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Equipment Granted Skills

Last Updated:May 26, 2023|Changelog

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, there are Skills that are granted by your Equipment that unlock the strength of other Characters for your gameplay. The two sources of Equipment Granted Skills:

  • OSkills which give you unlimited access to a Skill, as if you had Skill Points in it.
  • Charges which grant you a limited number of uses of a Skill, which need to be Repaired frequently.

While the most famous example of an OSkill is teleport granted by enigma, other useful Skills are available from multiple gear sources. Many Charged Skills fall by the wayside, but sources of heartoftheoak from wispprojector can add massive bonuses to a variety of builds.

In this article, we cover how you can get your hands on powerful OSkill and Charged Skills. Which Runewords, Sets, and Uniques have them available, and what Magic / Rare / Crafted items can spawn with.

Click the Embed to open D2Planner and check the
Calculations Tab for the Skills granted.

OSkill Granted Skills

Oskills are found on Runewords, Uniques, and on Sets. They grant the equipped Unit access to a Skill even if the Unit does not have Skill Points allocated, or if the Unit would not normally have access to that Skill.

  • Characters, Mercenaries, and irongolem are considered to have access to the Skill.
    • Mercenaries and irongolem only benefit from passive Skills, they cannot use any active Skills that are granted via OSkills.
    • Active OSkills gain benefits from Synergies the Character has Skill points allocated into. OSkills do not count as synergies for any other Skills the Character has access to.
  • OSkills Skill Level (sLVL) are increased from six distinct sources:
    • +x to OSkill: Adds its value to the OSkill sLVL if they are the same OSkill
      • A Barbarian equipped with 2 flamebellow
    • +x to All Skills: Adds its value to the OSkill sLVL
      • harlequin crest
    • +x to Fire Skills: Adds its value to the OSkill sLVL if it is considered a Fire Skill
      • magefist
    • +x to Character Skill Levels: Adds its value to the OSkill sLVL if the Skill is from the Character's normal list of Skills.
      • Hellfire Torch
    • +x to Character Skill (Character Only): Adds its value to the OSkill sLVL even if the Character is not the listed Character type
      • Short Staff
    • +x to Character Skill Tree (Character Only): Adds its value to the OSkill sLVL if the Character has access to that Skill normally and the OSkill resides in the Skill Tree.
      • Sounding Grand Charm
  • If an item with +x to Character Skill (Character Only) is equipped or swapped to, after the item that grants an OSkill, the Skill is no longer available to the Character.
    • If an item with +x to Character Skill (Character Only) is hovered over after the item that grants OSkill is equipped, the Skill is no longer available to the Character.
    • To fix this issue the Player must re-equip the OSkill granting item.
    • This issue does not occur for a Barbarian equipped with a Passion War Scepter that has +3 to Zeal (Paladin Only)
  • OSkill bonus to sLVL is visually capped at +3 for any Skill the Character normally has access to. It is also capped at a total of +3 sLVL regardless of the total from all sources
    • Example: A Barbarian dual-wielding calltoarms only gains +5 to any Skill's sLVL. +2 to All Skills, and +3 to battlecry / battlecommand / battleorders.
Amazon SkillsSourceMercenary
criticalstrike insight
+ 1-6
+ 2
guidedarrow widowmaker
+ 3-5
valkyrie harmony
+ 2-6

1. Peace has Chance to Cast valkyrie which normally despawns quickly. If the Character has OSkill valkyrie, it doesn't despawn until the OSkill source is removed.

Barbarian SkillsSourceMercenary
battlecry calltoarms
+ 1-4
-- -
battleorders calltoarms
+ 1-6
battlecommand calltoarms
+ 1-6
berserk passion
+ 1
whirlwind chaos
+ 1
Druid SkillsSourceMercenary
werewolf wolfhowl
+ 3-6
-- -
lycanthropy beast
+ 3
lycanthropy wolfhowl
+ 3-6
werebear beast
+ 3
arcticblast frostwind
+ 7-14
feralrage wolfhowl
+ 3-6
Paladin SkillsSourceMercenary
zeal passion
+ 1
vengeance kingslayer
+ 1

1. A passion made in a War Scepter adds the + 3 to Zeal (Paladin Only) to the OSkill sLVL.

Sorceress SkillsSourceMercenary
warmth enlightenment
+ 1
-- Ormus' Robes
Short Staff
inferno flamebellow
+ 12-18
--Ormus' Robes
fireball Trang-Oul's Claws
+ 18
--Ormus' Robes
Short Staff
firewall Trang-Oul's Girth
+ 13
--Ormus' Robes
Short Staff
meteor Trang-Oul's Guise
+ 10
--Ormus' Robes
Short Staff
firemastery Trang-Oul's Wing
+ 3
teleport enigma
+ 1
--Short Staff
hydra dragonscale
+ 10

