Crush Goblins on the Slay Ride to Hell!
Few weeks ago, Blizzard released the 2.1 PTR Patch Notes for the upcoming Season 7 on Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred! But for now, Crush Goblins! Indeed, the undergrowth in Sanctuary is rife with creatures of the greediest inclinations. As these vermin scurry, the scarlet fur-lined bags on their backs jingle with loot ripe for the taking. Treasure Goblins are appearing in larger numbers, and it seems a hauntingly festive cheer has influenced their packs.
Starting on December 17, 10 a.m.—January 2, 10 a.m. PST, fight with your fellow wanderers across the globe to beat back the incursions of greedy mongrels for a heap of rewards. Band together with the entire Diablo IV community to reach global goblin slaying milestones, and tantalizing rewards will be yours for the taking.
While eviscerating packs of greedy goblins, don’t forget to use the Winback Booster in the Eternal Realm for an instant boost to Level 50, with included Legendary Items, powerful builds to use, and more. For more information on the Welcome Back Booster, read our Maxroll post here.

Crush Goblins, Hoard Rewards
Join allies across the world to beat the tides of Treasure Goblins back and reach different Tiers of gilded rewards. Earn Ancestral Unique items, limited-time cosmetics, and a Resplendent Spark in the final tier of rewards.
There are 5 Tiers in total to conquer, be sure to check the Shop for additional free cosmetics if Tiers 3-5 are reached. Upon each Tier unlock, visit the Goblin Square in Kyovashad to claim your reward caches.

There are additional reward caches for expansion owners, along with the chance to cull even more goblins sighted in Nahantu. If you decide to purchase the Vessel of Hatred expansion while the event is live, you’ll be able to claim the additional reward caches waiting in the Goblin Square.
You’ll have until the end of the Slay Ride to Hell to earn these Tiers for all! Each Tier contains multiple rewards in their caches, this is but a sampling of the loot they provide:
Tier 1: Goblin Bag - 5,000,000 Goblins slain across Sanctuary
- Legendary Weapons cache (includes 3 Ancestral Legendary Items with a guaranteed Greater Affix)
- 1 Legendary Rune and 2 Random runes**
- Random Undercity Tribute**
Tier 2: Goblin Bag - 10,000,000 Goblins slain across Sanctuary
- Unique and Legendary Weapons cache (includes three Ancestral Legendary items and one Ancestral Unique all with a guaranteed Greater Affix)
- Random Undercity Tribute**
- 1 Legendary Rune, 3 random Runes**
Tier 3: Greater Goblin Bag - 15,000,000 Goblins slain across Sanctuary
- Fruit of the Harvest Mount Trophy*
- Unique Weapons (includes three Ancestral Legendary items and two Ancestral Uniques all with a guaranteed Greater Affix)
- 5 Undercity Tributes of Radiance (United)**
- 2 Legendary Runes, 3 random Runes**
Tier 4: Greater Goblin Bag - 25,000,000 Goblins slain across Sanctuary
- Harvest Mare’s Totem Mount Trophy*
- 3 Ancestral Uniques (all with a guaranteed Greater Affix)
- 6 Runes (3 Legendary, 2 Rare, 1 random)**
- Citadel Coins**
Tier 5: Mythic Goblin Bag - 40,000,000 Goblins slain across Sanctuary
- 1 Resplendent Spark
- Harvest Mare’s Barding Mount Armor*
- 3 Ancestral Uniques, 8 Ancestral Legendary Items all with a guaranteed Greater Affix
- 8 Runes (5 Legendary, 2 Rare, 1 random)**
- 3 Tributes of Ascendance (United)**
- 5 Tributes of Radiance (United)**
- 20,000 Citadel Coins**
*Note: these items are claimed in the Shop after being unlocked.
**Exclusive to Vessel of Hatred owners.

Claim all rewards for each tier unlocked by January 2, before they vanish back into an unknown hovel of Treasure Goblin origins.
Gilded Splendor Coming Soon
The heralds are sounding their horns for a mighty ascendance—an additional gleam from the world of Azeroth may soon be making its way into Sanctuary. Keep your eyes on the horizon for more details on December 17.
Mother’s Blessing Reignites

Rise, wanderer, and stand triumphant before your hoard of spoils—Mother’s Blessing has returned! An alluring glow descends across the land, increasing the clarity and temperament of all stalwart demon slayers. The stars have aligned this holiday season to give a rare duration of Mother’s Blessing for all.
From December 17—January 2, all players will earn increased experience and Gold at a (multiplicative) increased rate. Lilith blesses all her children, as this bonus applies to both Seasonal and Eternal Realms and all World Tiers. This bonus stacks, so pair it with Elixirs and the Urn of Aggression to maximize your experience gains while killing Monsters.
Use this boost to carve through ranks of the Battle Pass, climb to higher Levels and World Tiers with burning swiftness, complete your Season Journey, and level multiple characters to their maximum potential.
Become the Spiritborn for a Limited-time

For those that have not yet delved into the jungles of Nahantu, or tasted the rapid cleaving of the Spiritborn’s signature polearm—your time is now.
From December 19—January 3, any who haven’t yet purchased Vessel of Hatred will be able to experience this acrobatic warrior firsthand when playing on, Xbox, and PlayStation. Try this new class up to Level 25, and channel the fearsome new powers of our most mobile class yet.
You’ll be able to seamlessly carry over all progress earned from the Spiritborn Trial to the Vessel of Hatred expansion (if purchased), allowing you to pick up right where you left off—no extra steps needed!
What's Next?
We hope you enjoy the Season of Hatred Rising and the Vessel of Hatred expansion with the aid of our Season 6 compendium update. Our focus is now on the upcoming 2.1 PTR and the Season 7 game update, hopefully populating at best the 2.1 PTR Known Issues list for bugfixes and improvements! We're also continuing to work on more updates for D4Planner!
With that said, head over to our Discord to stay up to date with our content development and to make the most of your Season 6 experience! Also don't forget to check out our Youtube channel!
Written by: Chewingnom