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MHWPlanner Beta Release

Last Updated:March 1, 2025

We are happy to announce our build planner for Monster Hunter Wilds, the MHWPlanner! This is the beta release for our MHWPlanner, so expect future updates with new features, support for Artian weapons and more. You can share a complete build including Weapons, Armor, Skills, and Decorations.


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  • Skills - These are your skill totals, automatically including any skills found on your Armor, Weapons and Decorations.
  • Equipment - If you can put it on your character, it goes here, including Weapons, Armor, Charms and Mantles.
    • You can also compare the sharpness for different weapons.
  • Stats - Check out the elemental resistances, attack rating and other useful stats related to your build. (Work in progress)
  • Strengths and Weaknesses - What does the build excel at, where does it struggle?
  • Notes - Add your own tips and tricks!
  • Build Showcase - If you have a video showing your build off, put it here.

Coming Soon

This is just a beta version, we know there's a lot of work to do refining the UI and improving the MHWPlanner's functionality. So here's a sneak peek at some of the stuff we're working on;

  • Support for Artian Weapons, once you reach HR20 you can start crafting endgame weapons. These Artian weapons are a bit more complex than the regular ones but we'll be adding support for them soon.
  • More stats and calculations

Community Builds

In addition to the MHWPlanner, we have a brand new Community Builds section for Monster Hunter Wilds. You can share your build with the community, or find the perfect setup for your favorite weapon!

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You can filter the builds by weapon and tag or use the search feature to find things based on the title or related elements.


Dive into the codex and explore the weapons, armor, talismans and mandles. You can also browse skills, Kinsects and other items. In the future, we're hoping to add more content so keep an eye out for updates.

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More From Maxroll

That's it for our MHWPlanner beta, some additional features we have planned, and the Community Builds feature. We hope you enjoy creating, theorycrafting and sharing builds for Monster Hunter Wilds!

Written by: Tenkiei

MHWPlanner Beta

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