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Flicker Strike Invoker Build Guide

Early Access

Last Updated:January 25, 2025|Changelog|FAQ

Welcome to the Flicker Strike Invoker Endgame guide. Generate massive amounts of Frenzy Charges from Combat Frenzy by Freezing and Electrocuting enemies. Convert them to Power Charges with the Resonance Keystone.

Every time you have Power Charges, spend them on Flicker Strike to rapidly dash and annihilate screens of enemies with a combination of Charged Staff, Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder.

Defensively, this Invoker build gains access to a huge amount of Physical Damage Reduction from …and Protect me from Harm. It also builds a healthy Energy Shield pool that can be doubled due to the Grim Feast; making you incredibly durable while being unable to control your character during your Flicker Strike.

So if you want to zip around entire maps, leaving trails of shattered corpses in your wake. This Path of Exile favourite is the build for you.


You do not need specific resistances on any item, just get the required total resistances amongst all gear combined. You need to cap your Resistances at 75% unless otherwise specified in the guide!

Early Access

Path of Exile 2 is currently in early access, this means rapid development including frequent changes to builds as there are balance fixes and we learn more. Pin this page to be notified of any updates.

Leveling Guide

This guide assumes you are at least level 68 and have completed Act 3 Cruel, to learn more about the leveling process check out our leveling guide.


Early Access
Flicker Strike Invoker
  • Charged Staff consumes power charges and adds a large flat Lightning Damage buff. It also causes your attacks to produce a shockwave, this drastically improves the quality of life for your Tempest Flurry. Maintain this buff at all times.
  • Tempest Flurry attacks rapidly to take advantage of this build's mechanics.
    • It is linked with Electrocute to begin generating Power Charges.
    • Charged Staff fires a shockwave dealing Attack Damage on every Attack.
    • Tempest Bell deals a large amount of area damage every time it is hit.
  • Flicker Strike consumes all of your Power Charges on use to dash to a nearby enemy and strike it. For each Power Charge consumed, you strike 2 additional times. This means when consuming your 7 Maximum Power Charges, you can dash up to 15 times.
    • Perpetual Charge and Gem Quality play a crucial role as collectively they grant a 55% chance for Flicker Strike not to consume charges.
  • Tempest Bell should mainly be used against high Health targets. It can also be used when being swarmed by enemies to deal large AoE damage.
    • It is also very easy to Freeze and Electrocute Tempest Bell. This allows you to gain Power Charges more easily against bosses.
  • Herald of Thunder linked with Cold Infusion, Ice Bite and Glaciation is your main source of Freezing enemies as having a high uptime on Ice Bite significantly helps with your chance to Freeze.
  • Combat Frenzy is how you generate charges. Freezing, Electrocuting or Pinning an enemy grants a Frenzy Charge no more than once every 1.6 seconds. The Frenzy Charges are then converted to Power Charges with Resonance.
Flicker Strike Invoker Skill Progression
Use the <Prev and Next> arrows to navigate.


  • Ailments are essential for the Flicker Strike Invoker to function, as it is the primary method to generate Power Charges (See Combat Frenzy above). With optimised gear and additional Support Skills the process is trivial, but before then here are the things you should know;
    • Shock/Freeze; allows you to trigger Herald of Thunder. This then freezes enemies due to the Support Skills used. As this is your primary method of freezing enemies, it is vital to shock enemies in order to activate the effect. This is done most effectively by having, a large amount of Lightning Damage from Charged Staff, the inherent conversion on your Lightning Skills and the Conduction support.
    • To Freeze enemies you need to deal Cold Damage, the size of the hit directly impacts how much of the targets Ailment Threshold you deal.
      • This counts for things like Critical Hits, which after your 3rd Ascendancy Sunder my Enemies… also causes you to ignore enemy Elemental Resistance making the difference of a Critical Hit vs a Non-Critical Hit extremely high.
      • Any Cold Damage added to your Quarterstaff Attacks also gets scaled by +#% increases to Damage. Meaning your ability to Freeze is not only the result of your base Cold Damage but reliant on the increases to your damage in general.
  • If you're on an entry level of Gear and finding it difficult to Freeze the enemies with the Skills shown, use the alternative setup with Ice Strike to consistently Freeze enemies before improving your gear.

