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Stash Tab Guide

Early Access

Last Updated:January 2, 2025|Changelog

Path of Exile 2 has a lot of loot, and you're going to need a place to store that besides your inventory. 60 slots isn't nearly enough when some items take up 8 slots all on their own. Luckily there are stash tabs, a way to store items, sell them to other players, or transfer them between your characters. You begin your Path of Exile 2 journey with 4 and can purchase more in the game's microtransaction shop. In this way you can somewhat think of Path of Exile 2 as a game with a box price; because storage gets tricky with the default 4 tabs. But at the same time, someone with 1000 tabs doesn't have any real advantages over someone with 20.

Early Access

Path of Exile 2 is going to change frequently over the Early Access period. Pin this post to be notified when we know more or when a new Stash Tab is added during early access.

The Stash

You can access your shared storage via the Stash, which is found in all major towns and in player hideouts. For example, the image below shows the Clearfell Encampment Stash surrounded by players.

Poe 2 Stash Clearfell Img 2 1024 X 590
  • You can drag items from your inventory into tabs, or items from tabs into your inventory, but this is pretty slow, so to speed things up use the following hotkeys;
    • Control + Left Click to deposit an item into a tab, or withdraw it out.
    • Control + Shift + Left Click to deposit an item into a tab, ignoring affinities.
    • Shift + Left Click stackable items to remove a custom stack size.

The Highlight Items search function is highly versatile.

  • You can highlight items by type, such as the example here showing "Wands."
  • Search by Map Tier or Uncut Gem level, (ex: Tier: 15 or Level: 3).
  • Filter items by rarity (Normal, Magic, Rare).
  • Look for items of a specific Item Level, (ex: Item Level 82).
  • Use a Regex to filter mods, (ex: eed gy s boo can be used to search for boots with energy shield and movement speed.
    • "eed" is a shortened version of Speed.
    • "gy s" is the ending of Energy and the start of Shield.
    • boo for Boots to filter out Shields or weapons with Cast speed.

You can do a lot more with Regex searches, especially when filtering items like crafting bases and maps that look similar at first glance.

Poe 2 Stashtab Search Img 1

Tab Affinities and Folders

Stash Tabs are also able to automatically sort certain types of items. This is great when you come out of a map and just want to dump stuff from your inventory into a tab.

So in this example you can select an affinity to ensure all Currency, Delirium, Essence, Unique, Flask or Gem type items are automatically deposited into this tab.

Poe 2 Affinities Tab Img 1

In addition to affinities, there are two other things you should be aware of.

  1. Tab Folders, click this icon to create a new folder, this is a quick way to organize multiple tabs for a specific purpose.
  2. Stash Options, you can hide unavailable tabs, turn tab affinities on or off and turn on affinity auto-navigation.
    • with Auto-navigation on, when an item is automatically sorted according to its affinity, this tab becomes your active tab.
Poe 2 Stashtab Settings Img 1 1024 X 362

Trading With Tabs

Stash Tabs can be used for far more than simply storing items. You can also use them to trade with other players. You need a "Premium Stash Tab" or specialty tab to do this, regular tabs cannot be set to public.

  • First, set the tab to public. This means all the items start getting indexed and show up on the trade site.
  • You can set a single price for any item you put into the tab, or allow items to be individually priced (by right-clicking them).
Poe 2 Stashtab Public Img 1

Trade Guide

Learn more about how to trade in Path of Exile 2 with our Beginner's Guide to Trading.

Types of Stash Tabs

There are a variety of stash tabs available for sale in the Path of Exile 2 microtransaction shop (m). When looking at prices, remember that 10 points = $1. So if a tab costs 40 points, that's $4. Here are the tabs currently available in early access, their prices and a bit of information on functionality.

Stash Tab - 30 Points/ea (150 Points for 6)These Tabs cannot be set to public.
Stash Tab - 30 Points/ea (150 Points for 6)

What's the most important tab(s) to buy?

  • The Currency Tab (75 points) saves you a ton of space and makes it easier for you to keep track of your wealth.
  • You want a few Premium Tabs (40 points/each) to be able to trade with other players.
  • When Grinding Gear Games releases a Map Tab, this will become a must-buy as currently, Maps take up a ton of space and are annoying to organize.
  • Beyond that, the Unique Collection Tab, Gem Tab, Essence Tab, and a Quad Tab to use as a dumping ground are nice to haves but you can definitely play and enjoy Path of Exile 2 without them.

If you want to get the most bang for your buck, purchase tabs during a sale. GGG frequently discounts stash tabs, typically right after a big content release!

Guild Tabs

Guilds also have stash tabs which are shared between all guild members. These are available for purchase in the shop, and tend to be a bit more expensive than the individual stash tabs. Guild Leaders can buy this but individual guild members can contribute points towards the purchases.


There are also several objects, available in your hideout that act like stash tabs, but are not. They store a specific type of item and have affinities but they cannot be purchased from the store.

  • The Relic Locker stores different types of relics used in the Trial of the Sekhemas.
Poe 2 Relic Locker Hideout Img 1

Cross-Play Rules

Path of Exile 2 supports crossplay. You can start your character on Playstation, then continue on PC. Unfortunately, Stash Tabs do not seamlessly transfer between platforms.

  • All Microtransactions purchased on Sony platforms are restricted to Sony. You can still transfer your items between PlayStation and PC but all tabs act as "remove only."
  • Microtransactions purchased on PC and Xbox can be used interchangeably provided you are using the correct sub-account. You may need to reach out to GGG Support to have MTX transferred to the correct sub-account.


  • Use your Stash (found in town and your Hideout) to store items or list them for sale.
  • Tab Affinities automatically sort items.
  • You can use Premium Tabs to list items for sale via setting them to public.
  • There are a variety of Stash Tabs for sale in the Microtransaction Shop.
  • Some mechanics have their own free storage.
  • While there is Cross-progression between PC and Console, your Stash Tabs do not always transfer.


Written by: Tenkiei
Content Reviewed by: Cptn_Garbage

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