Misery Gauntlet Day 4 Wrap-up
Highlights from day 4 of the Misery Gauntlet include some big RIPs from the top of the ladder, bounty updates and community moments. If you've been following along with the Misery Gauntlet hosted by Zizaran and sponsored by Maxroll (among others) then you'll recognize some of the highlights. Day 4 has been a bit less eventful so today's wrap-up is shorter as well.
Ladder & Bounties
Here's a look at the Misery Gauntlet day 4 Ladder and bounty standing (broken down by class & overall). People are starting to take down bosses so we'll be looking at points rather than level on the ladder ranking from now on. Here's the standing taken from PoERacing.
Overall Standing
- ThaiiThaiiYoYo (Thailesk)
- 98 Points
- Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones Champion.
- Seven_WhiteMaps (Grantador)
- 98 Points
- Boneshatter of Complex Trauma Juggernaut.
- ysyh_zzz (ysyh)
- 98 Points
- Cremation of Exhuming Trickster.
Class Ladder
- Witch
- (DEAD) exile_failedEDLMAO (nickexile11) - 95 Points, Volatile Dead of Seething Necromancer.
- muns_over_funs (Darkee), - 95 Points, Volatile Dead of Seething Necromancer.
- 跟這個世界說拜拜拜拜 (soul1027), - 95 Points, Volatile Dead of Seething Necromancer.
- Shadow
- ysyh_zzz (ysyh) - 98 Points, Cremation of Exhuming Trickster.
- JungroanGauntlet (Jezie) - 95 Points, Ice Nova of Frostbolts Trickster.
- (DEAD) Old_School_Flavour_Z (MURPHYx13x) - 94 Points, Explosive Trap of Shrapnel Saboteur.
- Ranger
- nobugsheree (jaunelangel69) - 95 Points, Toxic Rain Pathfinder.
- Goratha_XDDDDD (Goratha) - 94 Points, Toxic Rain Pathfinder.
- whoaskedforthesemods (nickexile11) - 94 Points, Toxic Rain Pathfinder.
- Duelist
- ThaiiThaiiYoYo (Thailesk) - 98 Points, Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones Champion.
- cArn_Become_a_Champion (CARNDARAK) - 96 Points, Boneshatter of Complex Trauma Slayer.
- (DEAD) WOODLANDER_JOE (puckorwin) - 95 Points, Boneshatter of Complex Trauma Slayer.
- Marauder
- Sevan_WhiteMaps (Grantador) - 98 Points, Boneshatter of Complex Trauma Juggernaut.
- (DEAD) Havoc_BoneZone (Havoc6) - 95 Points, Boneshatter of Complex Trauma Juggernaut.
- (DEAD) sbb_misery (xSayByeBye) - 95 Points, Boneshatter of Complex Trauma Juggernaut.
- Templar
- Gauntlet_Jisoon (Jisoon1) - 96 Points, Summon Raging Spirit Guardian.
- KingGhidora (Ovvy) - 96 Points, Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones Guardian.
- (DEAD) nnqweqweq (nn313) - 95 Points, Summon Raging Spirit Guardian.
- Scion
- (DEAD) DinoGauntletDance (skydeep) - 94 Points, Summon Raging Spirit Ascendant.
- Wyrm_wristpaingang (Wyrm_GG) - 93 Points, Cremation of Exhuming Ascendant.
- CoochieDoingItForMe (Venlas) - 93 Points, Lancing Steel of Spraying Ascendant.
As people are switching from leveling to killing bosses we're seeing points come into play more than levels. Several bosses including Atziri, Elder and Catarina have fallen during the competition.
Notable Bounties
Here are a few of the confirmed bounties players claimed during day 4 of the Misery Gauntlet. So far 3 of Maxroll's own bounties have been claimed! There was also a flash bounty for Delving which Carn quickly cleaned up by delving down to depth 300.
- First to Slay Lycxia, Herald of the Scourge, in a level 83+ Forbidden Sanctum
- First to Delve to Depths 250 and 300.
- $500 Claimed by Carn.
Apothecary, Make it 3
Terence engaged in unholy rituals to summon himself 3/5ths of a Mageblood via the The Apothecary. Getting from 3/5ths to the full items is going to take quite a bit of luck with Harvest Gambling so it's not yet secured but having a Mageblood in the Gauntlet is well worth the risk.
RIP Clips
During day 4 of the Misery Gauntlet the RIP clips have been less eventful than usual, day 3 was a tough act to follow and right now most racers are still farming or taking on easier bosses. That said, here are a few of the fun RIP clips from day 4.
- Hop, hop, hop shotgunned into an early grave. Moving fast to dodge the monsters is often touted as a great way to stay alive but in this case it was Phaze's undoing.
- One of the eldritch entities put a hit out on Sjatar, he was mercilessly hunted and destroyed by a pair of ghosted mobs. Ghosted enemies are extremely dangerous and two of them are guaranteed to ruin your day.
- The Viridian Wildwood claimed another victim this time not from the monsters but instead via the small frogs which chase you then explode.
Maxroll in the Gauntlet
Several members of Maxroll have been participating in the Misery Gauntlet and testing their mettle during day 4.
- When using Orbs of Fusing on your gear it either 6-links or it doesn't. Raxxanterax had 8 Fusings to try his luck at linking a weapon but sometimes you only need one! Getting a 6-link in the Gauntlet means way more damage so that you can kill enemies faster and dead enemies are slightly less likely to fight back than living ones (watch out for on death effects).
Upcoming Coverage
That's it for our day 4 wrap-up on the Misery Gauntlet. To keep up with the daily Gauntlet highlights here on Maxroll, head over to our Discord and select the Path of Exile role in #roles to stay up to date with our content development. Stay sane, Exile!
Written by: Tenkiei
Contributions by: The Path of Exile Community
Reviewed by: Northwar