New Instilling Calculator Tool
We are happy to announce our new Path of Exile 2 Instilling Calculator Tool here on Maxroll! You can use this tool to determine how to best use your Distilled Emotions to Instill your Amulet. Our tool calculates all of the outcomes, including the ability to reforge different Distilled Emotions to raise the tier.
Calculator Features
The Instilling Calculator makes it easy to find out what Notables you can Instill on your amulet using the Distilled Emotions you have. Put all of your Distilled Emotions into the calculator, and it gives you a list of the available Notables. By default, the calculator takes into account the ability to reforge 3 Emotions for 1 Emotion of the next tier up.
For example, turning 3 Distilled Ire into 1 Distilled Guilt. If you want the calculator to ignore this, uncheck "use reforging bench."

From there, the calculator checks all of the available combinations and displays what you can Instill into your amulet. So in this example, the calculator includes things like Arcane Mixtures. This requires Distilled Paranoia, Distilled Paranoia, Distilled Ire. You get the 2x Distilled Paranoia by combining 6x Distilled Greed in the Reforging Bench.

How to Use
- Put in all of your Distilled Emotions.
- Leave "Use reforging bench" checked to account for reforging Distilled Emotions, and uncheck it for the calculator to only use the Distilled Emotions shown.
- Look through the Notables you can Instill onto your amulet and find the best one for your build.
- If you know what you want you can use the Search feature, by typing in the Notable's name, or part of its text.
Written by: Tenkiei