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Corrupting Cry Warbringer Guide

Early Access

Last Updated:January 23, 2025|Changelog|FAQ

This extremely beginner friendly build is easy and cheap to get going while still being an absolute blast to play. Shout so loud at your enemies that they haemorrhage to death while constantly knocking them away from you. The large health pool and 75% chance to block allow you to take a punch and live to tell the tale. And best of all? You simply press one button for all of it. Welcome to the Corrupting Cry Warbringer Build Guide.

Strength grants you +2 to maximum life per 1 Str. Corrupting Cry linked to Seismic Cry scales its damage with Strength, so you scale your Defenses and Offenses at the same time! This creates a naturally well balanced character that's easy and cheap to gear.

Ancestral Warrior Totem linked to Earthshatter in a weapon swap provides comfortable single target damage from afar.

Corrupting Cry Warbringer Example Gear. Showcase gear not min-maxed. Clears T15s very comfortably on worse gear.
Early Access

Path of Exile 2 is currently in early access, this means rapid development including frequent changes to builds as there are balance fixes and we learn more. Pin this page to be notified of any updates.

IMPORTANT - Respec Required

This build only becomes functional at Level 41. Boneshatter Warbringer is an excellent way to level until then, but requires a somewhat costly change of your Passive Skill Tree. When specifically leveling a new Warrior to play Corrupting Cry it's advised to allocate Warcaller's Bellow for your first Ascendancy point and Greatwolf's Howl for your second instead of the suggested nodes in the Leveling Guide in order to save Gold. If you want to be on the extra safe side and have some spare Gold, follow the Boneshatter Guide until Level 52 for better single target after swapping.


Early Access
Corrupting Cry Warbringer

Weapon Swap Mechanics

After configuring your weapon swap properly (in-depth explanation further down below) it automatically changes your held weapon and passive tree nodes adaptively depending whether you use Seismic Cry or Ancestral Warrior Totem. This allows you to to scale your single target damage without making any sacrifices in your clear-speed and vice versa. An extremely synergistic build.


  • The core interaction of the build is Seismic Cry supported by Corrupting Cry. Greatwolf's Howl ensures Seismic Cry can be spammed freely without going on cooldown. This allows for rapid stacking of the Corrupting Cry's damaging debuff.
    • Stack Strength to increase your damage
    • Constantly stuns and knocks enemies back for a huge extra defensive layer as getting hit is rare.
    • Can be used while moving for a moblile playstyle.
    • Very easy/cheap gearing as the only stat necessary on your Weapon is +Strength and Gain # Life per Enemy Killed.
    • Keep Seismic Cry at level 11 until your recovery is good enough to sustain higher levels.

Corrupting Cry Warbringer Guide Skills
Use the <Prev and Next> arrows to navigate.

Single Target

  • Ancestral Warrior Totem linked to Earthshatter grants comfortable single target damage from afar through clever use of the new Weapon Specialization System.
    • The totems remain active AND they keep all the stats they had from your weapons and passives when they were summoned. This means you can effectively "stat-stick" your second Weapon Set to empower your Totem Summons and then freely use Seismic Cry afterwards.
    • Which is very useful as Seismic Cry constantly detonates the spikes created by the Totem's Earthshatter for massive extra damage. A satisfying synergy that causes huge explosions.
    • Very easy/cheap gearing as the only stat necessary on your Weapon is +# to Level of all Melee Skills.
    • One +#% Chance to Inflict Bleeding on Hit Jewel enables Bloodlust


  • Shield Charge to move around quicker. Dodge Roll at the end of the Charge in order to prevent the swing animation. This causes it to be a lot faster. Beware that hitting terrain or monsters stops your Charge.
    • Linked to Ingenuity for extra cooldown uptime and Stomping Ground for some extra damage.
    • Cannot go through Monsters so mainly used to traverse from one pack of monsters to the next.
  • Leap Slam to escape surrounding monsters
    • Flight speed is determined by the local Attack Speed of your Weapon (e.g. "Attacks per Second: 1.55") multiplied by all other sources of #% increased Attack Speed. This means Maces that have high Attack Speed speed up your Leap Slam. This is somewhat of a luxury stat but nice to have.
    • Linked to Holy Descent for some extra Life Regeneration when landing.

