen and The Nangari. Not much is known about their history, but they tend to like to hang out around Hawezar and Kehjistan in small groups.

The Cultist Family has 3 members: Mother Disciples are the staff-wielding mages that like to throw fireballs, while the Mother Chosen wields a dagger while running straight at you. Mother Heralds are the bigger dudes and look tough. They are responsible for completing a ritual to summon various minions (which can be advantageous!), so oftentimes they ignore you while it's focusing on their ritual.

The Ritualistic Cultists


Mosnter Families

There wouldn't be a Diablo game without Demons. The Demon Family is by far the biggest in the game, consisting of multiple variations of what appear to be similar archetypes. We have The Annihilator, The Soul Burner, The Balrog, The Sin Eater, The Hellion, The Pitlord, The Succubus, The Vile One, and The Inferno Sisters. Lilith was not playing around this time, and they all want to kill you, swiftly.

You of course come across this family in Hell, though they also make their appearances in Kehjistan and Hawezar, preferably in dungeons. They also like to show up in Helltide, because why not.

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The Demonic Demons


Mosnter Families

What happens if you cross humans in from the depths of the Nahantu jungle and powerful hallucinogens? You get the Dregs, a Monster Family that will stop at nothing to make you their next trophy. This family consists of 4 different types of humans, all with a distinct role and purpose.

The Propagator is the heavy lifter of the Dregs, using two axes for weapons to decapitate their enemies. The Pestilent is the ranged damage dealer for the Dregs, launching projectiles with their lacrosse-stick-like weapons. The Grapplers use a grappling tool to quickly close the distance to their enemies, while the Cultivator sits on the back of someone less worthy, throwing exploding glowbugs at nearby foes.

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The Morally Questionable Dreg


Mosnter Families

The Drowned are undead creatures that have crawled onto the shores of every area except Fractured Peaks, as it isn't connected to a sea. There's an obsession for reasons unknown with statues and bells (The brute likes to hit them with a log for what appears to be for fun). They're led by Merinth, also known as the Drowned Witch.

This Monster Family has 4 members. One's a brute called Man-O-War who wields a tree log that creates a flood of water when slammed into the ground. Wretch are mages that lob water bombs, while the other 2 are smaller melee mobs (Tide Walker and Deckhand). The former wields a small "glow in the dark" club while the latter wields hooks. They seem to have no strategy when approaching and aren't usually aggressive if you don't tread too close to the shores.

The Drowned
The Drowned Horde


Mosnter Families

Everyone's favorite Monster Family is back! They've made the cut from the previous games and I'm sure they paid a few devs off to return in Diablo 4 and they're just as annoying as you remember. The Fallen reside mostly in the Fractured Peaks and Kehjistan.

This Monster Family has 4 members. Overseers are the brutes and are generally hard to kill, while the regular fallen tend to just be cannon fodder. Lunatics explode themselves near you, dealing lots of damage in an area. The most annoying are the Shamans. They are mages that can throw fireballs, though mostly infamous for their ability to resurrect the regular fallen that have "died" in battle over and over. This process will happen until you kill the Shaman itself.

Generally, their strategy revolves around staying near their Idom of the Imp, which makes them stronger. Destroy it to make them weaker. If they're not hanging around the Idom, expect an ambush underground.

The Fallen
The Treacherous Fallen


Mosnter Families

Not much is known about these ghosts, but they are all over Sanctuary. Seemingly bitter, they attack with standard weapons like bows and swords. The red ghosts are called Phantoms and their green counterparts are called Vengeful spirits. They mostly reside in Fractured Peaks but can be found anywhere.

Both types have a ranged mage, which the smaller minions tend to protect as they throw spirit projectiles. The Archers belonging to the red ghosts have a charged-up beam, which can be deadly if caught off-guard.

The Ghosts
The Mysterious Ghosts


Mosnter Families

Much like the Fallen, this Monster Family has been a staple in the Diablo series. They are one of the most aggressive Monster Families available and they can take quite the beating, making disposing of them quite a challenge. Often found in the Dry Steppes chopping up a random helpless human, they are easy to spot.

This Monster Family has 4 members. Marauders are the smallest of them, quick to swarm you with their axes. The Mauler has a much bigger great axe. Getting hit by an overhead attack from one of these knocks you down. Impalers are the ranged members that throw spears with aim assist on, while The Shaman buffs the other 3 members, making them even more difficult to deal with. If you see a Shaman, always kill them first.

The Brutal Goatmen


Mosnter Families

The Hollows are enemies accidentally corrupted by Mephisto's Soulstone as Nayrelle entered Nahantu. This Monster Family can be found scattered across the jungle of Nahantu and is often seen in 4 different forms.

The Languisher is a tall and knight-like corruption with a large tentacle-covered arm and towering shield. Be aware of their powerful frontal attacks! The Frother looks like a spider-dog from hell, lounging at you from afar to catch you off-guard. The Malice is the buffer of the squad, empowering nearby Hollows to strengthen them in combat. The Pallulater often comes in swarms and will attempt to overpower you by sheer numbers.

