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Renewal Grasps Stasis Hunter Build


Last Updated:February 9, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Renewal Grasps Stasis Hunter Build Guide! Renewal Grasps give you and your team easy access to the Frost Armor Buff. This Buff provides your team improved survivability in a sandbox where similar options are few and far between.

Renewal Grasps work by granting you or teammates a stack of Frost Armor every 0.45 seconds while standing in the area of a Duskfield Grenade. Enemies that are within the area have their outgoing damage reduced by 50%.

Putting the information together, throw Duskfields at your feet or at an enemy to massively increase survivability. Try to get yourself and the enemy within your Duskfield Grenade's radius for best results.

This Build is useful in a wide variety of activities from Grandmaster Nightfalls to Raids to Dungeons.

Stasis's Slow and Shatter mechanics allow you to easily Stun Overload and Unstoppable Champions. Pairing Unraveling Orbs with a Strand Weapon also allows this build to handle Barrier Champions.

  • Crowd Control
  • Team Support
  • Incredible Survivability
  • Close Range Playstyle
  • Average Boss Damage
  • Gradual Damage Resistance

Gameplay Loop

Though Renewal Grasps are used to enhance your Grenade, this highly versatile build also has high uptime on your other Abilities through the usage of your Abilities.

  • Use Withering Blades and Gambler's Dodge often. This helps with clearing out low-tier enemies and surviving.
  • Throw Duskfield Grenade onto dangerous enemies and enter its radius. You get Frost Armor, your enemies get massively reduced damage output.
  • The Fourth Horseman obliterates threatening non-Boss enemies at close range, such as Champions. If one volley of shells isn't enough, throw a Withering Blade to proc Whisper of Impetus, allowing you to instantly fire another volley.
  • In danger? Use your Attrition Orbs Primary Ammo Weapon to quickly make an Orb of Power, healing you through your Leg Armor Mods.
  • Fighting a Boss or otherwise dangerous enemy that's a decent distance away? You have a Heavy Weapon for a reason!

Ability Breakdown


  • Silence and Squall: throw Stasis Kamas, Silence and then Squall. This Super is useful in any occasion!
    • Silence creates a massive Freezing blast on impact.
    • Squall creates a Stasis Tornado that follows enemies, dealing massive damage over time while rapidly Slowing, Freezing, and then Shattering enemies caught in the storm.


  • Gambler's Dodge - Instantly refills a Melee Ability Charge if used while near an enemy.
  • Triple Jump - Jump of your choice.
  • Withering Blade (2 Ability Charges) - Throw a shuriken that Slows targets it hits. Shurikens ricochet on impact, tracking nearby enemies. Enemies hit by two shurikens Freeze.
  • Duskfield Grenade - Creates a spherical field that continually Slows and Freezes combatants. Generates Frost Armor stacks while standing in the field with Renewal Grasps, and reduces enemy damage output by 50% when they are inside.


  • Grim Harvest - Killing Stasis Debuffed targets spawns a Stasis Shard for yourself and your team, these partially replenish Melee Ability energy when collected. Additionally, collecting a Stasis Shard partially heals you and grants stacks of Frost Armor.
  • Winter's Shroud - Your Gambler's Dodge now emits a non-damaging Slowing blast, and Slowing enemies briefly massively increases Class Ability cooldown speed. Using your Class Ability gives you 50% damage resistance for 4 seconds.


  • Whisper of Torment - partially replenish Grenade energy whenever you're damaged. This is more potent while you have Frost Armor.
  • Whisper of Rime - Increases the duration of Frost Armor and raises its stack limit to 8.
  • Whisper of Impetus - Damaging an enemy with Withering Blade instantly reloads all of your Weapons and gives you a large Weapon handling bonus. Has a short cooldown.
  • Whisper of Durance - The Slow Debuff lasts longer. Additionally, Squall and Duskfield Grenades last longer.
  • Whisper of Conduction - Stasis Shards now automatically home in on you if you are nearby. Also includes nice Stat bonuses!


Required Gear and Weapons

  • Exotic Armor: Renewal Grasps provide the bulk of your survivability for this otherwise reckless playstyle. This build is not possible without these Exotic Arms.

How to unlock:

  • Complete the Vex Strike Force Public Event on Neomuna.
  • Complete The Witch Queen Campaign on Legendary difficulty.
  • Focus it with an Exotic Engram at Rahool in the Tower using Tier 3 Focusing (unlocked after resetting his reputation).