Persistent Buffs

  • Activate your persistent buffs by opening your Skill Gem Menu and Right Clicking the skill icon left of the skill name. To see if it's active check if your Spirit value on top of your Mana Globe changes and the Buff icon swirls.
  • Scavenged Plating provides a very substantial boost to your Armour.
    • At 20% Gem Quality, a Level 19 Scavenged Plating provides 70% more Armour to your character. "More" Armour means that it multiplies with the increases on your tree granting you a huge boost in survivability.
    • Level 19 causes it go from 4% More Armour per Scavenged Plating to 5%. You achieve this by linking a Level 18 Scavenged Plating to Physical Mastery. Going above Level 19 only increases the insignificant Thorns portion of the skill.
    • Link Cannibalism to gain large amounts of life on kill to keep your HP bar topped off.
    • Make sure to allocate Shattering Blow before you can allocate Anvil's Weight in order to maintain Scavenged Plating!
  • Overwhelming Presence makes stunning enemies slightly easier.
  • Time of Need occasionally gets rid of pesky Ailments and Curses while sometimes coming in clutch with its heal.
    • Only run this setup when you have extra Spirit on your gear somewhere, skip it completely otherwise
    • Fast Forward to reduce the interval it activates.
    • Herbalism for a small boost to your Life Flasks.

Extra Utility

  • Infernal Cry causes affected enemies to explode on death and grants rage.
    • Keep Infernal Cry at level 3 to reduce life costs.
    • Socket Raging Cry and Dazing Cry to gain Rage for yourself and apply Daze to nearby mobs. Mobility reduces the slowdown effect when you use the Warcry.
    • Use Infernal Cry before summoning your Totems to keep your Rage topped off and apply Daze to the monster.

Qualitying up your gems is inexpensive and offers lots of character power for very cheap. Make sure to use Gemcutter's Prism on your gems until they reach 20% Quality in the following order:

Seismic CryScavenged PlatingEarthshatterAncestral Warrior TotemShield Charge → Everything else

Skill Priority

Early Access
Corrupting Cry Warbringer
Setting up your Weapon Set

The builds functionality hinges on setting up your Weapon Swap Set properly! Make sure to not skip this section or your build breaks.

Skill Gem Weapon Swap Setup

Properly set up your Corrupting Cry Warbringer Skill Gem functionality.

Open your Skill Gem tab and navigate to the extended Gem description

Cptnskillspec 1

Here you can configure which Weapon Set your character swaps to when using the Skill. Open your inventory and put your weapon and shield setup in your primary Weapon Slot (I). This is your Seismic Cry swap. For the Ancestral Warrior Totem setup, put your +# to Level of all Melee Skills Two Handed Maces in your secondary Weapon Slot (II).

Ancestral Warrior Totem is the ONLY gem that you set to Weapon Set II (Untick I). Go through every other Skill Gem and set them to Weapon Set I. Untick II for these.

Cptn Skillspec 2

Now that your Skill Gems are set up correctly it's time to configure your Passive Skill Tree. Pay close attention to the instructions below the passive tree before allocating your nodes.


Early Access
Corrupting Cry Warbringer
Weapon Set Specific Nodes

Setting up your Corrupting Cry Warbringer's Weapon Swap to dynamically change allocated nodes on your passive tree is extremely important.

Weapon Swap Points are passive points that can be allocated to only be active depending what Weapon Set is active. To allocate Weapon Set Specific Nodes there are three requirements:

  • You have a Weapon Set Point Maximum higher than 0 (24 in the reference image). You acquire these throughout your campaign playthrough.
  • You have unallocated Skill Points (9 in the reference image) in order to assign them to a Weapon Set instead of globally.
  • You have selected which Weapon Set the following points should be assigned to. (Arrow on the left)
Cptn Weapon Passive Active
Find this UI element in the top right of your Passive Skill Tree
Corrupting Cry Warbringer Guide Passive Example
The nodes you allocate now will be assigned as Weapon Set I specific nodes
Corrupting Cry Warbringer Guide Passive Tree Example
Globally allocated nodes (left), Weapon Set I specific nodes (middle, red), Weapon Set II specific nodes (right, green)

Pay close attention to which nodes are allocated Globally, which to Set I and which to Set II as you spec them.

Corrupting Cry Warbringer Leveling Guide Passive Tree
Click the arrows to open the full tree in a new tab.

For the attribute nodes take enough Intelligence and Dexterity to meet gear and support gem requirements, then use the rest on Strength. You can respec your attributes for gold if the requirements on your gear suddenly changes instead of waiting to level up.

Make sure to allocate Shattering Blow before you can allocateAnvil's Weight in order to maintain Scavenged Plating!


Early Access
Corrupting Cry Warbringer
How to Ascend

Learn how to complete the Trial of the Sekhemas and Trial of Chaos to earn your first 2 Ascensions with our Ascension Guide!