Skill Rotation

Start of Map

Single Target


Early Access
Flicker Strike Invoker
Flicker Strike Invoker Passive Skill Tree
Click the arrows to open the full tree in a new tab.


Early Access
Flicker Strike Invoker
How to Ascend

Learn how to complete the Trial of the Sekhemas and Trial of Chaos to earn your first 2 Ascensions with our Ascension Guide!

  • Lead me through Grace… causes you to gain Spirit per Energy Shield and Evasion on your Body Armour. This should be one of the first gear pieces you craft or purchase to reach enough Spirit to use all of your Passive Skills.
  • …and Protect me from Harm is crucial for defence, allowing you to gain additional Physical Damage Reduction based on your Evasion Rating.
  • Sunder my Enemies… is a huge DPS increase. It also means you do not have to spec any penetration nodes.
  • I am the Blizzard… adds additional Cold Damage and makes it easier to Freeze mobs.
Flicker Strike Invoker Ascendancy Progression


Early Access
Flicker Strike Invoker

This is how to build your Flicker Strike Invoker

Offensive Scaling

  • Flicker Strike does not inherently convert any of your damage. Look for additional Elemental Damage added to attacks through your Rings and Gloves.
  • Cold Damage is essential to be able to Freeze enemies, this can be obtained through multiple sources;
    • # to # Cold Damage on your Quarterstaff
    • Damage added as Extra Cold Damage from Essence of the Mountain.
    • # to # Cold Damage added to Attacks on your Rings and Gloves.
  • Melee Skill Levels massively increase your damage but substantially increase your Mana Costs.
  • Critical Strike Chance increases your damage greatly due to Critical Strike Damage Bonus and Sunder my Enemies…

Defensive Scaling

  • Your suffix modifiers on your gear are very important as they have to fill a lot of mandatory rolls for the build to perform well.
    • Cap your Fire, Cold, Lightning and Chaos Resistance.
    • +# to Dex or Int to reach attribute requirements.
    • +#% Physical Attack Damage leeched as mana.
  • …and Protect me from Harm is a very powerful defensive tool for Invoker Monks. It sets your Physical Damage Reduction to that which it would be if you had as much Armour as you have Evasion Rating.
    • Subterfuge Mask allows you to get a sizeable amount of Energy Shield from your helmet without negatively impacting your overall Evasion Rating.
  • Your Body Armour is also important due to Lead me through Grace…. To reach the minimum spirit requirements of 180 for this build you need a hybrid Evasion/Energy Shield Body Armour that gives at least 600 Evasion Rating and 240 Energy Shield. If you only have 180, remove Cannibalism and Clarity.
  • Energy Shield is huge for mitigating damage from 1 shots. Evasion can only help you against Strikes and Projectiles, for everything else you're relying on your pool of Health and Energy Shield.
    • Grim Feast allows you to overcap you Energy Shield in maps to up to 2x the value making you much more durable to ground effects and slams that are otherwise unable to be evaded.
  • If you are still struggling check out our Survival Guide for additional useful information!

Atlas Passives

Early Access
Flicker Strike Invoker
Tempest Flurry Invoker Starting Atlas Passive Tree
Click the arrows to open the full tree in a new tab.
Endgame Activities

Learn about the endgame activities available to you in Path of Exile 2 with our guide!


Early Access
Flicker Strike Invoker

Find answers to commonly asked questions and dive deeper into the Tempest Flurry Invoker Build's mechanics.

Good Notable Passives to Distil are;

  • Stormcharged (Best)
  • Vulgar Methods
  • Overwhelming Strike
  • Tainted Strike


Early Access
Flicker Strike Invoker


Early Access
Flicker Strike Invoker
  • Flicker Strike is a fan favourite from Path of Exile and is phenomenal at rapidly dashing through Maps. Combined with Charged Staff, Herald of Thunder and Herald of Ice it does more than enough damage to obliterate screens of enemies whilst dashing to the next.
  • Place Tempest Bell whenever available on bosses for a massive damage boost.
  • Evasion and Energy Shield allow you to utilize Ghost Dance as well as granting you Spirit from your Body Armour to enable all of your Passive Skills.

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