Affliction League Hotfixes 9-12
Since Affliction League launched, Grinding Gear Games released 12 hotfixes, including bug fixes and balance adjustments. We'll go over the patch notes for Hotfix 9-12, along with some key takeaways.
Key Takeaways
Here are a few key takeaways from Path of Exile Patch 3.23 hotfixes 9 through 12.
- Rare and Unique monsters Empowered by Wisps have 20-30% less effective Life.
- Fixed a bug with Soulrend of the Spiral not firing projectiles when triggered.
There have been several reports of issues where Ethereal Knives does not function correctly when combined with Returning Projectiles Support or Nimis. GGG is aware of the issue, but hasn't given a timeline of when it will be resolved so stay tuned.
Here's a look at the improvements to Path of Exile 3.23 Affliction League to come with the most recent hotfixes.
Hotfix 9
- Fixed a bug where The King in the Mists could become stuck and stop taking damage.
Hotfix 10
- Rare monsters empowered by Wisps now have approximately 20% less effective Life.
- Unique monsters empowered by Wisps now have approximately 30% less effective Life.
Hotfix 11
- Fixed a client crash that could occur in Ultimatum Encounters.
- Fixed a client crash related to the Nethermancer Armour.
Hotfix 12
- Reduced the amount of damage dealt by the Cultist Warrior's Detonate Dead skill.
- Fixed a bug where the Howl of the Wolf Passive Skill could prevent Warcries from applying their buffs.
- Fixed a bug with the Soulrend of the Spiral Skill not firing projectiles when triggered.
- Fixed a client crash.
Affliction is Here!
Looking for more news on Path of Exile Patch 3.23 or Affliction League hotfixes? Then head over to our Discord and select the Path of Exile role in #roles to stay up to date with our content development. Stay sane, Exile!
Written by: Tenkiei
Reviewed by: Dredscythe