  1. Pick Warcaller's Bellow for satisfying explosions, extra AoE coverage and killing Rares that are surrounded by corpses.
  2. Greatwolf's Howl ensures you can freely spam Seismic Cry without it going on cooldown. This allows rapid stacking of the Corrupted Blood's damaging debuff. Before you unlock this node you may link Pin to Seismic Cry to prevent it from going on cooldown as it stops it from Heavy Stunning.
  3. Anvil's Weight to maintain Scavenged Plating and gives some extra single target damage.
  4. Pick Imploding Impacts as your fourth node to increase damage. Jade Heritage is another, more defensive option. WARNING: Imploding Impacts is currently bugged and does not seem to provide any extra damage. Opt for Renly's Training or Jade Heritage instead for now!
Corrupting Cry Warbringer Endgame Guide Ascendancy


Early Access
Corrupting Cry Warbringer

The following stats scale your Corrupting Cry Warbringer

Offensive Scaling

  • Corrupting Cry's damage over time component is scaled by how much Strength you have. As Strength also inherently grants you +2 maximum life per point getting as much of it as possible is the main priority.
  • Ancestral Warrior Totems is scaled by +# to Level of all Melee Skills from your Weapons.
  • Sources of #% increased damage: #% Warcry Damage, #% Global Physical Damage, #% increased Damage

Defensive Scaling

  • Sufficient +#% to Fire, Cold, Lightning and Chaos Resistance to cap your Resistances
  • Sources of +#% to Maximum Fire, Cold and Lightning Resistances to scale your elemental defenses into the endgame. For a min-maxed character the sources can be:
    • +#% to all Maximum Resistances from Prism Guard and its surrounding small nodes as well as Unnatural Resilience.
    • +#% to Maximum Fire, Cold and Lightning Resistances from Jewels and Rare Shields. Aim for Cold and Lightning on these as Fire can be acquired through Unnatural Resilience by aiming for high Fire Resistance rolls on each Suffix.
  • +# to Strength because of the previously mentioned reasons.
  • +# to Maximum Life. The importance of good life rolls is slightly reduced as your large amount of Strength already provides a substantial boost to your HP pool. Don't skip out on this entirely but focus on Strength and Resistances first and foremost.
  • Most of the damage you take while mapping is Physical Damage. Armour massively reduces that damage, so look out for high Armour rolls on your gear. As Sturdy Metal grants a huge boost to your Body Armour, make sure that it has an especially good defensive value. Your Body Armour provides over 70% of your overall Armour. This means aiming for a Body Armour that has above 1500 Armour is heavily advised.
  • A shield with a high % Block Chance. The Surrender is a solid option before you acquire a very good Rare Shield.
  • If you are still struggling check out our Survival Guide for additional useful information!

Here's how you should gear your Corrupting Cry Warbringer. Sorted mostly in order of importance

  • Contrary to most other builds, there are almost no stats on Weapons that scale your damage output. Look for Weapons with the following stats:
    • Seismic Cry Setup I sorted by stat priority (1h or 2h + Shield)
      • Gain # Life per Enemy Killed - Huge boost to your survival while clearing packs of monsters, get a value as high as possible.
      • +# to Strength - The more strength the better.
      • Socket 2 Rebirth Rune into your weapon after using Artificer's Orb on it for extra survivability
      • +#% increased Attack Speed for slightly faster leap slams - luxury stat
      • +#% to Light Radius as it increases your mini map reveal radius - luxury stat
      • Attention, these stats do NOT scale your damage: Local weapon damage such as Adds # to # Physical Damage or #% increased Physical Damage, %# increased Attack Speed or anything else that's not Strength.
    • Totem Setup II (Dual wield 2 handers)
      • +# to Level of all Melee Skills
      • No other mods on weapons scale the damage of your Totems. Very easy gearing!
  • Alternatively, you may use a Sceptre for the extra Spirit to fit Blasphemy linked to Enfeeble (Or a different Curse of your choosing). Keep your Blasphemy, Curse and Sceptre at lower levels to manage the Int requirement. Look for a Sceptre with the following stats:
    • #% increased Spirit
    • +# to Strength
    • +# to Intelligence for easier Attribute requirement
    • #% reduced Attribute Requirements for the same reason

Suggested Blasphemy links: Blasphemy, Enfeeble, Heightened Curse, Ritualistic Curse. Use Magnified Effect if not already using it in your Seismic Cry.


Early Access
Corrupting Cry Warbringer

Totem damage is heavily reliant on +# to Gem Levels. Make sure that you have your Weapon Swap Tree setup properly and that the weapon it swaps to when you place a Totem has +# to Melee Gem Levels.


Early Access
Corrupting Cry Warbringer

Here's a quick breakdown of the build and a gameplay showcase by Steelmage:


Early Access
Corrupting Cry Warbringer

Congratulations on finishing the Corrupting Cry Warbringer Endgame Guide! For feedback and potential questions head over to our Discord and select the Path of Exile 2 role in #roles.





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