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Fireball Blood Mage Leveling Guide

Early Access

Last Updated:January 17, 2025|Changelog|FAQ

If you like massive cold and frost explosions, projectiles flying all over the screen, and using your own life to cast spells then the Fireball Blood Mage Witch leveling guide is for you. This build freezes and shatters all monsters while quickly recovering life from your enemies dying.

This build places Frost Wall down and shotguns them with Fireball, shattering the crystals and spraying projectiles all over the screen, all while raining Comet from above.

Fireball Blood Mage Leveling Gear
Early Access

Path of Exile 2 is currently in early access, this means rapid development including frequent changes to builds as there are balance fixes and we learn more. Pin this page to be notified of any updates.

Endgame Guide

If you've beat the campaign and want to check out an endgame version of the build check out our guide here! Coming Soon.


Early Access
Fireball Blood Mage Leveling

While killing regular monsters cast your Frost Wall and then Fireball to shatter them which triggers the Meta Skill Gem Cast on Freeze. Most of the enemies die to a single Comet.

Fireball doesn't naturally freeze, you need the item Blueflame Bracers. Once you have this, it turns the build into a one button play style and you only need to use Frost Wall for single target. Frost Wall creates a series of Ice Crystals that block enemies movement. When the Ice Crystals are shattered they cause an explosion dealing massive damage around them. When the target is big enough Ice Crystals detonate automatically simply by monsters coming in contact with them.

Once you find a body armor with or an amulet with at least 35 Spirit use Blasphemy combined with Temporal Chains. This is another defensive layer that helps you survive as the build is constantly in melee range of monsters to pick up Life Remnants.

Comet has a high mana and life cost so it can be hard to sustain it. Make sure to use the best Mana Flask possible at your level and craft % increased Amount Recovered prefix for better recovery. If life cost is ever a problem, make sure you use Inspiration in your Cast on Freeze. Life on kill is very useful in general as a Blood Mage, I recommend you look for Sapphire jewels with the %life on kill modifier and use Cannibalism on your Life Remnants.

Fireball Blood Mage Leveling Skill Progression
Use the <Prev and Next> arrows to navigate.

Act 1

Uncut Skill Gem I or II (Cut in order)
  1. Spark
    • This is your main damaging ability throughout Act 1 and Act 2.
  2. Flame Wall
    • When any projectile skill passes through the Flame Wall it deals additional Fire damage. Always use Flame Wall before casting Spark, and make sure you position it between you and the enemy so that the spark projectiles become empowered.
    • Support it with Fortress to form a circle making it easier for sparks to move through.
  3. Frost Bomb
    • Deals a massive amount of cold damage and freezes your enemies. Use it on cooldown when fighting tougher enemies and bosses.

Use any leftover Uncut Skill Gem II that you drop to level up Spark, Flame Wall and Frost Bomb in that order.

Support Gems (Cut in order)
  1. Pierce for Spark
  2. Arcane Tempo for Spark
  3. Fortress for Flame Wall
  4. Spell Cascade for Frost Bomb
  5. Save your remaining Uncut Support Gems for Spirit Gem IV
Uncut Spirit Gem IV
  1. Raging Spirits
    • Activate it by opening your skill gem menu and Right Click the skill icon left of the skill name. To see if it's active check if your Spirit shows 0/30 and the Raging Spirits icon swirls.
Support Gems (Cut in order)
  1. Persistence for Raging Spirits
  2. Save your remaining Uncut Support Gems for Skill Gem VII skills

At this point use any leftover Uncut Skill Gem II that you drop to level up Spark, Flame Wall, Frost Bomb and Raging Spirits in that order.

Act 2

Uncut Skill Gem VII or VIII (Cut in order)

Once you acquire two Uncut Skill Gem IX or X, your play style changes to casting Frostwall and destroying them with Fireball. Follow the instructions below carefully.

  1. At the very end of Act 2 and the start of Act 3, acquire two Uncut Skill Gem IX or X
  2. Pick Fireball and Frost Wall.
    • Support Fireball with Scattershot and Unleash.
    • Support Frost Wall with Spell Cascade and Icicle, this is important to one-shot the Frost Wall.
    • Use Fireball to destroy Frost Wall causing a big explosion of fireballs and ice explosions.
    • Shoot your Fireball through Flame Wall for significantly increased damage. This is important for single target especially.
  3. Support Frost Bomb with Magnified Effect
    • Use Frost Bomb to apply Exposure, significantly reducing enemies' cold resistance.
  4. Remove Spark and Orb of Storms.
Support Gems (Cut in order)

Check if you have missed any of the recommended gems before heading into Act 3.

From here you may use any level 1 Uncut Support Gem to liberally fill your remaining skill sockets however you see fit. Check the skill slider above for ideas.

Act 3

Act 3 gives you access to Uncut Support Gem II, substantially increasing the amount of support gem options available to you.

Tip: Make sure to pick up the guaranteed Lesser Jeweller's Orb in the Sandswept Marsh that can be found in a chest in a small encampment at the edge of the layout. Don't use it for now and keep it for later!

