Hades 2 Early Access Patch Notes 6
On October 24, 2024 Supergiant Games dropped Patch 6 for the Hades 2 early access period. This is a small patch that focuses on balance changes in the wake of the major Olympic Update.
Key Takeaways
Here are our key takeaways from the Hades 2 Patch 4 early access update which brings more adjustments to Weapon ASpects, Boon and Daedalus.
- Olympus Enemy Updates - There are several updates to enemies and bosses in the Olympus area.
- This includes reduced life, damage, and tracking on many normal enemies.
- Prometheus & Eris also got adjustments.
- Weapons and Aspects - Look, it's all buffs!
- The Omega Special on the Sister Blades now pierces enemies.
- This excludes the homing shots from the Aspect of Pan.
- You channel your Omega Attack faster on the Moonstone Axe.
- The Black Coat Special locks on and fires faster.
- The Omega Special on the Sister Blades now pierces enemies.
- More bugfixes!
This patch includes targeted fixes and improvements we could make relatively soon after last week's big launch of the Olympic Update. We're continuing to monitor your feedback as we look ahead toward what's next, as outlined in our Roadmap. Thank you for playing, and good luck with the climb!
Note: *indicates changes inspired by community feedback!
Nocturnal Arms & Abilities
- You now can break urns and other objects when you Sprint into them
- Increased the attack range of Lone Shades, including ones trapped in Ephyra Pylons
- Sister Blades: Omega Special shots now pierce foes (excluding the Aspect of Pan's homing shots)
- Moonstone Axe: Omega Attack channels faster
- Black Coat: Omega Special locks on faster; works more reliably when used in quick succession
Boons & Blessings
- Happy Haze (Dionysus): Festive Fog effect now also repeatedly stuns susceptible foes
Pool of Purging
- Reduced Gold value of Infusion Boons
Foes & Dangers
- Prometheus: adjusted Flame Strike patterns; slightly reduced uppercut speed; kick and flurry not quite as punishing; improved visual clarity of some of his moves; he is now perhaps more fittingly Titan-sized...
- Eris: reduced number of phases; improved feedback on where she is aiming with some Rail attacks; reduced duration of her temporary damage bonus
- Talos: slightly reduced Life
- Mega-Dracon: slightly reduced Armor; fixed issues with it flying out of bounds
- Auto-Watcher: reduced damage; reduced tracking speed; reduced Elite Armor
- Snow-Shambler: reduced Life
- Harpy Raptor: reduced Life
- Satyr Sapper: reduced tracking speed; fewer should appear at once
- Satyr Raider: reduced damage of some attacks
- Satyr Goldpike: reduced damage of some attacks
- Charybdis: reduced tentacle damage; slightly reduced Life; slightly reduced frequency of ranged attacks
- Headmistress Hecate: her Twilight Curse can no longer be blocked using the Black Coat
Special Encounters
- *Significantly reduced how quickly Nemesis and Heracles sometimes snatch items from Charon
- Reduced chances of not having any foes to drop in on when launching into Olympus Encounters
Animal Familiars
- Raki the Raven: no longer has hidden damage bonuses against certain types of foe; fixed incorrect text for Marked effect duration, though the duration itself is unchanged
- *Hecuba the Hound: no longer as prone to waiting around prior to digging
Oath of the Unseen
- Vow of Shadows: now affects Charybdis and Talos, so beware!
Art & Visual FX
- *Improved look and clarity of Harpy cyclone attack
- Various other minor visual improvements
Voice & Narrative
- Adjusted how often Headmistress Hecate and Chronos speak during battle
- Adjusted priority and requirements for various voice lines and narrative events
- Numerous other minor fixes and improvements
Music & SFX
- *Fixed Sister Blades (Artemis) sound not playing for the Riposte effect
- *Adjusted some sound effects for Black Coat (Nyx), though these are still in progress
- Adjusted some sound effects for Charybdis; improved music timing at the end of the fight
- Adjusted sound effects when Eris gets dragged back to the Underworld
- Improved blast sound for Beach Ball (Poseidon x Apollo)
- Other minor fixes and improvements
Menus & UI
- *The Crossroads Renewal menu now re-opens after unlocking new decorations
- Added menu text for unlocking, swapping, and removing decorations
- *The Music Maker menu likewise now re-opens after unlocking new music
- *The Victory Screen now reveals your current Life if you have Worry Free (Dionysus)
- You now can interact with the exits in the Mourning Fields from farther away
- Aspects of the Black Coat are no longer revealed immediately after you unlock the weapon
- The moon beam surrounding the Pitch-Black Stone now dims if you have no uncleared Chaos Trials
- Added feedback when attempting to block unblockable attacks using the Black Coat
- Improved collision near the exit from the Training Grounds back to the rest of the Crossroads
- Added more contextual hints for why various comrades may be uninterested in your various gifts
- You now can re-map the commands when using the Tablet of Peace to compel Shades
- Clarified descriptive text for several Boons
- Various other minor text changes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Wretched Broker where you could keep using Sell All without selling all...
- *Fixed Dora unexpectedly never showing up night after night despite claiming to enjoy the tent
- *Fixed Silken Sash (Arachne) removing added Armor if you switched to a different Keepsake
- *Fixed Shrine of Hermes expedited deliveries sometimes dropping out of bounds in the new Region
- *Fixed Sureshot Flurry (Daedalus - Blades) not increasing Special range
- *Fixed Furious Rockets (Daedalus - Coat) not increasing Omega Special speed
- *Fixed Burnt Offering (Hestia) sometimes purging a different Boon than indicated
- *Fixed Satyr Raider not taking damage from opposing Automatons
- *Fixed Auto-Forcer damaging itself while afflicted with Charm
- *Fixed Toula sliding around uncontrollably during the final confrontation with Chronos
- *Fixed reward in the Rift of Thessaly Fountain Chamber being unalterable
- *Fixed several Boons not showing Offering Requirements in the Book of Shadows
- Fixed exit sounds in the Rift of Thessaly and the new Region cutting off unexpectedly
- Fixed Music Maker music playing unexpectedly during the Hypnos dream sequence and while fishing
- Fixed a visual issue in the destruction animation for Talos
- Fixed various minor visual issues in some Locations
- Other minor fixes
Quote of the Patch
'There is no way of deceiving or evading the mind of Zeus, since not even Iapetos' son, sly Prometheus, escaped the weight of his wrath, and for all his cleverness a strong fetter holds him in check.'
~Theogony (Hesiod; M.L. West translation)
Early Access Updates
That's it for the Hades 2 early access patch 6. At this point, we've updated most of our guides for the Olympic update but Hecuba has been rather elusive making it a bit trickier to finish the Familiar guide. Expect that to be updated in the near future but for now, check out all of our newly updated builds and resources!
Written by: Tenkiei