Since the beginning, we have been extremely open to and appreciate all feedback that we have received from our community. We read every email and each Discord message you send to us! On a weekly basis, we create a list with these reports and discuss them in our weekly team meetings.
Thanks to all of you for taking your time to let us know what you think about Maxroll. This helps us a lot to improve the website even more. With over 150 new git-commits, over 300 hours of development time, meetings, design meetings, team meetings and a lot of love we would like to talk about:
What's new?
We decided to continue our minimalistic, clean design structure of the site in general. At the same time, we were able to bring new features. It's not easy to bring new features while making sure the site does not get cluttered. Whether we did a good job or not, is for you to decide. Let us know!
Hot Topics
This should help you find the most wanted articles even faster.
Featured Content
In the past, we never had the ability to show off our content or third party content without having to create an article. Now we are capable through the Featured Content section.
We got a lot of feedback asking for an easier to find search bar. SilentAssassin rebuilt the search with a custom indexer to make the search even better and faster.
Recent Posts
These were displayed only on our old Homepage. They are still there, but are separated in to different categories to find new articles even faster.
Tier List
Non-seasonal players were asking for a non-seasonal version of the Tier List, which we added for you. You can now switch between Season and Non-Season builds!
Content Updates
Some people in the community have gotten confused by our updating philosophy. On Maxroll, we keep all content up-to-date. In order to display this for those visiting Maxroll for the first time, we added multiple dates inside each article. We also added specific tags in the actual asset.
Filtering for Guides
One of the most requested features asked for is an update to our filter system. Early on, we were thinking about a system that could help anyone find what they are looking for. We did this, but didn't add the ability to select a set right away. This feature has been added!
When you select an individual class, all possible sets will be displayed for you to filter. We even included LoD/LoN variants in this update too. Note that it is not required to use this. We also removed the Filter button, so results will now be displayed immediately!
- If you select a class you will see all build guides for that class.
- If you then select a set in the appearing second row, only guides that correspond to that set will be displayed.
- You can now check if a class set guide is good for Speeds, Greater Rifts, Keys or Bounties. Be careful, you might not get a result if you select too many things at the same time!
- You can still use the filter like before by simply not selecting any set!
D3Planner Updates
D3Planner has been fully updated and includes the new Inna's Mantra set, the reworked The Crudest Boots and Bindings of the Lesser Gods as well as Ethereal Items. You can see the full changelog here.
- All 21 Ethereal embeds are now available:
- Doombringer
- Gimmershred
- The Grandfather
- Astreon's Iron Ward
- Khalim's Will
- The Redeemer
- Buriza-Do Kyanon
- Doomslinger
- Windforce
- Bartuc's Cut-Throat
- Jade Talon
- Shadow Killer
- Blackbog's Sharp
- Blackhand Key
- Soul Harvest
- Arioc's Needle
- Ghostflame
- The Gidbinn
- Mang Song's Lesson
- The Oculus
- Wizardspike
What's next?
- Implementing a new caching solution.
- Improving mobile version of the page.
- Finishing our new page "all streamers".
- Most likely during Season 24 we will change into But don't worry, all your Bookmarks will still work, because we will serve those URLS through Cloudflare! will be converted into a landing page with general news and a game selector. We plan to cover four additional games soon, and we don't intent to stop there. We want to have dedicated sites for each game, as opposed to one site covering them all.
- Maxroll D2R closed beta testing by end of July. We will invite more people soon that are on our Discord.
- Many more announcements ;-)
- To our Diablo 3 Content Creators for updating each guide to Season 24.
- To Riv for updating the Twitch extension and D3Planner.
- To Yarp for all the great design updates.
- To emthreex for hundrets of hours development time and making fancy features possible.
- To SilentAssassin for overseeing things, new features, caching, generic player updates and many more.
- Thanks again for all the community feedback, much appreciated. Keep it coming!
The entire Maxroll team wishes you an amazing Season 24 and best of luck while hunting for the incredible new Ethereal Items. See you in Sanctuary!
The Maxroll Team