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Season 32 Conquests Guide

Last Updated: July 16th 2024

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Season 32

Conquests are achievements that rotate each Season providing unique challenges for players to strive for. A unique feature is the Conquests Leaderboard that refreshes each Season and immortalizes the first 1000 players to gain the achievement. Some of these are quite easy to accomplish while others can be very difficult to pull off.

Every Conquest has a Softcore and Hardcore version of it with 10 Conquests you can attempt each Season. Keep in mind you can do the same Conquest on both Softcore and Hardcore for credit towards your Season Journey requirements! Below is a list of all available Conquests that can appear in a Season, with the relevant ones for Season 32 marked in green.

Avarice (SC) & Avaritia (HC)

Boss Mode (SC) & Worlds Apart (HC)

Curses! (SC) & Stars Align (HC)

Divinity (SC) & Lionhearted (HC)

Masters of the Universe (SC) & Masters of Sets (HC)

On a good Day (SC) & I Can't Stop (HC)

Speed Demon (SC) & Need for Speed (HC)

Sprinter (SC) & Speed Racer (HC)

The Thrill (SC) & Super Human (HC)

Years of War (SC) & Dynasty (HC)

Retired Conquests

Unlike normal conquests, which rotate every Season, some of them were only encountered once: in Season 1 or Season 2. By now they are quite outdated and considerably easier than other conquests so it's unlikely they will ever come back.

Death Gets Got (SC) & Top Spot (HC)

It's A Marathon (SC) & Better Lucky Than Good (HC)

Language (SC) & Deadly Language (HC)

Now You've Done It (SC) & Now You've Really Done It (HC)

Race to the Top (SC) & Living Dangerously (HC)


  • Conquests are achievements that change every Season and have their own leaderboards.
  • Some Conquests are quite easy while others are very difficult and require a well coordinated group.
  • The leaderboards accommodate the first 1,000 players that complete the Conquest.
  • The rewards are minimal but the glory is forever.


Written by Facefoot.
Contributions by Northwar.
Updated by Chewingnom.
Reviewed by Raxxanterax.

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