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Infernal Hordes

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Last Updated:March 4, 2025|Changelog

The Infernal Hordes in the Burning Hells is an endgame activity in Diablo 4, introduced with the 1.5.0 Update for Season 5. Hordes are an all-or-nothing, wave-based event that increases in difficulty and reward throughout, culminating in a Boss encounter with 3 randomly selected members of the Fell Council. This is where you will target farm a subsection of Uniques and Legendary Aspects forged in the fires of hell! Read on to learn more about how to access the Infernal Hordes and the Bosses, Offerings, and Rewards awaiting you below!

Unlocking The Infernal Hordes

Infernal Hordes

To unlock The Infernal Hordes, you have to complete "The Eyes of the Enemy" questline. This is done once per account, and finishing this quest gives you an Infernal Compass that gets you started with the Infernal Hordes. One Infernal Compass is granted to you at the end of the quest. Further Infernal Compasses can no longer be crafted, but drop fairly commonly from Helltide Chests, Tree of Whisper Caches, and the end of Nightmare Dungeons and the Pit.

Infernal Hordes
Welcome to the Realm of Hatred

Infernal Compasses

Infernal Hordes

Infernal Compasses are how you access the Infernal Hordes activity. These start dropping beginning in Torment difficulty and drop from various other endgame activities. Functionally, they act very similar to Nightmare Dungeon Sigils, including the ability to teleport you to the starting point once you are ready. The Compasses scale to your current difficulty and randomly generate with either 6, 8, or 10 waves of combat.

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Infernal Compass

The Infernal Hordes Overview

Infernal Hordes

When you enter the Burning Hells to run the Infernal Hordes activity, you're faced with time-limited waves of enemies that last 60 seconds each. During each wave, your focus is fighting the enemies, but also on collecting the Burning Aether that spawns after the defeat of certain types of enemies. This Burning Aether is used to reap rewards at the conclusion of the activity, so gather all you can! Be on the lookout for potential surprises and random events, such as the new Burning Butcher that can appear and attack!

Once you have completed each wave, you are faced with a choice between three Infernal Offers, each containing a boon and a bane. These Infernal Offers enhance your experience and customize your run, and it is unlikely to get the same set of offers in the same order from run to run. Infernal Offers increase the difficulty and provide greater rewards, or offer you significant temporary boosts in character power. Once you have run all of the waves successfully, you then face the Fell Council. Once you have defeated the Fell Council, you have the chance to spend your Burning Aether on Spoils of Hell.

Infernal Offers

Infernal Hordes

Infernal Offers are how you customize your run through the Infernal Hordes. For every upside (e.g., increased Burning Aether from elites), there is a downside (e.g., increased damage from Elites). Be careful as you choose them, as these Infernal Offers stack cumulatively across your run. The Offer you take at the end of Wave 1 still applies in Waves 2 and onwards, which means you can stack some serious damage multipliers (and reward multipliers!) if you want. Stacking these Infernal Offers in a strategic way can lead to increased amounts of Burning Aether, which is how you get your main rewards from this activity. All active effects of Offers can be viewed in your Map overlay.

The Offers you choose have an apparent effect on the types and frequency of events that occur during waves. For example, Hellborne and Aether Lords won't spawn at all unless a corresponding Offer is selected. So, it is recommended that you tailor your run to one or just a few event types, both to promote increased rewards from those events and to minimize the other types of events that spawn. Particularly potent are Offers related to Hellborne and Aether Fiends; be on the lookout for the less common "Surging" Offers associated with them. Similarly, Offers related to the Fell Council and The Stalking Devil (a guaranteed Burning Butcher spawn) gain value in later waves when you have fewer remaining waves to benefit from event-based Offers.

