Cleansing Pyres Disabled in Headhunt Areas
Season 7: Season of Witchcraft is here and the Maxroll Team updated our S7 Build Guides last week already! This is just the beginning as we will keep updating content as the Season of Witchcraft reveal its secrets! Blizzard just released the Diablo 4 Season 7 Information: Cleansing Pyres Disabled!
Cleansing Pyres Disabled
Hi all -
Cleansing Pyres have been leading to some player crashing on the backend and we will be fixing this and releasing a hotfix tentatively scheduled for tomorrow to bring this back online. In the meantime, we will be disabling these from appearing in Headhunt zones until that hotfix comes online. Thanks for your understanding and we look to have these back up ASAP.
Adam Fletcher
Future Plans
We hope you enjoy the Season of Witchcraft with the aid of our Season 7 updates. Our focus for the start of Season 7 is to make sure our Build Guides are solid with all the new Item updates, new features and mechanic changes. We're continuing to work on more updates for D4Planner!
If you haven't already, head over to our Discord to stay up to date with our content development.
Written by: Chewingnom