0.1.0f Patch Notes
GGG has released the 0.1.0f Patch Notes. The patch exclusively focuses on fixing bugs such as Delirium mist not expanding properly, an abuse case with The Adorned, abusing equipping items during combat and many more. Expect more bug fixes over the next week as indicated by GGG in their latest Known Issues Update.
Key Takeaways
Here are a few key takeaways from the 0.1.0f patch notes.
- GGG is aware that Strongboxes currently feel lacking and is looking to adjust them in an upcoming patch.
- Delirium should expand its fog properly now, removing situations where touching a mirror would cause nothing to happen.
- The Adorned was adding its percentage roll additively to Time-lost Jewels with the "increased effect of small Passive Skills in Radius". This effectively caused them to double the effect of small passive nodes in their radius. The patch fixes this clearly unintended and extremely powerful interaction.
- Previously players could regain all their Energy Shield or other resources by unequipping and reequipping items such as The Everlasting Gaze. The patch removes this behaviour as it lead to abusive gameplay loops.
- Blood Mage Overheal no longer gets removed when Weapon Swapping or Leveling up. This leads to less deaths due to unexpected swings in life pool size.
- Precursor Tablet modifiers should now consistently show as expected.
- The widespread client crash issue that may occur on the latest Windows 11 Update 24H2 has not been fixed yet. This crash is part of GGG's Known Issues list so we can expect a fix for it at a later date.
- Update your client to receive the changes.
New Hotfixes
Since the release of this post GGG has released several smaller hotfixes:
- Adjusted thread priorities to reduce CPU over-utilization. This can help prevent crashes under specific circumstances.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur in Ultimatums.
This patch has been deployed without restarting the servers. You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this patch.
- Fixed a bug introduced in Patch 0.1.0f where players could lose Life or Energy Shield from actions such as using flasks.
This fix applies to new instances.
- Fixed a bug where the Corrupted Skill Gem Level Modifier wasn't applying.
- Fixed a bug where inherent Weapon Skills weren't showing when linked in chat or trade windows.
- Fixed a client crash related to Power Siphon.
- Fixed a buffer underflow client crash.
This patch has been deployed without restarting the servers, you will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this patch.
0.1.0f Patch Notes (Restartless)
Kieren_GGG on pathofexile.com:
- Fixed a bug where Rare monsters could pause Delirium mist for an extended period of time, even before touching the Mirror of Delirium. This could result in opening a mirror and having no monsters spawn, or the mist not expanding fully. In addition, Delirium mist is now paused for 10 seconds when opening a Strongbox (previously 5). Note that unrelated to Delirium Mist, further changes to Strongboxes will be made in an upcoming patch to make them less terrible.
- Fixed a bug where "increased effect of small Passive Skills in Radius" on Time-Lost Jewels was affected by increases and reductions to modifier effect, such as through The Adorned Unique Jewel.
- Fixed a bug where if a player changed their maximum life, energy shield or mana (such as through equipping and unequipping items) their current life, energy shield, mana, overcapped mana, or overcapped energy shield would also increase.
- Fixed a bug where overcapped life from Life Remnants would be erased whenever maximum life changed (such as from levelling up or weapon swapping).
- Fixed a bug where the projectiles of Zalmarath, the Colossus' knife attack were incorrectly positioned on top of the player.
- Fixed a bug where aftershocks of Rolling Slam were not dealing damage.
- Fixed a bug where Ritual Altars could sometimes fail to activate.
- Fixed a bug where Xesht, We That Are One could sometimes endlessly throw hands.
- Fixed a bug where the Mad Wolf of Ogham quest could be incompletable if you travelled to Act 2 by other means than talking to The Hooded One.
- Fixed a bug where many Precursor Tablet modifier descriptions did not display when hovering over Maps in radius of the completed Tower.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur after entering Demon Form while fighting Zarokh, the Temporal.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur with Fiery Death Support in party-play.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur on PlayStation 5.
This patch has been deployed without restarting the servers. You will need to update your client to receive the client changes in this patch.
Path of Exile Coverage
That's it for the 0.1.0f Patch Notes. Overall solid bug fixes with some broken interactions removed in the process. Looking for more news on Path of Exile 2 Patches or Hotfixes? Then head over to our Discord and select the Path of Exile 2 role in #roles to stay up to date with our content development. Stay sane, Exile!
Written by: Cptn Garbage
Reviewed by: Tenkiei