Charge Skills

Charge Skills are available as a Suffix on Magic, Rare Unique and Crafted items. The Skill Level, and the amount of Charges the item has, are both determined by the Item's Level. (iLVL)

  • Each Charge Skill Suffix has an Affix Level (aLVL), Required Level (Own), Required Level (Other), Skill Level determined by iLVL, Maximum Charges determined by iLVL, and Item type restriction.
    • The Affix Level must be at least Skill Required Level + 6.
      • Example: teleport requires Level 18 to allocate a Skill Point to for Sorceress'. The minimum aLVL for sLVL 1 of Teleport Charges is 24, on any item type.
        • The only exception is coronet, tiara, and diadem but these have Magic Level which replaces their aLVL for determining the Affixes they can roll.
    • The Required Level (Own) rLVL determines what Level the Character (cLVL) must be to use the item, if the Charge Skill is from their class.
      • Example: holybolt is a level 6 Skill. A Paladin must be cLVL = 6 to use a Scepter of Holy Bolt.
    • The Required Level (Other) rLVL determines what Level the Character (cLVL) must be to use the item, if the Charge Skill is from a different class.
      • Example: holybolt is a level 6 Skill. A Barbarian must be cLVL = 12 to use a Scepter of Holy Bolt.
    • The Skill Level is determined by the minimum iLVL required to roll that Skill Level. The table below highlights the minimum required iLVL for Skill Level 2 Charges and higher.
      • Minimum iLVL required for Skill Level 1 Charges is determined by the aLVL of the Suffix for that item type. If the item's aLVL is >= the Suffix's required aLVL, BUT less than the minimum iLVL for Level 2 Charges, the item rolls with Skill Level 1 Charges of the Skill.
        • In Simpler terms, the Charge Skill Suffix's aLVL demands a certain iLVL, and that iLVL determines the Skill's Level. There are items which CANNOT roll with Skill Level 1 Charges from monster drops, but can be manipulated to allow it to roll.
          • Example: of Fire Arrow Charges require aLVL 40 to roll, and the minimum iLVL 33 for Level 2 Charges. Normally, items have higher iLVL than aLVL.
            • Brimstone Hold Ogre Gauntlets can be created by a cLVL 8 Character using the Imbue Quest Reward in Act 1 to create an iLVL 12 Ogre Gauntlet, which has a Quality Level (qLVL) of 85. Since its qLVL is > its iLVL, the item's aLVL = 85. So our aLVL is high enough to roll with Fire Arrow Charges (Requires aLVL = 40) and the iLVL is low enough to roll Skill Level 1.
    • The Maximum Charges an item has is a static number, per Skill, based on the Skill Level that rolled.
      • Example: Skill Level 2 of Magic Arrow will have 37 Maximum Charges, always.

Item-Granted Buff

The introduction of metamorphosis has added a unique type of Buff that's only available via this item. Equipping metamorphosis and transforming into werewolf/werebear allows you to attack and gain unique buffs that give bonuses previously unseen in Diablo 2.

  • Mark of the Wolf: Duration - 180 seconds (3 minutes)
    • +30% Bonus to Attack Rating
    • Increase Maximum Life 40%
  • Mark of the Bear: Duration - 180 seconds (3 minutes)
    • +25% Attack Speed
    • Physical Damage Received Reduced by 20%

These buffs stay on the user until they expire and do not require the continued use of the item to maintain them.


  • Patch 2.6 introduced metamorphosis that adds a new type of item granted skill: Item-Granted Buffs.
  • OSkills granted by items like enigma can give you unlimited uses of powerful skills like teleport
  • Many Uniques, Sets, and Runewords grant OSkills.
  • Magic, Rare, Uniques, and Crafted items can give access to limited use Charge Skills like telekinesis which are still useful in niche combinations.
  • You can repair items with Charges to replenish them to their maximum, between farming sessions.
  • OSkills and Charge Skills can give you access to different damage types, or powerful Skills to handle monster Immunities.

Many Character Skills are so powerful that they are limited to OSkills and Charge Skills. Try out different combinations for truly unique Character builds. You'd be surprised how powerful access to another Character's Skills can be!


Written by MacroBioBoi
Reviewed by Teo1904

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