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Season of Witchcraft Guide

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Last Updated:January 26, 2025|Changelog

Diablo 4 strikes again with season 7 : Season of Witchcraft released alongside the 2.1 Patch! Seasons within Diablo IV bear their mark on Sanctuary in the Seasonal Realm similarly to late Diablo 3 seasons, unearthing new quests and fresh mechanics to explore and master.

Season of Witchcraft

The Tree of Whispers’ most prized possessions are missing: the many Heads which pay their endless debt amongst its gnarled limbs. Uncover the source of this malevolent plot to discover incredible power. Starting on January 21, at 10 a.m. PST, embark on a new Seasonal Questline to unlock powers of Witchcraft, slay the rogue Headrotten, and uncover the secrets behind this haunting mystery.

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Witchcraft Powers will be your gateway to wonderful new abilities, augmenting and empowering your existing skills. You’ll earn them as you uncover the mystery of the Coven, a group of heady Witches deep from within the bogs of Hawezar who are eager to serve the Tree of Whispers. As you ally with the Tree of Whispers, you’ll progress and enhance these wild powers throughout Season of Witchcraft.

Ally with the Coven

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Heed the call of the Witches of Hawezar, a Coven that is bound by the deep magic oozing from the swamps they call home. The Coven are the protectors of the Tree of Whispers, who discovered its many captive Heads are missing. The Tree forgets no oaths and forgives no debts, and these Heads have dues to pay till the end of days. However, these missing Heads have been set loose—free to carry out their own hunt—travelling across Sanctuary to seek bodies and reclaim what was once theirs.

Summoned by the Witches of Hawezar, unravel the mystery of the missing Heads and expose the culprit in an all-new Questline. Within the Questline, you’ll uncover the tantalizing secrets to learn and harness seasonal Witchcraft Powers.

Help them to return the Heads to the Tree, and solve the mystery of who is stealing the Heads and why, and the Coven will reward you with the secrets of their awesome incantations. To begin the questline, head to Gea Kul and speak with the Witch Gelena.

Master Powers of Witchcraft

A strange sorcery has risen from the crags and bogs of Sanctuary—a sparkle is in the air and the ground thrums with the presence of dark magic. Embark on the Seasonal Questline, unlock the wondrous powers of Witchcraft, and unleash these newfound horrors to melt the bones of the unwilling. There are three schools to learn and master:

  • Eldritch—Wield magic that harnesses destructive energies.
  • Psyche—Wield defensive powers of the mind and spirit to create visions, focus your attacks, and induce madness in your enemies.
  • Growth & Decay—Wield living magic that both heals and harms, boosting Life, Resource. These incantations can create horrific diseases and disruptions.
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Plus, discover rare Lost powers of Witchcraft unkown to both the Coven and the Tree. Each school of Witchcraft gives you the chance to experiment between new styles of power. Tinker with your build to create something strange and terrible to dismember your many formidable foes.

To learn Witchcraft, earn Seasonal reputation with the Coven from completing new Whisper bounties and defeating hulking Headrotten enemies to earn Restless Rot. At specific Tiers, you’ll unlock the ability to learn more Witchcraft Powers at Witches’ Altars near the Tree of Whispers.

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To earn your Witchcraft Powers, do as the Witches ask by hunting down the Headrotten and returning the Heads where they belong to earn Restless Rot. This will grant you favor amongst The Coven.

Once you’ve earned favor with the Coven, upgrade the Altars underneath the Tree of Whispers to unlock new Witchcraft Powers. To unlock Lost powers, you’ll need a Forgotten Altar. Forgotten Altars are elusive, so keep an eye out for them within random dungeons throughout Sanctuary.

Witchcraft Powers can be upgraded directly in your inventory using the Restless Rot you’ve earned. Slaying Headrotten in higher difficulty tiers will earn you more Restless Rot.

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Eldritch Powers

The Tree of Whispers Grows

Since the Heads once dotting the macabre canopy have disappeared, The Tree of Whispers has invigorated their bounties with a renewed fervor. Set out to track down these rogue Heads and bring this chaos to heel.

There are many new Whisper bounties to seek out and complete to appease the enraged tree. During Season of Witchcraft, there’s a chance the Tree will offer an Ancestral Collection as your reward, guaranteeing at least 1 Ancestral item within.

Hunt the Headrotten

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The Heads missing from the Tree of Whispers have become even more ghastly, true abominations. They are desperate to claim new bodies for themselves, to be whole and human again. But without the Tree they are incomplete, fragmented and mad. They spread a terrible rot to anyone they touch.

Multiple Headhunt zones will appear across Sanctuary which signal that vicious Headrotten are skulking the zone, eager to carry out their disembodied Heads’ command. These Headhunt zones are perfect for completing Whisper bounties. During Season of Witchcraft, you’ll be able to return your Whispers at a new additional location: the Raven of the Tree, a friendly Raven found within Headhunts.

Completing Whisper bounties within a Headhunt zone will reveal Exposed Roots, and gives a rare chance to spawn an Uprooted Cocoon. Uprooted Cocoons will spawn the elusive and deadly Headrotten Bosses. These Headrotten Bosses will appear often as Headless Husks, headless creatures that have lost their controlling Fugitive Head.

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In rare cases, this Headrotten Boss will appear with the Fugitive Head still attached. Killing one of these abominations will grant you a Head to return to the Coven, to their wicked delight and grand reward.

Complete Whisper bounties within Headhunts to earn Favor with the Coven, and progress through the Coven’s Tiers to earn rewards such as a Resplendent Spark. You’ll also earn the Materials needed to craft Occult Gems, which provide disturbingly powerful enhancements to your Witchcraft Powers.


While completing Whisper bounties within Headhunts, keep a keen eye for any Rootholds. These seasonal dungeons have bonus challenges and rewards to aid your quest to support the Coven. To access, collect Whisper Wood sigils found in Whisper Caches and Silent Chests.

Craft Powerful Occult Gems

These powerful Seasonal socketables are crafted with materials earned from completing Whisper bounties and returning Fugitive Heads from Headhunts. Meet with Gelena at the Tree of Whispers, who crafts Occult Gems in exchange for Fugitive Heads, Restless Rot, and Gem Fragments. If you manage to slay a Headrotten possessed by a Fugitive Head, you’ll be able to trade this reclaimed Head for Materials needed to craft Occult Gems.

These powerful Gems provide additional affixes, strongly complement Witchcraft Powers, add Witchcraft tags to your Skills, and more. It is rumored Occult Gems had once even been used to cheat death, if you believe the legend.

You can craft powerful higher tiers of Occult Gems with the following Materials: Fugitive Heads, Restless Rot, Gem Dust, and other Occult Gems.

Each Occult Gem provides 160 Armor and 8% Resist All. Craft the following Occult Gems at Gelena:

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Written by Chewingnom

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