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Infernal Offers

Available Offers

Infernal OfferingBaneBoon
The Aether RushNormal monster damage +25%Gathering Aether increases movement speed (8s)
The Burning HellborneHellfire now spawns HellborneHellborne drop 2 additional Aether
The Burning RainHellfire rains upon youAt the end of each wave spawn 3-9 Aether
The Bursting FiendsElite damage +25%Aether Fiends explode and damage foes
The Bursting MassesMasses deal unavoidable damageWave start, spawn an Aetheric Mass
The Corrupting SpiresSoulspires empower nearby foesSoulspires pull foes inward
The Draining SpiresSoulspires drain LifeSoulspires grant +2 Aether
The Enfeebled WandererPotion Cooldown is increased by 2 secondsDefeating Fell Council grants +15 Aether
The Exalted CouncilFell Council damage +50%Defeating them grants +15 Aether
The Exalted EliteElite damage +25%Aether Fiends grant +2 Aether
The Exalted HellborneHellborne damage +25%Hellborne grant +1 Aether
The Exalted HordesNormal monsters damage +25%Killing them spawns Aether Events +50% faster
The Exalted MassesAetheric Mass damage +25%Aetheric Mass grants +1 Aether
The Exhausted WandererEvade Cooldown is increased by 2 secondsDefeating Fell Council grants +15 Aether
The Gorging MassesSlaying Aetheric Mass slows you (8s)While slowed this way, you have unlimited resources
The Insatiable SpiresSoulspires require 2x killsSoulspires grant 2x Aether
The Invigorating HellborneHellborne damage +25%Slaying Hellborne invigorates you
The Stalking DevilAn Infernal Demon has your scentSlay it to gain +25 Aether
The Summoned HellborneHellborne are hunting youHellborne grant +1 Aether
The Summoned LordsAether Lords now spawnThey grant +3 Aether
The Surging EliteChance for Elite to spawn is doubledAether Fiends grant +2 Aether
The Surging Hellborne+1 Hellborne when spawnedHellborne grant +1 Aether
The Teeming MassesMasses spawn an Aether Lord on deathAether Lords grant +3 Aether
The Unstoppable EliteElites are UnstoppableAether Fiends grant +2 Aether
The Withered Wanderer-10% All ResistancesDefeating the Fell Council grants +15 Aether

Burning Aether

Infernal Hordes

The "currency" of the Infernal Hordes, Burning Aether acts a lot like Aberrant Cinders. Burning Aether only lasts as long as your run does, and if you don't spend it, you lose it when the event ends. Burning Aether is only spent at the end of the run once you have successfully defeated the Fell Council, and it is spent on the Spoils of Hell.

Burning Aether is generally earned by slaying enemies like Aether Fiends and Aether Lords, or by killing Soulspires and Aetheric Masses. Through various Infernal Offers, other enemies in the Infernal Hordes may drop Burning Aether for you or your pet to pick up. Once you defeat the Fell Council, there is a large drop of Burning Aether that scales with your Difficulty, so make sure to pick that up before scouting your rewards!

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Burning Aether

If you are playing multiplayer, have no fear, as Burning Aether is earned and spent independently. Your rewards are separate from your friends', so have fun and slay all the demons you want!

Spoils of Hell

On a successful run, you'll use the Burning Aether you collected to unlock the Spoils of Hell. There are 3 types:

  • Spoils of Material - Exchange all remaining Aether for Obducite and Gem Fragments
  • Spoils of Gold - Exchange all remaining Aether for Gold
  • Spoils of Greater Equipment - Requires 200 Aether - Guarantees at least 1 Ancestral Legendary and often includes 1-2 Scrolls of Restoration

Check out our Boss Loot Table Cheat Sheet for a list of Uniques and Legendary Aspects more commonly found in the Infernal Hordes!

The Fell Council

Infernal Hordes
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The Fell Council Attacks

Once you've completed all the waves, you encounter the Fell Council. While there are five members, you encounter 3 randomly at the end of each run of the Infernal Hordes. Each member of the Fell Council uses a different element to attack, so make sure that all of your resistances are capped because you don't know who you're facing until you get there!

  • Geleb the Flame - Summons three-headed Hydras that shoot Fire, cast Meteors, and summon Flame Waves.
  • Wyand the Shadow - Summons one-headed Hydras that deals Shadow damage; can cast Teleport.
  • Ismail the Accursed - Summons Hydras with slow-moving projectiles and Claws of Ishmail, which can be destroyed.
  • Maffer the Cruel - Charges players and periodically casts Bone Prison.
  • Bremm the Maelstrom - Summons two-headed Hydras, chains of Lightning, and fallen Lunatics.


  • Complete "The Eyes of the Enemy" questline to receive an Infernal Compass, unlocking access to the Infernal Hordes!
  • Collect the Infernal Compasses from various endgame activities around Sanctuary.
  • Battle through timed waves of enemies, collecting Burning Aether, and choose Infernal Offers for strategic boosts and increased rewards. Be careful, however - don't make things too dangerous!
  • Once the waves have been defeated, battle three randomly chosen members of the Fell Council, each with unique elemental attacks, and once you've won, spend your Burning Aether on Spoils of Hell rewards.
  • There are certain uniques that have higher drop chances from the Infernal Hordes, so target farm if you need them!


Written by Avarilyn

Written by IBoilerUp

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