WARNING: Renewal Grasps requires ownership of The Witch Queen DLC to unlock.

  • Energy Weapon: The Fourth Horseman - Does a LOT of damage at close range, VERY quickly. Few things are better at taking out Stunned Champions! Whisper of Impetus bypasses needing to reload it for 5x as long as you can fire it.

How to unlock:

  • Obtain it from the Monument to Lost Lights in the Tower.

WARNING: The Fourth Horseman requires ownership of the Shadowkeep Pack DLC to unlock.

  • Kinetic Weapon: A Primary Ammo Weapon with Attrition Orbs. Adamantite is ideal, as it's able to further support allies and and take advantage of this Episode's Artifact Perks - also giving it Anti Champion capabilities. The Pale Heart's Bold Endings is another excellent choice though.
    • Attrition Orbs is stronger the worse your Weapon's magazine efficiency is - a Weapon that can fully empty its magazine quickly is ideal. Avoid Backup Mag and other magazine boosters!
  • Power Weapon: Line in the Sand - with Clown Cartridge or Deconstruct and Bait and Switch is an easy to use Boss dps Weapon that fits in nearly any scenario. This Weapon drops from Episode Echoes activities.
    • Swap this out as needed for other Arc Heavy Ammo Weapons. Crux Termination IV with your preference of Weapon Perks is great if your Fireteam is opting for a Gjallarhorn strategy, while Summum Bonum is ideal for any scenario where a Sword is favored.

Stat Priorities

  • Resilience > Discipline > Mobility > Strength > Recovery > Intellect
  • Resilience massively increases your overall survivability through increasing your maximum total health and giving you damage resistance.
  • Discipline reduces your grenade cooldown.
  • Mobility reduces your Dodge's cooldown.

Learn more about the Stats available to you in Destiny 2 with our dedicated guide.

Armor Mods

ItemSlotMandatory ModsSupporting Mods
Deep Explorer MaskHelmetStrand Siphon (or whatever Element your Primary Ammo Weapon is)Special or Heavy Ammo Finder
Renewal GraspsGlovesHeavy Handed
Impact Induction
Bolstering Detonation
Deep Explorer VestChestResist Mods of your choice
Deep Explorer StridesLegsRecuperationBetter Already
Arc Weapon Surge
Deep Explorer CloakClass ItemBomber
Powerful Attraction

Armor Mods are unlocked by progressing your Guardian Rank. Check out the Guardian Ranks Guide for more information.

Artifact Perks

  • Unstoppable Fusion
    • Gives your Fusion and Linear Fusion Rifles the ability to Stun Unstoppable Champions.
  • Unraveling Orbs
    • Picking up an Orb of Power or a Tangle grants your Strand Weapons Unraveling Rounds, additionally giving them Anti Barrier capabilities.
  • Disruptor Spike
    • Increases the potency of your Sever and Exhaustion debuffs, further lowering enemy damage (Overloading effects Exhaust enemies, lowering their damage).
  • Dreadful Finisher
    • Finishing powerful combatants creates Special Ammo for you and your fireteam. More Ammo is generated when Finishing Subjugators, Tormentors, and Champions.
  • Horde Shuttle
    • Unraveled enemies occasionally release Threadlings when they take Weapon damage.
  • Particle Reconstruction
    • Dealing sustained damage to an enemy with Fusion or Linear Fusion Rifles partially reloads them and causes them to deal bonus damage to that enemy.
  • Defibrillating Blast
    • Stunning a Champion immediately grants and readies Bolt Charge while triggering an Arcbolt which Jolts enemies and partially heals you.



Don't own Shadowkeep and can't get The Fourth Horseman? No problem!

  • Use Merciless and a Solar Heavy Ammo Weapon like Marsilion-C instead. Swap the Arc Weapon Surge for a Solar Weapon Surge.
  • Merciless also does a lot of damage, but the ramp-up time makes it clunkier to use than The Fourth Horseman.


The Renewal Grasps' survivability is next to unmatched, and its versatility lets you confidently take it into almost any activity. Spamming Stasis Abilities lets you spam more Stasis Abilities, the end result being tons of crowd control and team support. The Build's Weapons covers its gaps of weakness - need something to die? Fourth Horseman's your guy!


Written by: Xtra37

Reviewed by: AbbyHour

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