The Hollows
The Corrupted Hollows


Mosnter Families

The Knight Family is massive in size and has a few members. The Knight Penitent can either be spear wielders or a bigger variant that carries a giant mace that swings 3 times horizontally and can knock you down. These Knights can also have a hefty barrier, making them durable against attackers. The Inquisitors are mostly mages that cast spells from a distance, and The Adherent has a small mace that seems to only have it to not feel left out from the rest of the family.

The Knights have a lot of health, so good luck taking these things down. They can be found mostly in Kehjistan and Fractured Peaks.

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The Never-fearing Knights


Mosnter Families

Another old Monster Family has returned to Diablo 4, the Lacuni! Hiding in the jungles and wilderness of Nahantu, these Monsters lurk in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to ambush unaware travellers.

This family consists of 4 different enemy types. We have the Conjurer who can conjure birds to attack for them and attack with devastating lightning attacks. We also have the melee-based Lacuni, the Stalker and Gore fiend who uses a combination of deadly melee attacks to slaughter their foes. They are supported by the Goredancers, a Lacuni that alternates between shooting with their bow from a distance and pouncing at close enemies.

The Lacuni
The Clan of Lacuni


Mosnter Families

The Skeleton Family are the OG's of Diablo monsters. Their weaponry is the run-of-the-mill bows, rapiers, and axes. These guys hang out in the Fractured Peaks and Kehjistan more than anywhere else, but they can be found wandering across all parts of the world.

While this Monster Family has the typical melee and ranged members, the most interesting is the Turret. This thing has incredible range and hits hard. Due to its range, they're often hard to see in battle. If you can, take them out first.

We tend to pick on them due to their molasses-speed movement and attacks, but they are clever ambushers, often setting up beneath the ground and trapping you in a bone prison when you walk over. Skeletons can even be enchanted with fire, letting them deal fire damage! Got to give it to them, they're getting better with each Diablo installment.

The Perilous Skeletons


Mosnter Families

Snakes, or the Nangari are human/serpent hybrids that reside in the swamp areas of Hawezar.

This Monster Family has 3 members. The Spitter fires Poison at you and is the only one that looks like a snake. They can be difficult spot at times due to their slender "physique". The Oracle is considered a mage and is capable of firing multiple acid bombs. It can even plant an "eyeball" Sentry that can target you from afar. These Sentries are difficult to spot and can be frustrating. The Longfang is a melee-based brute with huge fangs, it loves using them in close combat.

The Slithering Nangari


Mosnter Families

The creepy crawlers are back and with a few modifications. They can now throw webs which restricts all movement. Even if they miss, the webs on the ground linger and will stop you if you walk over them. When there are a lot of spiders, this can lead to a very dangerous scenario of being chain webbed where you can't move if you don't have a way to rid yourself of crowd control.

There are 3 members in this Monster Family: Big Spider, Spiderlings, and the parasitic Spider Host inhabiting a human. Killing the host spawns more spiders, which is weak to skills that scale well with density, and is ideal for experience farming.

These guys are pretty rare to find in the world, but you can spot them sometimes in the Dry Steppes, though they prefer dungeons.

The Constrictive Spiders


Mosnter Families

The Vampire Family consists of 3 members. The Revenant brute wielding a two-handed sword, the swarming Ghouls, and Vampires which change forms from bat to blood-spell casting mage. Vampires often shift back to bat form to avoid damage or death outright. Out of all of the Monster Families, Vampires typically have the biggest swarm waves and can easily overwhelm you if you're not careful as Ghouls are insanely fast.

They typically reside in the Fractured Peaks, though they are usually found lurking in dungeons.

The Unholy Vampires


Mosnter Families

This Monster Family can be found in Scosglen and Fractured Peaks and comes with some cool abilities. The Firewalker from the werewolves has 2 unique abilities. The first ability is a fire lunge in which they dash through you, leaving a trail of fire behind. Stealth is the second ability, allowing them to turn invisible (with a slight shimmer) to ambush you at the right time. The differences between The Firewalker and the other two are distinct, which makes you wonder where were the other members at when it was time to learn these super cool abilities.

As wolves naturally do, Werewolves can smell you from far away, and oftentimes they're already chasing you before they enter your field of view. You don't "aggro" them, they "aggro" you.

Cunning Werewolves


Mosnter Families

This is a large Monster Family consisting of bears, thorned beasts that shoot pine needles, Tuscan chargers, and wildwood (trees that can attack). They hang out in Scosglen, but some are known to venture out towards Fractured Peaks.

None of the Wildlife Family have special abilities, but they are naturally dangerous and deal lots of damage each hit. Wildlife does not play around.

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The Savage Wildlife


Mosnter Families

If there ever was a plain Jane of Monster Families, this is it. You have the Bloated Corps-fiend, which likes to charge you head-on without a care in the world (this charge does a lot of damage, so be careful), and the Shambling corpse. The former can explode upon death, dealing massive damage while the latter acts like a typical Zombie, doing what you'd expect it to do. Pretty harmless.

You can find them slouching around Dry Steppes, Hawezar, and Fractured Peaks, and can often be confused with The Drowned. Zombies prefer dungeons.

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The Zombies


Maintained by Avarilyn

Written by DiEoxidE

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