Bhuldar, Herkir, and Logi – Spirits of Fire Boss Guide
Last Updated:February 15, 2024|Changelog
Bhuldar, Herkir, and Logi (AKA 'The Shamans') is the only Timeline boss fight with multiple bosses. Keeping track of all three makes this one of the most hectic of all the fights but also rewards skillful use of AoE attacks.
In this guide, we cover the rewards, boss mechanics, and provide a strategy for defeating this boss.
For more information on the Timeline this boss is found in check out our Spirits of Fire Timeline Guide.

All timeline bosses have a pool of exclusive Uniques that can drop. They also provide the player with a Blessing, which is a permanent buff to either power or farming/leveling efficiency. Just like Uniques, each boss has their own exclusive Blessing pool.
Bhuldar, Herkir, and Logi can drop 4 different Uniques:
- Bhuldar's Wrath has a 50% chance to drop. It is mutually exclusive to Herkir's Vessel, meaning you always get one or the other, but not both. It can drop from both normal and empowered versions. The drop rate is not affected by corruption.
- Herkir's Vessel has a 50% chance to drop. It is mutually exclusive to Bhuldar's Wrath, meaning you always get one or the other, but not both. It can drop from both regular and Empowered versions. The drop rate is not affected by corruption.
- Logi's Hunger is a rare drop. The drop rate is increased by higher Corruption. We recommend farming this on Empowered.
- Trinity of Flames is a rare drop that can only be found in Empowered. Increases in Corruption improves the drop rate of this item.
See the Monolith Beginner Guide for more info on Corruption.
The Blessings of this Timeline are themed around Fire and Defenses with several exceptions. Some generally useful choices are: Embers of Immortality, Body of Obsidian and Heart of the Caldera.
- Body of Obsidian
- Breath of Cinders
- Curse of Sulphur
- Embers of Immortality
- Flames of Calamity
- Heart of the Caldera
- Might of Bhuldar
- Patience of Herkir
- Promise of Death
- Spirit of Command
- Swiftness of Logi
- Grand Body of Obsidian
- Grand Breath of Cinders
- Grand Curse of Sulphur
- Grand Embers of Immortality
- Grand Flames of Calamity
- Grand Heart of the Caldera
- Grand Might of Bhuldar
- Grand Patience of Herkir
- Grand Promise of Death
- Grand Spirit of Command
- Grand Swiftness of Logi
Boss Mechanics
When you go into a timeline boss fight, you carry any modifiers that are active from running echoes. Some of these modifiers can be especially dangerous, while some can actually bring value with little or no downside.
- Critical Strike Avoidance - If you're a Crit based build and have sufficient Crit to be noticeable.
- Enemies have +X Critical Strike Chance - Avoid these if you don't have capped Critical Strike Avoidance.
- Enemies have a chance to Dodge - Any builds that rely on Hitting the enemy (including DoT builds that apply Ailments on Hit) should avoid this modifier (except for Rogues with Focus Fire).
- Enemies heal if they have not been damaged recently - Only take this if you're confident you'll never go 4 or more seconds without damaging the boss (after phase 1).
- Frenzy and Haste + Berserk - Individually these are manageable (although you may still want to avoid them if you can). Together they can make a boss very difficult to deal with as they significantly speed up the mechanics of the fight. Don't take these unless you're comfortable with the mechanics and confident that the additional speed of the fight won't be a problem.
- Increased Elemental Damage - This scales almost all of the damage in the fight and scales higher than other damage modifiers. The damage can get out of control quickly, especially at higher Corruption.
- Anything that affects Rare enemies - Bosses are not considered Rare enemies, so those modifiers do not apply to the encounter. However, the rewards do. This is an easy way to boost the value of a fight for any build without increasing difficulty.
- Enemies have +X Critical Strike Chance when Crit capped - If you're Crit capped, then this modifier provides no extra difficulty.
- Critical Strike Avoidance on a DoT build - DoTs can't Crit, so this won't matter.
- Enemies have a X% chance to receive a Glancing Blow when hit on a DoT build - Similar to Crits, Glancing Blows only apply to Hits.
- Enemies have a chance to Dodge on a build that uses a DoT skill - Ailments generally need to Hit to be applied, so don't take this if you're relying on Hits to stack your DoTs. However, some skills have the DoT tag, meaning they don't Hit. DoTs can't be Dodged, so your damage is unaffected.
Boss Strategy
Bhuldar, Herkir, and Logi is a single phase fight. The Shamans have most of their abilities from the beginning, but the fight gets significantly harder when a Shaman dies. Damage is almost exclusively Fire and Necrotic, so make sure to cap both Resistances. The fight is very hectic with all three Shamans having access to every ability and not coordinating them, meaning you have to deal with multiple mechanics at the same time. It's almost impossible to avoid all of the attacks so the fight is largely about prioritizing mechanics and having sufficient defenses to deal with the rest. Here are some general strategies:
- Try to group them up and AoE them down. The Shamans have separate health pools so hitting them all at once effectively cuts the fight time down by 2/3rds vs. hitting them one at a time. Grouping them up won't always be possible but whenever they're in close proximity take advantage of it.
- Prioritize avoiding Torch Flame, Magma Balls, and the third explosion of Lava Plume. These are the highest damage attacks.
- Try to kill them all at the same time. When a Shaman dies they become a Spirit Form with a large high damage Necrotic circle around them that does not end until all of the Shaman's are dead. This is especially challenging for Melee builds because the other Shamans can stand in the Necrotic pool while using their own skills, making it difficult to reach them. Shamans in Spirit Form also fire Necrotic projectiles at the player that have large circular AoE so even ranged attackers have to deal with them.
The difficulty of this fight comes down to two factors: Avoiding the most damaging mechanics and killing all three Shamans at around the same time. Hitting on both of these factors makes the fight trivial, but failing to do so opens up the possibility of becoming overwhelmed by the large and persistent damage that the Shamans are capable of producing.
Coming soon!
- The Blessings for this timeline are themed around Fire and Defenses but with several exceptions.
- Bhuldar, Herkir, and Logi is a single phase fight that can overwhelm players with a constant barrage of attacks.
- Damage is almost exclusively Fire and Necrotic, so make sure to cap both Resistances.
- Try to group up and AoE the Shamans down whenever possible.
- Kill the Shamans at the same time to avoid dealing with Spirit Form.
Written by McFluffin.
Reviewed by Facefoot, Lizard_IRL, Raxxanterax.