Uncut Spirit Gem of any tier once at 60+ Spirit
  1. Cast on Freeze
    • This is the core of this build. It allows you to automate Cold Snap by casting it anytime you freeze an enemy.
    • Use Lesser Jeweller's Orb on Cast on Freeze to increase the amount Support Gem Sockets to 3.
    • Put Cold Snap in the first Support Gem Socket of Cast on Freeze.
    • Support it with Spell Echo and Concentrated Effect.
  2. To check if you have missed any of the permanent Spirit bonuses you acquire during your campaign, check out our Permanent Stats From The Campaign Guide.
Uncut Skill Gem XI
  1. Comet
    • Replace Cold Snap in your Cast on Freeze setup with Comet.
    • Replace Concentrated Effect support with Impetus. This allows you to trigger Comet more often.
    • Use Inspiration for easier mana and life sustain.

Act 1 and 2 Cruel

Continue leveling Comet, Fireball, Frost Wall, Flame Wall, and Frost Bomb with Uncut Skill Gems.

Act 3 Cruel

  1. Pick up the second guaranteed Lesser Jeweller's Orb in the Sandswept Marsh that can be found in a chest in a small encampment at the edge of the layout.
    • Support Fireball with Wildshards.
  2. After defeating the Boss in the Azak Bog for +40 permanent spirit support your Life Remnants with Vitality and Cannibalism. Life Remnants is your ascendancy skill on the Blood Mage, and it can be supported with gems.
  3. Once you find a source of +Spirit on your Amulet or Body Armour use Blasphemy
    • Support it with Temporal Chains and Ritualistic Curse.
    • Replace Vitality if needed.

Congratulations, you've finished the campaign gem progression of the Fireball Blood Mage Leveling Build and your links are properly set up to tackle your first Waystones.


Early Access
Fireball Blood Mage Leveling
Fireball Blood Mage Leveling Passive Tree
Click the Arrows to open in a new tab for step-by-step progression.
  • Make sure you save some gold for Respecs. The version of the tree used in the end of the campaign requires a lot of travel nodes, but in Act 2 and Act 3 it's more efficient to take damage increases so you don't struggle.
  • As soon as you can, Mana and Life on kill jewels are extremely helpful for sustaining!


Early Access
Fireball Blood Mage Leveling
How to Ascend

Learn how to complete the Trial of the Sekhemas and Trial of Chaos to earn your first 2 Ascensions with our Ascension Guide!

  1. DO NOT take Sanguimancy early. This is a required first node for Blood Mage, the ability does a TON of self damage and it is hard to mitigate this early game. Wait until you complete your second trial and can take your first 2 Ascendancy notables at the same time.
  2. After the second trial you take Vitality Siphon this makes you significantly tankier and synergizes well with Sanguimancy. Take this at the same time you take Sanguimancy.
  3. Thirdly take Gore Spike, this scales off of your maximum life and is a big damage boost.
Fireball Blood Mage Leveling Ascendancy


Early Access
Fireball Blood Mage Leveling
  • By far the best way to get better gear in the campaign is to check the Vendor in Town each time you level up! As vendors change their offerings based on your level this is an excellent way to find extra upgrades.
  • Prioritize +#% to Fire, Cold and Lightning Resistance as well as +# to Maximum Life on your gear.
  • Most of the damage you take during the campaign outside of Boss/Rare encounters is Physical Damage. Small amount of strength allows you to equip some Armour based pieces of equipment for additional survivability. Cloak of Flame helps a lot if you can get your hands on one.
  • Look for a Wand with + Levels of Cold Spell Skills or + Levels of All Spell Skills. You increase your DPS by looking for the following stats, sorted by order of importance:
    • + Levels of Cold Spell Skills or + Levels of All Spell Skills
    • Gain % of Damage As Extra Cold Damage
    • Gain % of Damage As Extra Lightning or Fire Damage
    • %# increased Spell or Cold Damage
    • % increased Freeze Buildup
    • % increased Critical Hit Chance For Spells
  • Use a Shield with %increased block for increased survivability. Block chance applies to both attack and spell block making it very powerful, and giving you the Raise Shield ability to help when you get surrounded or block boss abilities.
  • A great source is checking vendors occasionally for promising bases to craft on with Orbs of Transmutation, Orbs of Augmentation, Regal Orbs, Exalted Orbs, Chaos Orbs and Essences.
  • To finish off your item use one or two Artificer's Orb and socket defensive Runes like Body Rune or Glacial Rune.
  • If you are still struggling check out our Survival Guide for additional useful information!


Early Access
Fireball Blood Mage Leveling

You can swap to Fireball and Frost Wall at the end of Act 2 and early Act 3, once you find 2 level 9 Uncut Skill Gems. Make sure you have both before you swap, as they work together!


Early Access
Fireball Blood Mage Leveling

The video below goes over all the leveling steps while also showing gameplay and playstyle tips.


Early Access
Fireball Blood Mage Leveling

Congratulations on finishing the Fireball Blood Mage Leveling Guide! You beat the campaign and are ready to progress into the Endgame. You'll continue to annihilate enemies with shattering Frostwalls and Fireballs, all while comets are raining down. This build continues to scale with gear, stacking life and critical strike damage at the same time, and eventually huge life bonuses from the Ascendancy. Stay tuned for the Endgame version of the build that will be released soon!

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