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Gunslinger PvP Build Guide

Last Updated: December 27th 2023

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The Gunslinger is Lost Ark's first introduction of an opposite counterpart to an existing class, in this case, Deadeye. Compared to her male counterpart, most of her strengths come from Quick Step for engages and stronger Sniper skills. Other than that they play similarly. Her unique Identity allows her to swap between three guns, giving her a wide range of tools to deal with many situations. Pistol skills are used for mobility and engagement, Shotgun for damage and Sniper for picks. She relies on mobility skills for protection, like Stampede, a two part skill with long Immunity.

In PvP, the Gunslinger revolves around quick catches with her Sniper and Pistol combo. The ability to dance around the arena with lethal skills gives her a high ranking on the PvP tier list. If played well, this class is a strong carry that is hard to stop.

This article assumes you have a Character with a minimum level of 26 before transitioning to it. Check out the Gunslinger Leveling and 1-50 Leveling guides to reach Level 26.

Check out the General PvP Guide for a better understanding of the arena systems in place.

High Mobility ✔
High Damage ✔
High Push Immunity ✔

❌ Squishy
❌ Decent Skill Ceiling
❌ Identity Swap Difficulties

Core Skills

  • Spiral Tracker is mainly used as a combo extender.
  • AT02 Grenade is your main Crowd Control skill that can peel for teammates or extend combos.
  • Quick Step is one of your main engage tools with Push Immunity.
  • Somersault Shot is one of your best mobility skills with a low Cooldown and Push Immunity. This skill can also be used as a combo extender by dashing over opponents.
  • Death Fire is a great Push Immunity skill if you channel the full duration. You can also use this skill purely for movement, as tapping the skill sends you forward without having to go through the whole shooting animation.
  • Dexterous Shot is another good mobility skill, it can be used to extend combos as well.
  • Peacekeeper is another mobility skill.
  • Bullet Rain is a decent filler skill while waiting for Cooldowns. It can be used to extend Crowd Controls and catch vulnerable opponents.
  • Last Request is your one of your main damaging skills
  • Shotgun Rapid Fire, Hour of Judgment and Sharpshooter are decent filler Shotgun skills for additional damage. Note that Sharpshooter has a long channel time and can be cancelled by stance swapping.
  • Spiral Flame is a decent Sniper skill that extends combo and Knock Up opponents.
  • Catastrophe is one of your main damaging skills that also provides Push Immunity. You can hold down this skill for protection if needed.
  • Perfect Shot is a high damage and Knock Down skill. With Perfect Aim, you can cancel the shot before it fully charges without putting it on Cooldown. The laser sight is great for zoning and playing mind games before canceling. If you intend to hit a target, you can hide the laser sight by aiming backwards or to the side before quickly spinning to your target.
  • Focused Shot is a another good damaging skill that Knock Down opponents.
  • High-Caliber HE Bullet is your main Awakening skill for 3v3s. Eye of Twilight is another Awakening skill that does more single target damage, making it better for a 1v1 setting. Use AT02 Grenade to combo into both these skills.

PvP Builds

Team Deathmatch (3v3)
Team Elimination (1v1)

Combat Stats

750 Swiftness, 1 Critical and 249 Specialization


Safer Option

Basic Combo #1

  1. Engage with Quick Step or Dexterous Shot.
  2. Follow up with Spiral Tracker. (Note: you will have be close to them when tossing the skill to connect).
  3. Finish with Last Request, Catastrophe, or any other damaging skill.

Basic Combo #2

  1. Engage with Quick Step or Dexterous Shot.
  2. Follow up with Spiral Tracker.
  3. Then use Catastrophe into Focused Shot.

Extended Combo

  1. Start with Quick Step or Dexterous Shot.
  2. Follow up with Spiral Tracker.
  3. Use Catastrophe into AT02 Grenade as they are falling down (before completely hitting the floor).
  4. Finish with Last Request.
  5. Note that Last Request and Catastrophe can be swapped around. Also be wary of using Spiral Tracker with Catastrophe on squishier classes, as it might ruin the combo (ie: Sharpshooters).


  • Understanding FoV and how to abuse it is what separates the good Gunslingers from the bad ones. Keeping your opponents to the left and right of your screen greatly increases your chances of catching opponents with Quick Step and your sniper skills.
  • Playing on the outskirts of the make could also help with engagements and picking targets off.
  • When the match starts, you can rush forward with Somersault Shot, Death Fire, and Quick Step to try to get picks with Spiral Flame, Perfect Shot and Focused Shot.

Combat Stats

  • 750 Swiftness, 1 Critical and 249 Domination
  • 750 Swiftness, 1 Critical and 249 Specialization


  • Flash can be used instead of Enhanced Bullet on Focused Shot if you want to sacrifice damage for Crowd Control.
  • Dual Buckshot is another Push Immunity skill available.
  • AoE Fire on Bullet Rain can be taken over any of the level 4 shotgun skills.

Basic Combo #1

  1. Engage with Quick Step or Dexterous Shot.
  2. Follow up with Spiral Tracker. (Note: you will have be close to them when tossing the skill to connect).
  3. Finish with Last Request, Catastrophe, or any other damaging skill.

Basic Combo #2

  1. Engage with Quick Step or Dexterous Shot.
  2. Follow up with Spiral Tracker.
  3. Then use Catastrophe into Focused Shot.

Extended Combo

  1. Start with Quick Step or Dexterous Shot.
  2. Follow up with Spiral Tracker.
  3. Use Catastrophe into AT02 Grenade as they are falling down (before completely hitting the floor).
  4. Finish with Last Request.
  5. Note that Last Request and Catastrophe can be swapped around. Also be wary of using Spiral Tracker with Catastrophe on squishier classes, as it might ruin the combo (ie: Sharpshooters).


  • In the 1v1 variant, running the standard 3v3 build is fine. The only real difference between the builds is the inclusion of Phantom Shot on Quick Step for more Push Immunity.
  • AT02 Grenade into Eye of Twilight is your Awakening combo. You can drop Perfect Shot to lv 7 if needed.
Heavy Armor
Spirit Absorption
Hit Master
Time to Hunt
Keen Blunt Weapon
Crisis Evasion


GvG is more chaotic than Arena battles, so you rarely have the opportunity to do long combos. This mode is more about zoning/interrupting objectives and assisting allies. Do your best to coordinate with your team and stick together. Refer to 3v3 section for more gameplay tips.

Please refer to the GvG Islands and GvG Builds Guide for more information!


  • AT02 Grenade is an important Crowd Control skill.
  • Use your mobility skills to get advantages positions. Remember your Push Immunity skills and escapes.
  • Engage with Quick Step and your Sniper skills.
  • Abuse FoV (Field of Vision) by and keeping your opponents horizontal from you.


Written by Starlast
Reviewed by Lexyu

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